Lifestyle, Money&Career

Gratitude Towards Your Career

Gratitude Towards Your Career

Can you show gratitude towards your career? How many people can say that they are truly happy in their current job? Apparently, not very many. According to a survey conducted every four years by Gallup (an American analytics firm) only 13 percent of people love their jobs. The rest either expressed dislike of their jobs or admitted that they are only slightly engaged in their current workplace. 

There are several reasons for this phenomenon. Some of the most glaringly obvious ones are financial security, a lack of appreciation for the work they produce, a less-than-ideal working environment, and the absence of potential growth and development. Sadly, most of these factors are beyond one’s control. Short of changing jobs or switching careers completely; there’s not much to be done about them these concerns. 

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So, then what if we turn our attention to the 13 percent of people who do love their careers to see what they are doing right? Well, the same survey shows that these people have pretty much the same jobs as most other people do. They also aren’t in what would be a considered a glamorous or high-paying line of work either (such as CEOs, celebrities, or pro athletes). Rather they’re spread in a wide range from white to blue collar. However, the point remains that these 13 percent of people derive a sense of enjoyment, satisfaction, and fulfillment from their work despite working in the same environment as those who hate their jobs.

It turns out that the main source for loving a job or career is having the appropriate mindset for it. There are a multitude of reasons for pursuing a particular line of work, but what causes dissatisfaction and loathing can oftentimes be found within ourselves. So, how can we achieve the right frame of mind? 

Let’s take a look at some of the major factors that can help you attain gratitude towards your career. 

Gratitude towards your career
  • Find what you love doing, but make sure you have the talent for it. 

Finding the right job or career is a journey of trial and error. The first step of the journey is being able to identify the skills and tasks you excel atObviously, most skills are acquired by starting out as a novice. However, you should be able to recognize which career path best suits your talents, interests, and aptitudes. 

For instance, you definitely should not pursue a career in sales if you aren’t good at closing deals. The same goes for trying to become an accountant if you don’t love math. Simply put, a lot of people aren’t happy with their jobs because they aren’t suited for it. 

A good benchmark for determining whether a job or career is compatible for you is being able to reach the flow state. The flow state can be best described as having prime concentration and focus towards whatever task is at hand. This sense of fluidity even borders a spiritual experience. If you consistently reach the flow state during your work, then that’s a good reason for having gratitude towards your career. 

  • Identify how your job or career can make a difference in the lives of other people. 

Another reason why some people love doing what they do is because they get to affect other people’s lives in a positive way. When this happens, your job transcends from being just a source of livelihood or income. It then becomes a calling and creates a sense of purpose.

This can also helps you bounce back from setbacks and to see failure from a new perspective. Your work becomes more important when you understand that your poor performance may not just be letting you down, but other people as well. Having the courage and determination to do well for yourself is essential for attaining the drive to become better at your job. Ultimately, it allows you to refine your methods since the failure is not just your own.

Gratitude towards your career
  • To attain gratitude towards your career seek out mentors, and in time, become one yourself. 

Most people can feel stuck when they aren’t learning anything anymore. If this is the case, then you should seek out a mentor. A mentor can help you increase your knowledge, provide valuable insight, and help you to get into a growth mentality.  You may already have one and sometimes you don’t even have to ask them directly – just ask for advice from someone you admire and respect professionally. 

The important thing is that you are willing to learn. Take the time to absorb their wisdom and experience, then find ways on how you can apply them into your own job. As time goes on, you can continue to further your growth mindset by becoming a mentor yourself. 

There’s a saying that “to teach is to learn twice over”. Any good teacher knows that you learn more if you are willing to teach someone else. Your routines and personal rituals also benefit from this, since we tend to turn a blind eye when it comes to our own shortcomings. Passing down our own knowledge and wisdom is also a good way to practice humility and gratitude. 

  • Surround yourself with peers and coworkers that care about you. 

There’s a principle that I’ve learned from a talk when it comes to surrounding yourself with people who care about your well-being. It’s called the “send vs spend” principle. Here’s how it goes: you “spend” time with people who are genuinely beneficial for you, meaning that these are the ones who care about you. In contrast, you should “send” emails or texts more often for coworkers that do not fall into this category. 

Keep in mind that you shouldn’t be too quick to judge when it comes to this concept. Rather, you should see it as an opportunity for developing your intuition and your ability to discern a person’s character. There’s truth in the saying that “you are a reflection of the five people that you spend most time with”.

To sum up, showing gratitude towards your career is not a one-dimensional endeavor. There are many aspects in loving your job. By adhering to most of what we’ve discussed, you can better craft a mindset for a career that’s fulfilling, purposeful, and growth oriented.

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