Chamomile: An Ancient Herb Natural Remedies III
Chamomile, a member of the daisy family It includes many species that are spread all over the world Europe, Asia, North Africa, the United Kingdom, the Mediterranean, and the United States. Chamomile is an ancient herb, hieroglyphic records show that chamomile was used for at least 2,000 years in Egypt, and was affiliated with their sun god Ra. Their early physicians used chamomile tea for fevers, stress and restlessness, and noblewomen used crushed petals on their skin. Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Indians used this herb to treat ailments of the kidneys, liver, and bladder. Chamomile is also one of the ‘Nine Sacred Herbs’ of an ancient Anglo-Saxon manuscript, the Lacnunga. In the Middle Ages, chamomile was an ingredient listed in love potion recipes, and became associated with the devotion of St. Anne, mother of the Virgin Mary. Get a free trial for a PSYCHIC READING to get closer to the TRUTH! The origins The plants’s name derives from the Greek ‘kamai melon’, meaning ground apple, because when walked upon, it released a fragrance that smells like …