All posts filed under: Love


You have to know that the chance is there for everyone to find their soulmate but you have to be ready and blessed enough to be able to recognize and grab it when the time is right to do it. With help of these articles and posts you will be able to increase your chances and more probably find the True Love of your Life!

Did you know that a dream dictionary can actually give you a dream meaning you’ve always been interested in?

Or the fact that a tarot card can provide a tarot card reading to gain insight into your obstacles and make them go away? Find an experienced psychic for a love reading or rely on your sun sign and birth date for a horoscope!

Check your weekly or yearly horoscope as well, you can find the most recent reports in the ‘Horoscope’ menu.

Women's Day

International Women’s Day

Women’s Day – appreciation International women’s day is upon us once again. Time to appreciate the women in our lives. To be aware of all they do to give us life. Spiritually speaking, International women’s day reminds us to respect. When we take a moment  to go within and reflect on the value of women it gives us an opportunity for a moment of meditation, to feel and remember to open up to the love, the tenderness and the passion that is femininity. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! When we respect and honor women and The Feminine we respect the softness within ourselves  the ability to receive and the ability to be vulnerable. These are great aspects of our Human Experience. The feminine is often misunderstood and feared. It is most powerful in a very subtle way. The feminine sometimes means to be patient. To keep a clear idea in mind and patiently wait for it to materialize. It can also mean to create more by …

Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day – Find Your Love

Valentine’s Day – work with your Love energy There is belief that on Valentine’s day, holy Valentine himself descends to Earth to help people to find their love! What we can say for sure is that 14th of February holds special energy itself. Valentine’s day is one of the best day of the year to work with your love energy. Remember love is the most powerful energy and everyone longs for it; there is no exception! I would like to share some simple but very powerful rituals for those who are ready to receive  and share love. First ritual is for a girls and women who wish to change their inner state, boosting their self-confidence and become desirable for men. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true Psyschic reading today! What you will need to perform this ritual are: 2 red candles Rose petals or rose water 1 glass of red wine Rose oil (or any oil that smells like rose). Rose has always been considered a flower that attracts love. …


Flowers and Their Messages of Love

Flowers – Communication In the world of modern communications, it is easy to forget that for much of man’s history flowers have been used as a way for lovers to communicate.  From the flowers representing the courtship to the flowers chosen to be in a bridal bouquet, very specific messages and meanings are sent. The language of flowers is believed to have its roots in the harems of the ancient Middle East.  In the restrictive world of the harem, love to anyone other than your husband was not only frowned upon, but could get you dead.  Abundant and easily available, flowers were used to communicate tender feelings between lovers. Get a free trial for a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! The Victorians took the language of flowers to a high art.  In the era of Queen Victoria florigraphy (the language of flowers) reached its highest use.  There were floral dictionaries covering the meanings of the blossoms. Brides would angst over having just the right flowers in their bouquets.  Yet, having blossoms in …

Love symbols

Some of the Associations of Love

Love symbols – evoke emotions From cheap trinkets to extravagantly expensive gifts, lovers have expressed their feelings to one another by various love symbols including gestures and gifts.  Romantic feelings are expressed with a variety of things from foods and herbs, to gems and flowers.  From fragrances of the ancient world that are the forerunners of modern perfumes, to flowers whose delicate petals evoke tender feelings, love has a variety of associations.  Here are just a few of the associations of love. Love and Food Most cultures have a food that is purported to help stir the passions.  From the earth asparagus, avocado and chocolate are just a few of the foods believed to have aphrodisiac qualities.  The sea gives oysters and prawns, both said to bring a heightened sexual desire.  Did you know that tomatoes are sometimes called “love apples”?  And then, there are strawberries and mangoes to round out the fruits of desire. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! Love and Fragrances Your personal scent– your pheromones, are your …

Twin flame

Twin Flame memories

Twin flame – one power Two people can offer support, which is all things that love should be, but very often the rules get clouded. Speaking to your Twin Flame can often be before birth and sometimes even before you meet in this life. Many people have fragments of sentences spoken either before birth, or on one of the many dream planes and all this happens before you meet in the psychical sense. The knowledge of love and how to love and the pain, which can come about in dream state can be quite severe, leaving a person full of emotion as they wake from sharing time with their Twin Flame. The energy is so complete, that every emotion is shared and is one power. This pure quality is enough to make both parties involved want to remain in the dream state for a lifetime. This is why Twin Flame exist, to be partners that lead to plans and promises for this life. Time did not give you enough of their love. Promises are made …

Good catch

Are you a good catch?

Good catch – reverse the question With more than 25 years of experience in Tarot and Astrology I’m quite familiar with the question: „Will I start a new relationship soon?” Many people will not be satisfied with less than a perfect relationship, but seem to be very surprised when I reverse the question: „Are you a good catch, a  perfect partner yourself?” However, if you really want to find yourself in a good relationship, such soul-searching is unavoidable. Astro – Tarot readings offer a good opportunity to start with. Tarot will show you if there is a prospect of a relationship in the near future, and will give you hints how to change your behavior, emotional and intellectual attitude to attract the special person. Astrology will tell you important details about the structure of your personality, your different needs, and will also clarify if this are in tune with your conscious expectations. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! For instance a woman with a Taurus sun …

Love mysteries

The Mysteries of Love

Love mysteries – unknown depths When two people meet, whether by accident or introduced on a social circuit, you never quite know the full background of a person. Arranged marriages for instance can lead both people down a sad and lonely path. But it is not just arranged marriages, that have hidden unknown depths and who is to say these depths will all be dark, as they could be part of love mysteries too. In the western world, there are still people bumping into people drinking, talking, and getting to know one another on a daily basis. To really know a person is to become their partner or lover. Get a trial for a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! When you first see a person, it might be a pheromonal reaction, that pulls you together, like bees sensing flowers in the dawn breeze. The timing and the sudden change of routine suddenly puts another person upon your life path. Some say, people thinking and feeling the same will meet, even if it …


Love expands freedom

Freedom – stop the storm Love expands freedom. Authentic love helps the other to evolve, to overcome their limits, to enrich their experience, and to know themselves in depth. True love does not limit, does not put barriers, and does not create prisons. Unconditional love is a great power! Love is the fragrance of your being. If you feel that you have failed in love, please, do not blame love itself. Be as lucid as you can and see what your responsibility is. Perhaps you had some expectations or certain claims, requests you never expressed. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! In some relationships, the arguing always start from the same partner. The other is the one who manages to stop the storm. It is possible for both of them to have problems expressing their feelings, but together they are able to make sure each other is okay. Sometimes it’s good to let go of yourself and accept certain things from your partner, just to make the …

choosing partner

Choosing a partner…

Choosing partner – desire  The idea of love can be shattered, when after being married, things do not go according to the Prince and Princess rules. There is a certain energy when choosing partner and in the beginning of all relationships, where both parties are experiencing intrigue and excitement about their partners. The desire to know a person sexually, but also fear of being trapped with a partner, who does not match up to their expectations, after marriage. Any relationship can quickly turn to feelings of being let down, or trapped. The general preparation of an outfit before a date seems so important in the beginning. Just choosing correctly can leave a person standing in front of the mirror wondering, which is the best thing to wear? I am sure nobody thinks in two years time, I will not even be bothered, if my partner likes what I am wearing or not. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true psychic reading!  The excitement can quickly disappear from a relationship, if you …

Lovers card

What does he think about me?

A lot of my tarot readings begin with the question “what does he think of me?” The querent may have just met this fella, felt a spark, and needed some assurances. She and her husband of ten years may be going through a rough patch that has no foreseeable end, and she needs to know if she should stay or go. There are a number of reasons that may have led her to a tarot reading, but at the end of the day, she wants to know “what does he think of me?” And here comes the Lovers card. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true psychic reading!  After years of answering this question, I have found one card in the deck that is always relevant: The Lovers. When the Lovers card first appears, it often leaves the querent a little starry-eyed. It must mean that everything will be okay, that he feels the same way she does, and that they have a connection that runs deep. Depending on the other …