All posts tagged: Fire

Finding the Perfect Job for Your Astrological Sign

It’s Monday morning, and yet again, you’re dreading the workweek ahead. If it weren’t for the fact that you need to pay bills and keep a roof over your head, you’d be tempted to tell your boss exactly where he can hold his morning meeting so you can spend the morning in bed instead. Since that’s not an option, you’re probably better off finding a better job. Instead of risking another awful office experience, try looking to the stars to help you find the perfect fit. Follow the Signs You might be skeptical that astrology can help you find the perfect job. After all, there’s little chance that your morning horoscope is going to direct you to become an accountant or a teacher. However, by looking at your astrological chart with a trained professional, you’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery that may guide you toward careers and professions that you may not have otherwise considered. You might also discover that the reason you’re so unhappy in your current line of work is simply that …