All posts tagged: gratitude

Showing Gratitude

Showing Gratitude Raises Vibrations in All Aspects Life

You have probably heard the word “vibrations” being thrown around in the spiritual community. However, do you know what people are referring to? Well, they are describing a combination of thoughts, emotions, energy, and mindset. We often hear the term “having low vibrations,” and “having high vibrations”, or even just “having good vibrations” to describe a certain something being emanated by other people. These terms could also be used to describe ourselves as a person. How does showing gratitude belong here? Having a positive outlook in life is a sign that a person has high vibrations. These people are the ones that tend to attract positive outcomes in their life, simply because their attitudes are geared towards being able to do so. Rather than focusing on negative things, or having low vibrations, their mental energy builds up to become self-sustaining instead of being a source of brain drain. People who operate with a high vibration in life are better able to pursue whatever their higher purpose may be. Higher vibrations also increase our chances of succeeding, …

Gratitude Towards Your Career

Gratitude Towards Your Career

Can you show gratitude towards your career? How many people can say that they are truly happy in their current job? Apparently, not very many. According to a survey conducted every four years by Gallup (an American analytics firm) only 13 percent of people love their jobs. The rest either expressed dislike of their jobs or admitted that they are only slightly engaged in their current workplace.  There are several reasons for this phenomenon. Some of the most glaringly obvious ones are financial security, a lack of appreciation for the work they produce, a less-than-ideal working environment, and the absence of potential growth and development. Sadly, most of these factors are beyond one’s control. Short of changing jobs or switching careers completely; there’s not much to be done about them these concerns.  Visit genuine online advisors and get the clarity you need! So, then what if we turn our attention to the 13 percent of people who do love their careers to see what they are doing right? Well, the same survey shows that these people have pretty much the same jobs …