All posts filed under: Love


You have to know that the chance is there for everyone to find their soulmate but you have to be ready and blessed enough to be able to recognize and grab it when the time is right to do it. With help of these articles and posts you will be able to increase your chances and more probably find the True Love of your Life!

Did you know that a dream dictionary can actually give you a dream meaning you’ve always been interested in?

Or the fact that a tarot card can provide a tarot card reading to gain insight into your obstacles and make them go away? Find an experienced psychic for a love reading or rely on your sun sign and birth date for a horoscope!

Check your weekly or yearly horoscope as well, you can find the most recent reports in the ‘Horoscope’ menu.

Lessons in Love

Love lessons – wrong pattern? The way our heart develops is like any other organ, if it does not receive enough of the necessary things needed in order to make it grow, it will have difficulty coping with things associated with love. These love lessons, examples are normally shown by our parents, but what if the parents are dysfunctional? What if the parents are separated and far too full of their own emotional problems? What if the child is adopted and moved along through various houses of support, but never get to see real love. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic! People like this often watch romantic movies as children and some right into adult life. They take their examples of love, or what love should be like from books and stories with strong hero and heroine characters. This is great for amusement, but when it comes to real life, movies do not give not give a realistic view of life and its pitfalls. Romance can sweep a person …

Finding a Happy-Enough Relationship with the Help of the Astrology

Happy relationship – trends pf spirituality I don’t deny the existence of soul-mates and twin flames. However, the current trends of spirituality overemphasize their importance. This, at any given moment becomes an obstacle in itself, sabotaging any attempts at establishing a healthy relationship, as it sets Everest -sized expectations in all of us when we are looking for eligible partners and a happy relationship. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! I totally agree with the Psychologist and Life Coach John Pavlovitz, who wrote: „As a result of the Soulmate Lie, we nearly kill ourselves seeking perfection from others, we become hyper-sensitize to people’s flaws, we cut-bait and discard relationships whenever things turn less-than-ideal.(…) The Soulmate Lie keeps us perpetually in search of something better; the foot that fits the glass slipper or Prince Charming on his white horse.” At a deeper level, the perpetual search for a soul mate can be a warning sign that the individual has troubles with intimacy, or even reluctant to face the responsibility, commitment and sometimes …

Are you sure you have found your true soulmate?

Be brave enough to believe How can you be sure you have found your true soulmate? Is that really the situation with your current relationship or are you simply at the point where you want to believe to have found your soulmate so hard even if basically you are aware that it is not the truth? There are signs that you might discover if you are in a relationship with your soulmate – just be brave enough to believe you are among the lucky ones if you experience that your relationship is as strong as a rock. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic for FREE! To be totally convinced we here present you some guidance that may reinforce your thoughts and feelings and hopefully after you have read the article you will be even more confident about your relationship. True soulmate The most important thing is that even during negative episodes you’re focused on resolving the problem and can see beyond difficulties. If your partner is your true soulmate, …

Avoid love delusion – Get help today!

Esoteric knowledge to find answers People turn to online horoscopes and psychic readings in various situations of life. Most of the situations in which people seek help from these paranormal fields are when we have to make crucial decisions or when life looks very bleak and things are unclear. Seeking help from online horoscopes and psychic readings will shed more light on those dark areas of life. One of the areas of life for which people frequently get help from online horoscopes and psychic readings is choosing one’s partner. As this is one of the most important decisions one will ever make in their lives, it is only understandable to get as much help as possible while making this decision. As you would like to avoid love delusion, it is worth to ask for help. A psychic can give you the exact insight you need. Chat with an expert today for FREE! When you find the right soulmate you will be able to enjoy a stable life. You will not have to face frequent breakups …

It is Time to Forgive!

Perhaps you have not given any thought to a certain aspect of 2017 yet but, just like every New Year, you get the unique opportunity for completely new and fresh start. To make the most of this opportunity, we highly recommend accepting your past and facing all the harmful things you have buried deep inside. When that’s done, ask yourself; Am I ready to forgive? If the answer is yes, wonderful – do it! Announce your forgiveness of past actions out loud and let go of the pain connected to them. If you feel that you cannot forgive, ask yourself; Why? You must have a conscious, deep and meaningful conversation with yourself until you find the core reason that makes forgiving so hard for you. There are additional reasons why forgiving is beneficial to you besides spiritual self-purification. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true reading from a psychic! 1: Healing & Cathartic Release Forgiving will lift the weight off of your heart and shoulders. We tend to hold on …

Are you prepared for next two weeks’ Live Rituals?

Psychic Rituals – Lagira: Appointments of performing my psychic rituals: April 19 and April 24. I will concentrate on rituals about financial flourishing (career) and maybe love as well. Rituals will help clients create a strong stream of energy and their aims will be drawn to them in a natural way. Rituals help not only reach a goal but they help you heal yourself as well. They help clients become stronger mentally and emotionally. Many people feel lost and can’t effectuate positive events in their lives and that’s why they need professional help, someone who will show them the way to their dreams. Believe it or not, you can learn the truth faster than you ever expected, just contact a Psychic for Free! Psychic Rituals – Morrdor: I chose two days before the New Moon, April 25-26, leading towards the New Moon. The energy at this time is the darkest and is pulled towards the moon in a literal sense, but energywise, it is when ghosts and demons possess most powers. So I recommend no house buying or major …

Spring is here! Use the fresh vibes to attract new love!

Spring’s refreshing energy supports finding new love Spring is here and everyone can feel the positive, vibrating energy. It is important to note that nature isn’t the only thing that can go through a renewal in this period, but so can you! Everybody knows which parts of their lives require an energy boost and love and romance are certainly among the top contenders these days. After the long and cold evenings of winter we all enjoy sunshine, as well as the positive energy that nature simply radiates. The energy gained from nature increases the intention to find new love as well. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true reading from a psychic! In this article we would like to focus on how to get the best out of spring’s supportive vibrations in order to attract new love and relationships! Happiness does indeed depend on certain circumstances, but true and everlasting happiness comes from inner balance. You have to be aware that tying your happiness to certain conditions is a trap. …

Best practices to maintain your relationship

Excitement faded away in your relationship? When you and your partner first met and did things together was probably very romantic and impulsive. During that exciting and memorable time of courtship, having someone you admired to notice and care about you must have been a true thrill. However as time passes the excitement may fade away if you do not decide that caring for your partner should be an essential part of your daily routine. How can you keep your marriage or relationship joyful and overall satisfying through the years? Is it even possible to keep love and romance alive in your marriage after 10, 20 or more years spent together? The answer is yes, but only with a conscious effort from both sides. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! Let me share with you some tips which can greatly contribute to having a fulfilling relationship. 1, Make every outing a date.  Even if you are very busy taking care of your children and a time consuming …

Full Moon Report – Be prepared for the Full Moon on March 12

Full Moon in the sign of Virgo The Full Moon on March 12th will be in the sign of Virgo and will bring about increased tension in general. All the relationships that are stressful to you will become even more upsetting and it is of extreme importance that you find solutions during this period that are lasting and help you keep balanced and level-headed until the upcoming New Moon. All the problems that come to the surface can only be resolved properly if you find their core roots. Get a trial for a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! A meaningful and deep analysis can lead to positive changes, finally guiding you to peace and harmony. Periods of Full Moons always highlight the polarities in one’s life. During these periods you are forced to find the balance between things that work and those that do not. You have to be careful not to lose your temper while your inner pressure keeps increasing. Chances of conflicts are higher during these days as tension reaches sky-high …

Bring Back Lost Love – Candle ritual series V.

Now that your candles are dressed up, cleaned and you are sure you have the appropriate color and shape chosen for real candle rituals it is time to get familiar with the process of a widely used and very effective ceremony. All you need are the following: 1 Virgin Red 8″ Taper Candle (with appr. 7 hours of burning time) 1 Nail – Virgin Olive Oil or Rose oil Dried, crushed basil or ground ginger 7 red top straight pins or 7 red rose thorns Cleanse the candle with cool water with the intention to get rid it of any impurities it absorbed on its journey to you. The same effect can be accomplished by bathing it in the smoke of sage. A psychic can give you the AUTHENTIC READING you’ve always longed for. Look one up at today! Inscribe your love’s name lengthwise onto the candle with the nail. Make sure the inscription starts about an inch away from the bottom of the candle. Drip oil on the candle inscription from top to bottom, …