Pentacles are represented in decks in many different ways. They can be shown as Disks, Pumpkins, Coins, and even Diamonds (also the suit Pentacles relate to in your regular playing deck). The Pentacles are often elaborately decorated; for example, the Queen of Pentacles is normally shown amidst abundant natural growth and vegetation to represent her fertility and fecundity. Aligned with the element of Earth, these are the cards that relate to money, material and earthly matters.
When considering the elemental connection, Pentacles are not just about money. The Pentacles show the material world that you live in and how you relate to it and these are important aspects of your spiritual nature. Fertility is a strong component of the Earth element and sensuality, sex, and the fertility of creative energy are all represented in this suit. You will want to consider your foundation when Pentacles are present. When reading about health, pay particular attention to the Pentacles in your spread as health is governed by the Earth element. When there are questions about profession and career, the Pentacles can bring the matter into clear focus.
When you have a prevalence of Pentacles in your spread it indicates that it is time to get serious about the basics of life. Are you taking care of your finances? Are you making choices that are in accord with your goals and objectives? Have you created a solid foundation to build your future plans upon? Another consideration with several Pentacles in your spread is to look to your health. Are you taking care of yourself physically? These are just some of the questions the Pentacles challenge you to look at.
The Pentacles not only challenge you to look at things like your personal resources and health, they also help you to see what you need to focus on to achieve your goal. They can indicate a time of bounty from hard work and effort. When you feel you are at a stand-still look to the Pentacles for indicators on what work needs to be accomplished to achieve the goal. These cards can also show you what you need to put in to place for a solid foundation to build your future plans on.
Referred to by some as the “money cards,” the Pentacles have meanings that go much deeper than just money. Here are some of the keywords for the individual Pentacles so you can see for yourself money is not the only thing this suit is about.
Ace – Solid foundation, financial improvement
Two – Change, normally for the better
Three – Growth and steady progress
Four – Structure and boundaries are called for
Five – Fiscal discord, seek sanctuary during a time of problems
Six – Review attitudes toward abundance in your life, be willing to receive
Seven – Sense of purpose through profession, time to enjoy rewards
Eight – Great pleasure and skill in work and creativity, time for patience
Nine – Self-discipline and hard work bring success, accomplishment and achievement
Ten – Wealth, fiscal security, the benefits of hard work and applied efforts
Page – New ideas, focus and concentration bring new ideas for success
Knight – Responsibility taken seriously and fulfilled, material security
Queen – Fertility, confidence, self-determination through will, connection with the natural world
King – Success, prosperity through effort, time to appreciate achievements
From telling you what you need to do to establish your foundation to letting you know when it is time to enjoy the results of efforts made, you can depend on the Pentacles to give you the information you seek.
Editor’s Note: Be sure to catch Dr. Nikki’s LIVE Stream show on Oranum every Sunday at 5PM PDT.
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