All posts tagged: featured

Mars Moon conjunction

Mars Moon conjunction

Mars Moon conjunction – be aware Do you know anyone stemming from a Mars Moon conjunction? You will know right away once you discover the most telltale signs and traits of a Moon-Mars fighter in someone or maybe even yourself. A Moon-Mars conjunction person’s most revealing positive attributes are not that difficult to detect. They are fearless and fierce warriors, ceaselessly fighting and very effectively defending themselves and others. Especially if others were unjustly hurt, even more so, if push comes to shove. On the other hand, you must be aware that no fight can remain silent, especially so when it’s virtually constant and some might say even the centerpiece of one’s life. Lust, joie de vivre and heroism can seem pretty frightening as well if wrapped in 24/7 raging and rebellious outbreaks of anger. Mars Moon conjunction – suggestions Our initial suggestions? Instead of cooling willpower and will to fight, Moon-Mars people should simply take others more into consideration. Those around them truly appreciate the lionhearted hero, but can easily be burned and alienated …

Third Eye

The Third Eye

The Third Eye – teaching The Third Eye is the center of knowledge and our energetic connection to wisdom. It is the 6th chakra and is also known as the forehead chakra. In the aura of teaching, it carries the color violet and is also known as the eye of Shiva. You can also open your third eye. Mediation is a good option or by looking in the mirror. Focus on your forehead chakra, relax and you will soon feel a sense of warmth and vibration. A psychic can give you the authentic reading you’ve always longed for.  When you have learned to see with the third eye, you can recognize the aura of others. In their energy, you recognize the character and abilities of a human being. You get a strong intuition, good human knowledge, high mental abilities and good perceptions. Over time, you develop clairvoyant abilities. So you can see better on the spiritual level. These things can also be very helpful in everyday life. The Third Eye – liberation People with an open …

New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini – fresh starts The New Moon in Gemini on the 13th of June occurs at the 22°44′ of the zodiac. New Moons mark the beginnings of a 28 day cycle and they are also favorable for fresh starts, setting new goals, launching new projects – especially on the areas of life where they fall on your chart. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! The sign of Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of mental activity, communication, travel, commerce. It is a transmitter and a receiver of information and knowledge. A new Moon in this sign can be great for starting new studies (courses of foreign languages, marketing, tourism, journalism are recommended), re-branding your image, networking, traveling, contacting your acquaintances, making new friends, socializing, launching advertising campaigns, etc. The current new Moon in Gemini conjuncts five beneficial fixed stars ( Bellatrix, Capella, Phact, Mintaka, El Nath). The impact of Capella is the strongest. According to Vivianne Robson, the author of The Fixed …

Tarot card reading

The benefits of a Tarot card reading

Tarot card reading – know the truth A tarot card reading is one of the most important form of guidance about a situation and making you aware of its detailed information. The Tarot card deck is an important tool used by tarot readers and psychics to help people know the exact situation they are in and also the future. Tarot readings can be done on question based or situation analysis. You can have answers about any kind of questions that is bothering you and bringing you down. It can also help you know the truth about any kind circumstances and a particular life situation. They can provide you an incredible insight about a current problem or situation triggered by your circumstances. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic! Tarot readings not only guide you about your current situation but also provide advice for your future decisions. They not only make you aware about the truth of a situation but also confirm what you already know. Sometimes you know the answers, …


The Meaning of Scents

Scents – mood setters The sense of smell is extremely important, and it is often through the nose that you just “know” they are the right one.  Incense is a mood setter and helps to increase energies.  Many find incense great to use for smudging, while others find it helps set the mood for meditation. Whether you use powered, stick or cones, incense can be a powerful tool in your meditation toolbox.  Also important is the part incense plays in a ritual. From the incense used in the Christian church to that used by the magic practitioner, the use of scents is a powerful part of spiritual practice. While lotus, frankincense, or frankincense and myrrh are all good general scents to use, using the appropriate scent can add depth and power to your ritual or meditation.  However, how do you know the right incense to choose? Obtain hidden information from your psyche with the help of a psychic! Here is a quick look at some of the focuses and the scents that help with them. …

Live Psychic rituals

Psychic Rituals to visit!

Live Psychic Rituals – Gipsgold My live psychic rituals will be available on the 23rd and the 30th of December. I will do chamanic rituals in order to clean you from all type of negativity including black magic, curse, bad energy, envy etc. Thanks to this ritual your aura will glow again and you will have peace in your soul. I can promise that due to my ritual your spiritual life will improve as well as you may expect emotional development and you will become more lucky with your relationships and in general. I will perform my unique Tobacco’s ritual with the help of flowers, candles and mantras in order to achieve the given goals and to fix the issues in your life and clean all negativity. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic! In my free chat room, I will do mantras and show you the candles I will use in the private chat while performing the Tobaccos ritual. It is beneficial if you do not eat meat on the …

weekly featured psychics

Featured Psychics of the week!

Weekly featured Psychics – FLOWERPOWERTAROT My name is Linda a.k.a. FLOWERPOWERTAROT and I’m a Psychic Medium & Channel. Questions I am often asked include: “What is the difference between and Psychic and a Medium?” “How do I further my development?” “Are my deceased friends or relatives around me and trying to contact me?” “What direction do I need to take next in life?” “What is my life’s work or purpose?” “Is this or that person good for me?” “Is my spouse/partner cheating on me?” These are just some of the many questions that we answer daily as weekly featured Psychics, Mediums & Channels. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! Having had the amazing grace and opportunity to study internationally with many of today’s top mediums, teachers, and authors, I have been able to enhance my natural abilities for the purpose of helping others. In a typical reading, I first connect on a psychic level with my client, then on a mediumistic level with Spirit (spirit-guides, teachers, helpers, …

jinxing ritual

Be prepared to the next Psychic Ritual

Jinxing ritual – Gabstar I would like to showcase the jinxing ritual ritual on the December 6th and then on December 20th. I will speak of, and show how to perform an uncrossing/un-jinxing ritual. Here I will show the candles that are used for this type of work, and what should be inscribed on the candle for the ritual. In private chat, I will show the client what type of oils, herbs, crystals and prayers to use with this type of ritual. Also, the next type of candle they should burn. Get over your issues by participating in an effective Psychic ritual An uncrossing/un-jinxing ritual is simply where we use herbs, oils, crystals and candles along with prayers to remove the blockages placed in all areas of your life. This type of ritual will reverse and remove all black magic spells, along with simple energy blockages/psychic debris, or gunk placed in someone’s aura and or chakras. jinxing ritual – immediate improvement Once an uncrossing is done, a Client usually sees forward movement in all areas of …

featured psychic online

Meet the Featured Psychics of the week

Featured psychic online – Zeus1976 I am Zeus, the Spirit’s whisperer… Aged 40 and been a Psychic since the early age of 14… North African of origin, a Berber descendant, living in the UK. Speak 4 languages and have traveled extensively to understand my gift and find my path. I am not your typical featured psychic online you may say, very straight forward readings and direct answers is what I praise myself on! I connect directly to my clients and find the true root of their problems, empowering them to find the right solutions / actions in order to restore balance and bliss in their lives. My abilities are unique and quite humbling so, please, be prepared to be taken to another dimension when in a private reading with me! I can guarantee all the results of my work no matter how tough the situation is; very high accuracy and time frames are always spot on! I do also many ceremonies and rituals to alleviate any stress, black magic or blockages! I am an excellent …

powerful psychic rituals

Are you ready for the next Psychic Ritual sessions?

Powerful Psychic rituals – Sensei Dates of my powerful psychic rituals: 25th of November and 2nd of December Greeting my friends, I invite you to have the Aura healing and it is crucial to have as you always interact everyday, constantly with the energy of people, situation and your environment. We absorb these energies. Therefore it is important that we protect and clean our aura so that it wont harbor unwanted energies. I provide a powerful ritual that will give you strong and real awareness of the present time, I will work with candle and with proper invocation of Archangel Metatron (that will clear the aura) Archangel Michael (that will protect the aura)  and Archangel Raguel (that will harmonize the aura with anyone and anything). You will benefit on personal level as you will feel more vibrant, happy and more balanced with your self in the daily interactions. I will have an intro ritual in free chat in which I will prepare your, you don’t need to bring anything with you, but just a comfortable seat, light robes …