
Mars Moon conjunction

Mars Moon conjunction

Mars Moon conjunction – be aware

Do you know anyone stemming from a Mars Moon conjunction? You will know right away once you discover the most telltale signs and traits of a Moon-Mars fighter in someone or maybe even yourself.

A Moon-Mars conjunction person’s most revealing positive attributes are not that difficult to detect. They are fearless and fierce warriors, ceaselessly fighting and very effectively defending themselves and others. Especially if others were unjustly hurt, even more so, if push comes to shove.

On the other hand, you must be aware that no fight can remain silent, especially so when it’s virtually constant and some might say even the centerpiece of one’s life. Lust, joie de vivre and heroism can seem pretty frightening as well if wrapped in 24/7 raging and rebellious outbreaks of anger.

Mars Moon conjunction

Mars Moon conjunction – suggestions

Our initial suggestions? Instead of cooling willpower and will to fight, Moon-Mars people should simply take others more into consideration. Those around them truly appreciate the lionhearted hero, but can easily be burned and alienated by blind fits of rage. Easy does it!

Did you have a revelation reading all the above? Are you or someone you know or even love a Moon-Mars offspring? Get more information on how to handle them (or yourself) from our tried and true experts of astrology and ask for a personalized reading!

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