All posts tagged: candle

Bring Back Lost Love – Candle ritual series V.

Now that your candles are dressed up, cleaned and you are sure you have the appropriate color and shape chosen for real candle rituals it is time to get familiar with the process of a widely used and very effective ceremony. All you need are the following: 1 Virgin Red 8″ Taper Candle (with appr. 7 hours of burning time) 1 Nail – Virgin Olive Oil or Rose oil Dried, crushed basil or ground ginger 7 red top straight pins or 7 red rose thorns Cleanse the candle with cool water with the intention to get rid it of any impurities it absorbed on its journey to you. The same effect can be accomplished by bathing it in the smoke of sage. A psychic can give you the AUTHENTIC READING you’ve always longed for. Look one up at today! Inscribe your love’s name lengthwise onto the candle with the nail. Make sure the inscription starts about an inch away from the bottom of the candle. Drip oil on the candle inscription from top to bottom, …

Time to play, dress up! – Candle Ritual IV.

Pay attention when you perform candle ritual! Anytime when you perform candle ritual, you should know that it is very important to always use a virgin candle, meaning an unused one. The reasoning behind this is that a previously used candle still carries the vibrations of your old workings, therefore may have the wrong effect on your candle, and most of the time, your Magic will not work out. Sometimes it is okay to use certain candles again, such as altar candles. They are burned all the time with the same intention. But before each usage, I still clip off the burnt wick and cleanse, recharge and redress the candle for the next use. Some might disagree with this method, but it works impeccably for me. If you believe the truth can come to closer and faster to you than you’d ever thought, contact a psychic for FREE! Clean your candles It’s important to cleanse each candle you get before you perform a candle ritual. You can do this simply by putting the candle in …

Different candle colors? Candle Ritual Series,III

The candle palette – Colors for Candle Ritual. Before we can begin any sort of Candle Ritual – although you are already familiar with the different possible shapes of candles – first there must be a basic understanding of colors represent. Listed below you will find the most common candle colors used for a candle ritual. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true reading from a psychic! GOLD – This color stands for masculine energy. Quite obviously it represents great fortune and abundance! Gold is a color that I burn most often to help my multiple works of divinations to give me a deeper and quicker understanding of messages coming to me. It brings fast luck and helps negate or turn negative vibes around. During the Candle Ritual, you can use this candle to honor the solar deities or bring financial benefits to yourself. WHITE – The white candle is a symbol of the Goddess. This candle is quite universal, it can be used as a substitute for any other …

Find your Partner! Candle Ritual Series,II

So Many Choices – Candle Ritual! We have already provided a brief introduction about candle magic in one our previous blog posts in this topic. Nevertheless as the topic itself is amazingly abundant we wished to grab the opportunity and create a series devoted to the undiscovered world of candles. First of all it is necessary to get familiar with the variations of candle shapes so later on you will know exactly which one supports certain goals the best. If you are in need of an honest reading with a Gifted and Talented online Psychic, visit Start chatting now for FREE! Different types of candles The very first thing we should understand about candles when beginning to work with them, is the different kinds there are! There are many to choose from, but here you will learn the ones most commonly used with Candle Magic. From as simple as my own creation of a button candle to as complex as a specificalyy shaped candle. But there are so many more than what I have …