
The Benefits of Spiritual Decluttering and A Nice Spring Clean

The Benefits of Spiritual Decluttering

GREETINGS YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!  Today I want to talk about an important, but often overlooked, subject – the benefits of spiritual decluttering.  What you consider clutter and what someone else does is often up for debate. For me, however, discarded, broken, and untidy things sound like clutter. If you have many miscellaneous objects that you don’t use in your daily life, it’s probably clutter. While these are physical things, they can also bring you down spiritually. Having clutter lowers your vibration and a great way to raise your vibration is to remove the messes in your life. So why talk about clutter now? Well, you may have noticed that we just entered the new season of spring, which is the ultimate time of renewal. If there’s ever an occasion to clear your path and polish those windows to your soul, it’s springtime.  

So, what are the benefits of spiritual decluttering?  

Physically, the changes will be obvious. Mentally, you will also notice a clear difference! Organized environments give a sense of clarity. The lightness enables a good vibrant flow of energy, bringing a healthy and positive outlook to your life. While you may find it hard to get rid of some items, consider donating as much as you can. When you find yourself missing that special pair of shoes, think of that person they now belong to who will be thanking you for their walk!  

Another one of the overlooked benefits of spiritual decluttering is that it simply makes life much easier. Clutter can cause blocks and obstacles such as negative mindsets, irritability, lack of ease, or demotivation.  You are likely experiencing these thoughts and feelings because of the chaos in items that are no longer needed that just hang around. This physical baggage can turn into spiritual and mental baggage quickly. Even clutter of thoughts, bad past experiences, and negative emotions can use some clearing every now and then. Holding on to these things, both tangible and intangible, hinders growth and creates blockages for the process of transformation.  

Naturally, you will find your mood improving along with a newfound feeling of balance in body, mind, and soul. 

The Benefits of Spiritual Decluttering

Ready, set, declutter!  

This can be done at any time. Personally, I love to make rituals out of decluttering, and I select high vibrational times to do my clearing. Springtime, Full Moons, Diwali, Christmas, and of course, any other random feel-good day are my preferred times!  

Starting with your intention, the purpose is to take your time during this process. For some, tt can be overwhelming and emotional on many levels. Please don’t stop BREATHING!  

Most importantly, what works for you may not work for me, vice versa—begin and end at your own pace. I like to give clothing and other useable items to charities and dispose of broken junk in the bin.  

Some items hold sentiment and memories that are neither junk, outworn, nor charitable! In these cases, it’s your call. What does this item represent to you, and what value does it have? Is your house full of these types of “sentimental items”? Do they take up all the space in your home? Could you make better use of this space? Maybe, you can sell this item? What emotions do these “items” give you? This is a tough subject and one that is often not talked about often enough when it comes to benefits of spiritual decluttering.  

The key is to be honest with yourself. This is your life, your home, and your space. Only you decide what stays and what goes, how you want to feel at home, and what enhances you. It’s important to confront these feelings about the obstacles blocking you. 

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When we talk about feelings and experiences, the same principles apply. Are you ready to fall in love or do you have a fear of being hurt? Let go of the past hurt. Recognize your emotional clutter, that voice that speaks to you from fear and doubt. Live in your heart and hear what it has to say. Bring to life the best version of you! When you choose to not make decisions and you avoid situations, this is clutter that has accumulated due to fear. Move past the fear and overcome it.  Over cautious, paranoid, anxious, the comparison doesn’t serve your highest vibrations. Work through your “baggage” through spiritual consulting, therapy, and self-reflection.  

Once you have are satisfied with the outcome, light a candle, burn some sage, play some binaural beats, grab your crystals, dance a little, put your feet up, and enjoy a nice exotic drink or some herbal tea! Do not forget to pat yourself on the back for your accomplishment.  

FINAL WORDS- Are the benefits of spiritual decluttering worth it? YES!!!  Blessings!! Love & Light! 

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