All posts tagged: horoscope


Spiritual Poem Contest on Oranum!

The end of the year is fast approaching, and as such, we wanted to finish the year with another unique promotion. We would like to reward the creativity and dedication of our beloved Members like you! In case you would like earn to free credits this what you need to do: DETAILS OF THE PROMOTION: • Write short spiritual poems in one of the following topics and use all the given, related keywords: – Psychics – keywords: karma, sunlight, future – Oranum – keywords: faith, answer, solution – Spiritual happiness – keywords: harmony, enjoy, dreaming – Love readings – keywords: eternal flame, feeling, desire • Send your poems in email to between 10th – 16th of December 2018. The best ones in each topic will be shared on our official Facebook page on the 17th of December, 2018 where they will be competing to reach the highest number of likes. • On the 21st of December we will check the final ranking. • Every participant who meets the eligibility criteria will receive 10 free credits and …

Twin Flame

How Long Should You Wait For Your Twin Flame?

Twin flame – that special person… As someone living a life of single-hood, you would want to know when does the forlorn wait for your soul mate or twin flame end. In reality, there’s no answer to this question because nobody can tell for sure. Some people even wait a lifetime to come across their twin flame, that special person. If you believe the truth can come to closer and faster to you than you’d ever thought, contact a psychic right now! There’s one thing you should be clear about: twin flames were once part of the same master soul; they only split at some point and went in different ways. Both souls spend time apart and gain experience over the course of many reincarnations. It’s not necessary that you meet your twin flame or soul mate in one specific lifetime. So when do these souls meet? Well, there’s no set time. The cosmic game of the universe is difficult to grasp; it’s always conjuring up experiences that take you in a particular direction, sometimes …

Mercury turns direct

Mercury Turns Direct Stationary

Mercury turns direct – no more confusion Mercury turns direct stationary on the 6th of December, at the 27°of Scorpio. This is really good news, as it marks the end of the retrograde cycles of this year, characterized by delays, confusion, lack of details, etc. It is significant that the retrograde cycles of 2018 were opened by Mercury ( the 6th of Marc – 3rd of May ) then in Aries, a sign ruled by Mars, and they are also closed by Mercury, transiting an other sign ruled by Mars. However, there is a significant energy shift. While Aries is extroverted, enthusiastic, self-assertive, fast, hot-headed and spontaneous, full of spirit of initiative, ready to jump to instant conclusions, Scorpio is a maturer manifestation of Martian energy. It is slower, more cautious, more investigative, more tactful. While Aries is a sprinter, Scorpio is a long distance runner. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! Mercury is the planet of thinking processes, communication, travels, learning. In Aries it didn’t hesitate …

Death Tarot Card

Scorpio and the Death Card connection

Death Tarot Card – the connection with Scorpio Death is ruled by Scorpio. Scorpio is the natural ruler of the Eighth House of the Zodiac, commonly referred to as the “House of Death and Inheritance.” Let’s see the Death Tarot card: Upright: Endings, beginnings, change, transformation, transition.  The banner that Death carries has a black background, indicating an absence of light. The white rose, on the other hand, indicates beauty, purification and immortality. In the background of the card, there is a rising sun, a sign of immortality. The sun appears to ‘die’ each night but is reborn fresh and new every morning. The two pillars on the Death Tarot card are guarding the gateway to the sun, symbolizing the knowledge needed to gain immortality. The boat on the water in the background is the ferry that transports the souls across the River Styx. The background is a neutral grey, again showing Death’s impartiality. Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto. The esoteric and Greek mythological meaning of Pluto is the agent of death. This could mean …

dreams and nightmares

Dreams and nightmares

Dreams and nightmares – remember We are fascinated by our own dreams and nightmares but most of the time we have no idea what they are. Many of us do not even remember what we dreamed overnight. I can say, however, that we should pay more attention to what we dream, especially as we can improve our lives. Most of the time people ask themselves why I cannot remember what I dreamed? I can say if you wake up immediately after dreaming of more dreams then you may remember at least one of them. But if you move between two dreams, then you will certainly not remember anything. Stop overthinking – give your subconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic! If you dream in the morning, chances to remember what you dreamed are greater than when you dream at midnight. Dreams can help you solve life problems therefore I advise that you always have a pencil and a paper close to you and as soon as you wake up, write on the sheet everything you …

harmonic numbers

Candle Burning and Harmonic Numbers

Harmonic numbers – increase the energy Numbers have meaning – and more than just counting money. The knowledge and insight carried in numbers goes back to the mystery schools of the ancients. Harmonic Numbers shows you what energy is favorable for you and certain activities on any given day. These Harmonic Numbers are associated with specific candle colors and can help you increase the energy of your candle ritual experience. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! To compute your personal harmonic numbers, complete the following steps: Take the number of your month of birth (May = 5) Add the day of birth (22) The number of the present calendar month (November = 11) The present calendar day (23) Add the present year (2018) Brings you the equation:  5 + 22 + 11 + 23 + 2018 = 2079 And, as usual with numerology, continue adding individual numbers until you get to a single digit: 2 + 0 + 7 + 9 = 9 This gives you the personal harmonic number of …

Gemini Full Moon

A Full Moon in Gemini shines upon the Thanksgiving dinner

Gemini Full Moon 2018 – see the results now The Full Moon of the 23rd November occurs at 0°51′ of Gemini. In Astrology full moons signify the end of a 28 days’ cycle started at the previous new moon, respectively that of the 7th of November. They are also culmination points, where the results of the processes started during the previous lunar cycle are emerging. Let’s see what Gemini Full Moon holds for us. Among other things the Moon represents in Astrology the unconscious, the emotions (and the way we deal with them), imagination, intuition, moods, sensitivity, instincts, daily routines, the mother, elderly woman etc) Full moons create tensions and excitement, emotions can run high, things speed up. Ruled by Mercury, a Gemini moon is cerebral, communicative, outgoing, open to new adventures, flexible and changeable. Stop overthinking – give your subconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic today! Mercury is in Sagittarius, together with the Sun and Jupiter – the king of gods. Sagittarius is a joyful sign, ruled by Jupiter. It is associated with …

Moving forward

Guideposts and clues into the key points of your life

Moving forward – Past, Present and Future Past, Present and Future is your now, in other words your present moment. Navigating within these realms is the key to moving forward. If you can maintain a healthy balance among each of these, which is what life is truly about, you will find that an Intuitive and/or a Reader will provide you guidepost’s and clue’s into the key points of your life. These hints and insights will help you in moving the story of your life forward. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! When in doubt, have a reading. A note here: I prefer to work with tools (Tarot and the Lenormand decks). You’ll find that regular readings are insightful and will point out aspects you might not have considered for the situation at hand. Doubt can be rooted in fear, which on one good day you may find serves you very well, you may make a choice not to move forward with something that you just weren’t sure about. Which …

Grounding meditation

Meditations for Emotional Grounding

Grounding meditation techniques Sometimes, when life gets chaotic, it can become hard to not let the emotions you are experiencing gain control and uproot your spirit from your body. Here are 3 types of grounding meditation for Emotional Grounding. Use these when you are stressed, fearful, anxious, depressed, jealous, angry, hurt or during any moment when your emotions have made you become ungrounded from your body. Grounding meditation – 1, Color Breathing The visual imagery used in this “Color Breathing Meditation” creates an opportunity to calm your energies and ground your mind, body and spirit. You can do this meditation with closed eyes, or with your eyes open, while walking and even while talking. This is what is so handy about this meditation, it can be done anywhere! Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! All you need to do to prepare for this meditation is to choose two colors. One color represents positive energy and the second color represents negative energy. As you breath out, see …

Venus Mars trine

Venus – Mars Trine: balance and reconciliation

Venus Mars trine – a positive outlet The Venus Mars trine perfects on the 9th of November (Aquarius – Libra 26°), indicating the possibility of a positive outlet for all the tensions bottled up during of the 6 weeks of Venus retrograde. Since the 31st of October, when Venus re-entered Libra we experience a significant energy shift.  The atmosphere eased up, especially if the biggest part of the lessons of the retrograde period were learnt. After recognizing our deepest needs we are now in a better position to assert them. Hopefully by now the Scorpionic intuition, thoroughness, commitment and emotional intensity is combined with a healthy dose of detachment and objectivity specific to Librans. We are able to identify the situations and interactions which are not good for us, and we can easier move forward instead of getting stuck in them. When there is no way to cope, check your horoscope! Go to for a full analysis! Thus the Mars – Venus trine perfected on the 9th of November shows considerable improvements in our relationship …