All posts tagged: horoscope

Digital water

Energetic Digital water – How to prepare it?

Digital water – maintain your energy Digital water is a holy water to cleanse the person from negative vibrations, defends against us from the devil eye energy and maintain our physical – psychological – spiritual integrity. It also works to replenish the spiritual and physical energy to keep us safe and secure. It also called digitalism because it is directly related to the energy of the universe and the force of the cosmic numbers that are attractive and present to our world and which have the overall effect on the course of the earth and planets movement and on all creatures. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic today! Each Zodiac Sign defines the ideal way to prepare this energy digital water related to them by numbers and time frames. Here it must be noted that the preparation of such water requires a lot of calm and psychological condition that allows us the ability to pray, meditate and focus. I don’t recommend that this procedure is performed as long as …

It is Halloween!

Halloween It is Halloween! In many countries throughout the world children (and adults) will be celebrating the day, but what exactly are they celebrating?  Of course, children are celebrating that free candy from going “trick or treating”, but why do we engage in these customs at all? The roots of the holiday lie deep within our spiritual roots, Halloween is a holiday of religious importance.  Known by numerous names including All Hallows Eve (which is the root of our “Halloween”), All Saints Eve and Samhain the holiday goes back to ancient times. Get a free trial for a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! For Christians it is a day to celebrate those who have passed. Loved ones and saints are remembered with candles, prayers, and offerings. It is a day of mourning and celebration of the Saints named by the Church.  It is a day of contemplation and spiritual connection.  In order to celebrate the day without its pagan context, Christian schools and organizations hold “harvest festivals” with treats, games, prizes and …

Sun Venus conjunction

Sun – Venus Conjunction 2018 October

Sun Venus conjunction – tasks The Sun Venus conjunction perfects on the 26th of October, at Scorpio 3°06′. Sun is the principle of consciousness, vitality, creativity and – besides Saturn – one of the indicators of our main tasks. Any conjunction between the Sun and other planets will highlight the tasks related to that particular cosmic principle. Consequently the current Sun – Venus meeting will put in focus the themes related to the retrograde journey of Venus through Scorpio. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic today! The conjunction between the two celestial bodies perfects on 10: 05 am (New York), 3:05 pm London. Five hours before and after it Venus will be „Cazimi”. This is a term to describe a planet in „the heart of the Sun”. According to the ancient Astrologers, it is a very beneficial position, manifesting the best qualities of the planet involved. Under Cazimi a true alignment can be established between the inner self and the principle of the planet. (Some key words for Venus: …

Moon wishes

Moon wishes

Moon wishes – different directions A person’s life can take many different directions, some unexpected and exciting. People arrive on your life path, but can also leave. Disappointment, whether in love, or business is not an easy thing to cope with all of the time. Many of us do not consult the stars to see what the Moon is up to, but you can use your knowledge, as you are also moved by its energy daily, just like the ocean and the tides. You can have a high tide, this is when everything feels great & even business seems to pour in. Then you can have a low emotional tide, when the stresses of life push you to border on ill and health. If you think, that when the sea retracts things are shown, that were once covered. Suddenly you are made to deal with the unwanted, or forgotten. It does not have to be unpleasant, but clarification around love, or the past in general is good for the soul. Moon wishes – blessing The …

Astro candle color

Your Astro Candle Color

Astro candle color – increase your energy You probably already know your astrological sign and many of you may even know the element associated with it. However, did you know that your sign is also aligned with a color?  Combining your sign’s primary color and burning a candle with specific intention, you can help to increase you energy, stamina, focus and more! You will get to know your astro candle color now! “Candle Magic” has been practiced for millennia and is used in many belief systems.  In fact, there is no need to study for years and acquire libraries of arcane knowledge to use the magic of candles.  It can be as easy as saying a quick little prayer for intent and then lighting a white candle. A simple and effective use of candle magic is to burn a candle the correlates with your astrological sign. Check your sign in the list below for the appropriate color that is associated with your sign.  A small tea light or votive candle are completely satisfactory for this …

Karmic relationship

Karmic relationships

Karmic relationship – needs to be cleared Karmic relationship is a romantic association that exist between two souls to purge, heal or reconcile experiences from the previous life. Most people don’t desire such relationships but are bound to be a part of them until the karma is cleared. Intense pain, jealousy, obsessiveness, excessive domination, substance abuse, physical or emotional abuse, one-sidedness, and selfishness are common signs that you are in a karmic relationship. Love is the greatest gift. Are you with the right one or should you keep looking?  Karmic relationship – solution The good news is that you can bring an end to this loop. Here are a few ways you can do so: Identify and accept your karmic patterns. What negative aspects are you continuously experiencing in your relationships? Once you identify them, acknowledge and accept them as they are. Understand that it’s a part of a big cosmic game that’s conjuring a lesson for you. Detach yourself from the relationship. You should observe your feelings consciously and take a closer look at …

signs of abuse

Love or abuse?

Signs of abuse – Love or abuse? Love is kind, Love is pure, Love is simple. Love means putting others before yourself, making sure that the person you love is taken care of emotionally. It means surrendering to your past and moving toward for your partner. It is a glowing, healing light that surrounds your body. It is positive, it is clear and it is healthy. It is growth, it is empowering your partner to reach their goals and to go after their dreams. Now often love can also turn into abuse without us realizing it. However the signs of abuse can be recognized on time. Let’s get to know the signs of abuse: Justifying everything with “I love you so much, I will change for you. Most of the time this is just a tactic to get you to stay with the abuser and without help they will continue their abusive patterns. Saying “if you love me you’ll do it” this is forcing you to do something in a manipulative way. “Finding excuses to …

Columbus Day

Columbus Day

Columbus Day is a day of national pride for Americans – it marks the anniversary when Columbus landed in the Americas in 1492. However, the arrival of the white man in America was a crushingly destructive time for the Native Americans. Yet, there is so much we can learn from their veneration of natural world. While celebrating Columbus Day and the achievement of our forefathers let’s also celebrate the reverence for the land and nature that the Native Americans have. The Native Americans’ wisdom and care for the land is a lesson we all can learn and incorporate. Incorporate a prayer for the land in your celebrations. Columbus Day – Prayer Here is a prayer from Lloyd Carl Owle of the Cherokee Nation: “O Great Spirit Let your voice whisper righteousness in our ear through the West Wind in the late of the day. Let us be comforted with love for our brothers and sisters and no war. Let us hold good health mentally and physically to solve our problems and accomplish something for future …

Venus retrograde

Venus Retrograde in Scorpio 2018

Rich in karmic lessons and challenges, retrograde cycles of the planets should be regarded as Cosmic callings for slowing down and taking a look behind, making some adjustments in the matters and areas of life related to the respective planet. Instead of launching new projects and getting involved in new commitments, this is the time of re -accessing, re-thinking, redoing. It is the time of Venus retrograde now. Venus Retrograde – The retrograde cycles of Venus In Astrology Venus represents our intimate and other types of relationships, the way we are connected with others and the way we draw people: lovers, friends, associates – in our lives. Also, it is associated with beauty, art, balance, harmony, love, pleasure, desire, fairness, diplomacy, finances, possessions, values, security. During this autumn Venus moves retrograde on the 5th of October and turns direct on the 16 th of November. At the beginning of the current cycle Venus transits Scorpio, then on the 31st of October revisits Libra. It will turn direct on the 16th of November at 25° of Libra. …

positive mindset

Focus on what’s positive

Positive mindset Easy to say right?! Well, let us give you some practical tips on how to actually be able to live on the bright side. To set up a more positive mindset – share positivity Remember they say that, no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. This is so true and along with it you have to know that supporting and helping others is an infinite source of happiness for you as well. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic right now! Stick to a positive thought in order to keep a positive mindset In case you are suddenly unable to find a simple and true positive statement when negativity arises, just go and remember those “good old times” you have had. Recall one of those sweet memories and focus on it. Positive mindset builds up from gratitude Yes, it is here once again… Creating a mental routine to concentrate on the things you can be thankful daily will change your mindset eventually and you will find and create …