All posts tagged: flu

7 Best Home Remedies for Cold and Flu – The Power of Nature Series, I

Prevention Naturally prevention is always better than the cure, but many of the same herbs that keep colds and flu away, will also help you get rid of it faster. Of course, once you have a cold or the flu the best advice is still “get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluid and take plenty of vitamin C”. As always, before treating yourself at home by using any of the suggested natural home remedies, you should consult your doctor first regarding any medical condition. Some herbs do react with certain medications. Grandma was right about drinking hot liquids since cold viruses reproduce best at temperatures slightly below normal body temperature. Hot herbal tea is just the thing to soothe a sore throat, decongest, and to relax a cough. A psychic can give you the exact insight you need. Chat with an expert today for FREE! GARLIC Garlic has been considered an herbal “wonder drug” since ancient times. It is one of the most powerful herbs in treating colds and infection since it has wide-ranged …