All posts tagged: horoscope

2021 New Moon in Pisces

The 2021 New Moon in Pisces and What it Means for You

Since the end of February until now, have your dreams been more vivid than usual? Perhaps you remember them the moment you wake up (something you used to not be able to do)? Or maybe they just keep getting wilder and more whimsical? You can blame this phenomenon on the influence of dreamy Pisces. Even the most practical of signs are feeling its influence, and this will become only truer as we approach the 2021 New Moon in Pisces on March 13th.    Each New Moon offers us a time to start new and make fresh intentions for the upcoming lunar phase. However, having this cycle begin in creative and mystical Pisces offers us a special kind of beginning.   2021 New Moon in Pisces – How to Plan  This Saturday two things are certain – The first is that creativity will be at an all-time high. Whether it takes shape in the form of painting, writing, singing, or dancing, you will feel the urge to create. Allow yourself to indulge in these comforts. Nurturing your creative side this New Moon will set the tone for the coming weeks …

How to Survive Your Saturn Return

How to Survive Your Saturn Return?

We all know that certain periods in our life mark extreme changes. If you are approaching your 30s, chances are marriage, kids, and work situations are increasing at a rapid pace. 30 years after that when your 60s roll around, other big life checkpoints take place like grandkids and retirement. It may sound scary, especially if you are heading toward one of these birthdays, but we are happy to tell you there is a cosmic explanation to all of this. Oranum is here to help breakdown this reoccurring life event and give you the best tips on how to survive your Saturn Return.   So, what is a Saturn Return?   When you approach the age of 27 and sometimes up until you turn 30, Saturn returns to the exact same spot it was located at the time of your birth. Saturn’s orbit around the sun takes up to 30 years and when it meets you in different parts of your life, you can expect major growing pains. This is a time of intense development and change and marks the beginning of a new cycle. Many people recount their return year as being increasingly difficult for them …

Raise Your Vibrations

How To Raise Your Vibrations With Psychic Eventrue

This month, Oranum Psychic Eventrue sat down to tell us about her top ten ways to raise your vibrations. For those of you who may be scratching your head at what this could possibly be, we’ve got you covered! In spirituality, a vibration is categorized as your overall state of wellbeing. The universe and everything inside of it has a vibration and Eventrue wants to help you realize your full potential and live your best life. Sometimes we can get stuck in low-vibrational periods, but there are ways to lift yourself out of this!  Eventrue is a multi-dimensional energetic healer. She uses astrology and numerology to get to know you and your problems intimately. We can’t gush enough about her. You will be hard-pressed to find such a talented, kind, and compassionate spiritual advisor. Chat with her today only on Oranum and find out how to your vibrations with Psychic Eventrue!  Have you always wanted a reading from a psychic but felt uncomfortable with proceeding? On, you can rest assured knowing that you will connect with a compassionate expert, who can guide you in the best way possible to find solutions to your issues …

The February 27th Full Moon

February 27th Full Moon

Get Your To-Do Lists Out! What the February 27th Full Moon in Virgo Means for You  Last month’s Full Moon in vivacious and showstopping Leo had us all acting like main characters. It was a much-needed pep in our step that allowed us to enjoy the uniqueness that we all bring to the table after a rough 2020. Now, with the past few weeks of Mercury Retrograde, Virgo has arrived to lead the way forward. Task-master Virgo will take back the lunar reigns and make sure we are on track for summer. Let’s see what the February 27th Full Moon in Virgo means for you…   First things first, let’s talk about the timeline. While the Full Moon won’t come into full effect until Saturday, we will feel it a few days beforehand and a few days after. This period is called the “shadow” and acts like an astrological hangover, where the planetary movement’s energy is felt for a time before and after it’s departure. So, you can expect to have been influenced by this Moon’s energy days ago and well into the new week.   The February 27th Full Moon   This lunar phase falls …

Top 5 Signs You’ve Met Your Twin Flame

How to Know You Have Found The One: Top 5 Signs You’ve Met Your Twin Flame

If you’ve ever experienced the lifechanging magic of love, you know how blind it can make you to red flags. You are floating in the clouds often unaware of any questionable behaviors of your current partner. With this realization looming around, it may be hard for you to realize if you have met the right person. However, if you display these few things in your relationship, we believe they are the top 5 signs you’ve met your twin flame. Let’s begin, shall we?  You have an absolute “knowing” feeling.   While we wish there was some device or test to take that made you certain about finding your soul’s partner, it really comes down to self-awareness. That age-old saying of “when you know, you know” is applicable when assessing if someone is for you.   When you met, you felt that you recognized them.   Upon your first encounter with this person, it wasn’t like regular first meetings. You felt an instant attraction and just being around them was like being at home. You don’t need to do all the fanfare that you did with other partners, this one likes you just as you …

relationship readings

Meet Oranum’s Love Experts – Providing Clarity Through Relationship Readings

The month of February evokes different emotions from different people. While some feel excited about a holiday dedicated to love and romance, others have more complex and anxious attitudes towards the season of love. Regardless of your sentiments, our experts are here to provide the best relationship readings for you. Whether you are looking for your soulmate, confused about a current relationship, or curious to know when your partner will seal the deal, we can help! To get you prepared for Valentine’s Day, we are highlighting some of our top love and relationship advisors:   LoveDrNikki  If you want to talk with a psychic who has seen and heard it all, LoveDrNikki is your guide! For over 49 years, she has helped thousands find their way back to love. Our dear LoveDrNikki is also an all-around divination expert and can help you connect with your soulmate through psychic clairvoyant readings, astrology, numerology, Runes, and Oracle and Tarot cards. Don’t miss out on her magic!   MattWarren  If you need deeper insights about your love life, MattWarren is your guy! A huge bonus about this fast and highly intuitive psychic is that …

Full Moon in Leo

What To Expect For The Full Moon in Leo

The first Full Moon of 2021 lands in lion-hearted, loving, and loyal Leo, and rises on January 28th at around 2:00 PM EST. This will be a Full Wolf Moon, which is aptly called so because of the hunger howls from wolves during the winter months. With this cosmic shift from a fire sign, this is what to expect for the Full Moon in Leo – overall, there will be an increasing need for self-expression and creativity. To see how your sign specifically will be impacted, check out our weekly horoscopes by Oranum Astrologer Togro here. We all know the Leos in our lives gravitate towards the limelight and we can expect a lot of this behavior on the 28th. Such ego battles are only heightened by the Moon’s square to Mars and Uranus (in Taurus) and opposition to Jupiter (in Aquarius). With this kind of theatrical flair coupled with and stubborn and progressive tensions, we may find ourselves amid outbursts and arguments questioning how we ended up there in the first place. It will be important to remain cool and collected during this time, …

Major Trends in Astrology for 2021

Major Trends in Astrology for 2021

There is no doubt that 2020 was quite a challenging year, when we had to face some extreme changes to our reality. The profound transformations will continue in 2021, but there are significant differences. Here are some of the major trends in Astrology for 2021. One of the most important is that the heavy and restrictive Capricorn energy is replaced by innovative Aquarian vibes. Aquarius is an air sign, characterized by open-mindedness, revolutionary spirit, altruism, an urge to be free from all limitations and inhibitions. It is independent, original, witty, imaginative, bizarre, and objective; a rational, aloof mind.   The Great Conjunction: Is this the beginning of the Age of Aquarius?  On the day of the winter solstice of 2020 Jupiter joined Saturn on the 0°29′ of Aquarius. According to traditional astrologers, Jupiter – Saturn cycles starting with the conjunction of the two planets are the most important celestial factors shaping the course of history. These two planets are known as the “Great Chronocrators” or rulers of the ages. As Nicholas Campion states in his famous Mundane Astrology textbook “Their cycle can be considered the …

Holiday Promotion

Oranum Holiday Promotion!

Experience This Limited-Time Offer!  From December 24th – January 1st, Oranum is offering a magical Holiday promotion for our new and loyal customers! We want you to have the gift of clarity this holiday season and so we are offering 50% Extra FREE credits when you purchase any unlocked credit package.  We understand how challenging this year has been for so many people. Therefore, we want you to enter 2021 with a fresh outlook and clear answers. Perhaps the year that was ruled by work from home and many social cancelations has left you feeling hopeless about love prospects? Or maybe this year was financially rocky for you and your loved ones? No matter your challenge, we want you to find ways to make this new year count!   Our psychics are eager to give you guidance and so we want to help give you the final push. That is why we are giving you this special offer over the holiday season. You can use these extra credits to go towards your valuable readings. No matter how big or small the question you have, our community of psychics, …

Upcoming Demo Psychic

All Upcoming Demo Psychic Readings in December

Demo Psychic Readings – don’t miss the opportunity to connect with an expert! We have selected Psychic experts to show you their expertise and prove their talent through psychic readings in their free chat room. The below listed Holiday special demo Psychic readings will be held from 4:30 to 5:30 pm EST as usual! You can access the chat rooms at Dec. 22 – TwinFlamesll22 Dec. 23 – EternalFlame (Yes, 23rd Wednesday instead of Thursday this time) Dec. 29 – Sensei Dec. 31 – Madeline Visit these special one hour long demo Psychic readings and get all the answers you need to make this holiday season as fantastic and full with clarity as possible! Do you want to try but not quite sure where to begin? We offer a wide-ranging array of services, including: Tarot readings, palm readings, dream interpretation, astrology consultations, love horoscopes and more! You can connect with a compassionate and knowledgeable online psychic from the comfort of your laptop! Don’t take our word for it, try a psychic reading and …