All posts tagged: horoscope

find the right partner

How keeping track of your love horoscope can help your love life?

Everyone wants to have the best partner but not all of them are lucky enough. While some people are able to find the right partner that match and get along with their attributes, for several others, love life can be disappointing. We know you want an exciting love life. If you want to find true love and have a lasting partnership, you need to keep track of your love horoscope. For instant love & relationship advice talk to our Psychics online now! What is love horoscope and how does it help your love life? Love horoscope represents your love life and forecasts relationships in the future. While this horoscope is based on your personal characteristics, the compatibility calculation provides the insight and direction in which you need to move in order to have a great love life and to find the right partner. Your heart might skip a beat when you find an attractive guy/girl but wait! Before proceeding to building a relationship, ensure to check your signs and compare love horoscopes. Since it is …

Sensitive to energy

Signs that show You Are Sensitive to Energy

It is possible for people to be highly sensitive to energy around them. We all are at some level. However, there are some who are far more sensitive than most. They are capable of picking up even the slightest signals and auras that surround us. But, how do you know if you’re such a person? Well, there are certain signs to keep an eye out for. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms on a daily basis, it’s possible that you might be highly sensitive to energy. Let’s take a look at some of those signs. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic right now! You’re Highly Empathetic You have the unique ability to pick up a person’s energy as soon as they walk into the room. You can tell, with the utmost ease, whether they’re upset or happy. Being an empath makes you a first responder of sorts. You are there to immediately offer a crying shoulder or some form of support. You can feel their emotions as if they were your …

Mercury retrograde

Working With The Planets – Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde – common occurrence A retrograde is a common occurrence in astrology and it simply means that the planet appears to be moving backwards (retrograde) from our viewpoint on earth. While at some time or another almost all of Earth’s sister planets in the solar system go retrograde, it is Mercury’s retrograde of which most of us are familiar. Mercury retrograde happens three or four times a year. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a Psychic now! The smallest of the inner planets, Mercury rules communication and intellect. Ruling practical thoughts and rational thinking, this planet comes in to play with the way you connect with both your inner and outer world. Strongly aligned with the subconscious, where much of the communication and input we receive goes, Mercury relates to how we interact with our own physical body. Knowing when Mercury is retrograde can help you make best use of the different energy a retrograde brings. Mercury retrograde – difficult times? Since communication is under Mercury’s control, you will want to …

Tarot card readings

How tarot card readings can point you to the love of your life?

A tarot card pack has cards that represent a particular occult theme. Tarot card readings are part of psychic readings where you can get to know your future and how your love life is likely to be. When you pick a tarot card, there is a particular significance to the card you pick. The card will tell you what you can expect in the future and will provide an answer to any question that you in your mind. If you have questions about your love life and want to know if the person you are seeing is the one for you, then you can go for a tarot reading. In the hands of an expert, a session of tarot reading can be very revealing. It can help answer your questions on finding love or love compatibility with your partner. It is important that you keep your questions ready before you go for a tarot reading. Love tarot card reading A love tarot card reading is done differently from others. Usually, five to twelve cards are …

Gemini new Moon

New Moon in Gemini – 2020

The new moon of the 22nd of May occurs at the 02°04′ of Gemini. New moons mark the beginnings of a 28 day cycle and they are also favorable for fresh starts, especially on the areas of life where they fall on your chart. Full moons are culmination points, where the results of the processes started during the previous lunar cycle are emerging. The next full moon occurs on the 5th of June and it is also a lunar eclipse, thus the current lunation is particularly important. Let’s see more about the Gemini new Moon: The sign of Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of mental activity, communication, travel, commerce. It is a transmitter and a receiver of information and knowledge. Social contacts and intellectual pursuits, looking for people open to our ideas or whose skills can complement our own will be important during the current Gemini new Moon. Go and get a personal astrology reading during this Gemini new Moon! Gemini new Moon 2020 – a period of duality However, more planets in …

improve your relationship

How a psychic can help improve your relationship with your partner?

A psychic is a person with special gifts that allow him/her to perceive things that are not apparent. A psychic reading is where the psychic uses his/her special powers to help people. One of the things a psychic can help you with is improve your relationship. If you are facing problems in your relationships, then a psychic can help you. A psychic is not just a gifted person but can communicate the will of the universe and can thus function as a counselor. The psychic is gifted and can use this gift to help a couple mend their relationship. Boost your love life and relationships with the help of a Psychic expert! There are distinct advantages of using a psychic’s help to improve your relationship with your partner. They include: A psychic has a natural ability to understand what is in the minds of people. This comes naturally because of the gifts they possess. This gift will be valuable to improve relationships, as the psychic can understand the differences a couple has and help them …

Mercury Pluto Jupiter trine

Take the opportunity for positive changes!

The planetary influences, namely the Mercury Pluto Jupiter trine of the 9th and 10th of May give a significant amount of stability and groundedness amidst the ups and downs of this spring. Good things won’t come to you automatically, but you can do a lot to make positive changes in your life. Do not miss the opportunity ! Mercury will trine Pluto on the 9th of May (Taurus – Capricorn 24°56′) and Jupiter (Taurus – Capricorn 27°17) on the 10th of May. The combination of the two beneficial influence are excellent for all sorts of intellectual and mental efforts. The Jupiterian influence in itself would prompt you to avoid really difficult intellectual challenges and take the easy way out instead. However, Jupiter is in dutiful and thorough Capricorn, and Mercury in Taurus is not likely to cut the corners. A favorable Mercury – Pluto alignment prefers deeper insight to superficial approach. It is not afraid af less pleasant truths either. The proximity of Jupiter gives optimism and a willingness to make a lemonade even from …

active love life

How To Have An Active Love Life?

Who doesn’t anyone want an active love life? The problem is, people tend to believe that one is simply blessed by fortune with his/her love life. But it is important to remember that one has to work proactively towards achieving a love life they can be proud of. You may have work taking up your time and space or other familial responsibilities to take care of, but don’t allow these to become a hindrance to your love life. Having an active love life is not only healthy for our mind but our body too. So let’s learn a few tips you can put into practice to get the love life you want – Practice self-care – It’s how the saying goes – if you don’t love yourself, how do you expect someone else to? Dating is largely based on first impressions, so don’t mess it up. You don’t need to dress out of the ordinary, unless your usual dressing style is homeless. Just clean up a little and maintain good hygiene. Forgive and Move On …

The Egyptian Ankh symbol

Top Spiritual Symbols series – The Egyptian Ankh symbol

Also known as the Egyptian cross, the Ankh was held in the hands of the Gods as a symbol of their power to give life or take it away. The name of the symbol meant “life” and was often used as an amulet, a symbolic representation of both physical and eternal life. The Ankh symbolized life, immortality and reincarnation. The Ankh is commonly associated with Isis, who was the wife of Osiris the God of the afterlife, and mother of Horus, the God of the Sun. Isis was the Goddess of life and magic and she protected women and children, and healed the sick. Her great power is very connected to this powerful sign. Visit online Psychics and future tellers for genuine guidance today! Use this symbol to increase the energy and level of your meditation, spells or ritual work. The Ankh could symbolize physical life on Earth, eternal life in heaven or the underworld, immortality, and even reincarnation. Often, the ancient Egyptians would carry ankh ornaments for protection or use them in their cult …

Lotus symbol with the OM sign

Top Spiritual Symbols series – Lotus symbol with the OM sign

People use signs and symbols in all areas in life to get their message to you in a rather passive way. If you look on Oranum website you will see the Purple Lotus as our mascot to show a symbol of our service. We provide spiritual clarity for our members and clients. The Lotus Flower with the Om sign is a powerful symbol for spiritual awareness and growth. The lotus flower, has a wealth of meaning and history behind it. The lotus flower blooms on the surface of water with its roots deep in the mud – a symbol of light and emergence from darkness. In Buddhism, the lotus blossom represents the heart opening for love, freely flowing like water. Visit online Psychics and future tellers for genuine guidance today! Anyone who has ever looked at a lotus flower emerging from a murky pond will immediately be able to see the beauty of this superb plant. The flower always looks so clean and pure against the background of the dirty pond. Because of this the …