All posts tagged: Clean mind

The Benefits of Spiritual Decluttering

The Benefits of Spiritual Decluttering and A Nice Spring Clean

GREETINGS YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!  Today I want to talk about an important, but often overlooked, subject – the benefits of spiritual decluttering.  What you consider clutter and what someone else does is often up for debate. For me, however, discarded, broken, and untidy things sound like clutter. If you have many miscellaneous objects that you don’t use in your daily life, it’s probably clutter. While these are physical things, they can also bring you down spiritually. Having clutter lowers your vibration and a great way to raise your vibration is to remove the messes in your life. So why talk about clutter now? Well, you may have noticed that we just entered the new season of spring, which is the ultimate time of renewal. If there’s ever an occasion to clear your path and polish those windows to your soul, it’s springtime.   So, what are the benefits of spiritual decluttering?   Physically, the changes will be obvious. Mentally, you will also notice a clear difference! Organized environments give a sense of clarity. The lightness enables a good vibrant flow of energy, bringing a healthy and positive outlook to your life. While you may find it hard to get rid of some items, consider donating as much as you …