All posts filed under: Tarot

If you are curious about the wise method and system of Tarot cards and wish to get to know the ancient symbols of it you are in the right place to start. If you use the wisdom of these cards by having a tarot card reading, you will greatly benefit from the provided information as you will know how to deal with challenges and what the most appropriate reactions will be in certain situations.  

The sixth sense of a psychic is a gift you should use for your own good! Therefore on, you will get a tarot reading or a dream interpretation, whichever tells you the most of your current situation! While you are having a psychic reading, you can be sure that you are taken care of.

Did you know that a dream dictionary can actually give you a dream meaning you’ve always been interested in? Or the fact that a tarot card reader can provide a tarot card reading to gain insight into your obstacles and make them go away? Find an experienced psychic for a psychic reading or rely on your sun sign and birthdate for a yearly horoscope!

Do you prefer a daily horoscope or a longer lasting monthly horoscope to make your day? It’s all up to you on Oranum!

The Real Benefits of an Online Psychic Reading

Online Psychic reading – Gain insight to your future Are you interested in getting an online psychic reading to gain insight into your future before making important decisions? Are you in search of your local psychic reader or a tarot card reader? It might not be all that easy to find your psychic readers in your area because not everyone advertises their services as most of them keep a low profile and spread their reputation by word of mouth references. The same applies to tarot card readers as well. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic for FREE! If you are facing problems in finding your local psychics or tarot readers why don’t you try an online psychic reading? There are many advantages in finding your psychic readers online. First, you will not have to waste your time asking for references from your friends and colleagues. Moreover, not everyone is comfortable to discuss with friends about getting psychic readings. So you too may feel delicate about getting information from friends …

The Real Power of the Tarot Cards

How does a Tarot reading work? The first thing you would like to know about when you meet an Expert of Tarot Cards is what the method is and how readings work in general. “How does a Tarot Reading work?” is one of the most frequently asked question in my free chat room. A tarot reading can be comprised of several things, but there is always; The Querent, The Reader, The Question, The Tarot Cards, and The Spread. If you believe the truth can come to closer and faster to you than you’d ever thought, contact a psychic for FREE! These elements may appear in different forms, but they are always there in your reading. Elements of a reading with Tarot cards Now, let’s look at these elements in depth and see how they interrelate to bring clarity and understanding in a reading. The Querent: This is where the reading starts. The Querent is the person who wants to have a reading – for whatever reason. What the Querent brings to the reading is their …

Understanding Tarot – The Cups

Written By: Dr. Nikki The Cups are the best known suit in the tarot. Symbolizing our deeper emotions, this suit can be represented in a number of ways. Cups are the more standard and most often seen in decks, but they can appear as Chalices, Bowls, and Hearts. The Cups equate to the suit of Hearts in a standard card deck. The Cups are aligned with the element of Water, which rules emotions and, especially, love. Water is fluid, as our emotions. Water reflects how we express our inner selves to the world. Man can live without food for weeks, but can only survive a few days without water. Water, and our emotions, are the stuff that life is made of. Strongly influencing the relationships you have with others in the world, Cups can indicate a need for transforming or changing the way you interact with others. Creativity is said to come from the heart – from the emotion. As a representation of water, the Cups invite us to drink from the flow of life …

Understanding Tarot – The Pentacles

Written By: Dr. Nikki Pentacles are represented in decks in many different ways. They can be shown as Disks, Pumpkins, Coins, and even Diamonds (also the suit Pentacles relate to in your regular playing deck). The Pentacles are often elaborately decorated; for example, the Queen of Pentacles is normally shown amidst abundant natural growth and vegetation to represent her fertility and fecundity. Aligned with the element of Earth, these are the cards that relate to money, material and earthly matters. When considering the elemental connection, Pentacles are not just about money. The Pentacles show the material world that you live in and how you relate to it and these are important aspects of your spiritual nature. Fertility is a strong component of the Earth element and sensuality, sex, and the fertility of creative energy are all represented in this suit. You will want to consider your foundation when Pentacles are present. When reading about health, pay particular attention to the Pentacles in your spread as health is governed by the Earth element. When there are …

Understanding Tarot – The Swords

Written By: Dr. Nikki Arguably, the most standard of the representations from deck to deck in the Tarot, you can find Swords are in nearly every deck. For example, the suit of Cups can be represented as Bowls or Chalices in different decks; Pentacles can become Coins or Disks; and the Wands can become Staves or Rods. However, the Swords – the suit that responsible for the hidden motivations and thought processes – are nearly universal and seen in almost all decks. Even in the standard playing card deck, the Swords are very easy to identify. The Italian word for sword is “spada.” It is not difficult to see how the suit of “Spades” got its name. Aligned with the element of Air, the Swords are the cards that speak to the internal intellect. Air as an element is associated with the spiritual realm and relates to things such as thought, speech, communication, your connection with your Higher Power and your own decisions. This element is associated with the head and thinking. It is said …

Understanding Tarot – The Wands

Written By: Dr. Nikki Known by several different names, the suit of Wands covers physical passion, struggle, personal spiritual life force and more. In a normal deck of playing cards (and in some tarot decks) the suit of Wands is represented by the suit of clubs. Depicted as Wands with new growth, Staffs, Rods, and, of course, Clubs, this suit is normally shown as something that feeds fire. Whatever their depiction, the suit of Wands speaks of passion in all its guises. Aligned with the element of Fire (a rod or staff can burn), the Wands speak to that elemental part of us. Fire can be a fantastic tool, when controlled and used properly it can create rebirth and regeneration. Fire warms us, helps cook our food, and lights our way. When not controlled however, fire can burn uncontrollably and destructively, devouring all that is in its path. Many of the attributes of fire are represented in the suit of Wands. Fire is transformative. When you see a Wand in your spread be sure to …

Understanding Tarot – The Major Arcana

Written By: Dr. Nikki The Major Arcana is comprised of the cards that have no equivalent in a standard playing card deck. Each of the Major Arcana cards is named as well as numbered normally by Roman numerals. Beginning with The Fool, card 0, the Major Arcana traverse through the cards to end at card 21, The World. The journey through the Major Arcana is often referred to as “The Journey of the Soul”. One of the first things that I look for in reading tarot is how many, if any, of the Major Arcana appear in the spread. If I am doing a three card spread and all three cards are Major Arcana, I know that this reading will be intense for the person I am reading for. If there are no Major Arcana it does not mean that the reading has no value, it just means that the context of the reading is more outside the individual than inside. What is the big deal about these cards anyway? Signifying its importance, the Major …

Understanding Tarot – The Overall Basics

Written By: Dr. Nikki You may have heard a lot about tarot. Maybe you heard that it was invented by the ancient Egyptians, or that it was developed by the Romany as they moved into northern Europe. In reality, Tarot dates back to 15th Century Italy where it was developed as a card game of entertainment for the nobility as they escaped the plague-ridden cities for summers in their country villas. The deck for the card game, tarrochi, consisted of four suits – Wands, Pentacles, Cups, and Swords (which have fourteen cards each) and another grouping called the Major Arcana (which is composed of twenty-two cards). A full deck of tarot includes a total of 78 cards. The deck has been revamped and some cards renamed by different artisans through the years, but the basic deck of 78 cards remains the same today as it was when first created. Each card in the tarot deck is assigned specific meanings or concepts. For example, the Cups are aligned with the element of water; the element responsible …