All posts tagged: Christmas season

Spiritual holiday gifts

Unique Holiday Gifts for Your Spiritual Partner

Have you started seeing a spiritual person and are unsure what they might want for the holidays? If so, Oranum is here to help! We’ve compiled a magical guide that will help you find unique holiday gifts for your loved one. First off, congratulations! Dating a spiritual person is a wonderful gift as they can bring a lot to the table. They often offer us new ways of thinking, modes of understanding the world, and an overall appreciation for life’s natural beauty. However, when the Holiday season comes rolling around and occasions for exchanging gifts arise, we know how challenging it can be to shop for a spiritualist. Check out these spiritual holiday gifts below. In general, spiritual people do not gravitate towards material things, however this does not mean that you still can’t make a homerun with your gifts. Here’s our go-to list for getting a unique holiday gift for your spiritual partner:  Tarot, Angel, & Oracle Cards  Before you hop online to buy a deck, be sure to check that they don’t already own the one that you have your eye on. If they’ve ever mentioned being interested in Tarot, it is likely that they already own a traditional Rider-Waite deck but there are …

Getting the “Spirit” Back!

Christmas Season – celebrations across the globe Although we call it the “ Christmas Season ”, many religious belief systems have holidays in December.  The Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Pagan and Zoroastrian faiths also celebrate during this time, just to name a few.  It is no wonder that the spiritual energy this time of year is so strong. The “Christmas Season” has become quite the commercial enterprise with advertising and store displays touting holiday fare before the end of October.  If you were to base it on the constant marketing for you to buy-buy-buy, you would think the season is all about shopping and buying. But is it? A psychic can give you the authentic reading you’ve always longed for! There is far more to the holiday season than just the shopping and exchanging of gifts – although that is plenty of fun. Here are a few easy ways to help you bring the spirit of the season back.  And, as with many things of spirit, none of these will cost you nothing but some of …