All posts tagged: horoscope

Moon cycles

Love By the Light of the Moon

Moon cycles – story of lovers The Moon and the Moon cycles have been a focus of love for millennia. The story of lovers separated by miles, maybe even continents, both looking at the moon and thinking of the other is a common scene in many romances. The Moon’s feminine energy is receptive/feminine and encourages connection with the natural cycles of which you are a part. The Moon is our closest celestial neighbor and its influence on energy cannot be overstated.  Watching the Moon and understanding how your love energy is affected by the different phases can improve your chances to finding the love you are looking for. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic! It is said that timing is everything, and with finding the right love, the same holds true.  Here are some hints on how to use the cycles of the Moon in your search for love. The Moon is easy to consult, even if clouds are in the way just watching your local weather or consulting …

Moon Jupiter conjunction

Moon & Jupiter play

Moon Jupiter conjunction The meetings of the Moon and Jupiter are generally happy transits, ideal opportunities for socialising. After the roller-coaster of the end of March today you can take a well deserved break. However Scorpio is an introverted sign, associated with the deepest realms of the unconscious, the mysteries of death and rebirth, secrets and taboos, transformation and regeneration. So, instead of partying in a big way, spend some quality time with your nearest ones or by yourself, getting tuned on your inner wisdom. Moon Jupiter conjunction will help these endeavors. A psychic can give you the authentic reading you’ve always longed for. Look one up at Oranum today! While Moon rules home and family, Scorpio is associated with intimacy and it is a very sensual sign. So this alignment can indicate a romantic program with your special one. If due to the challenging planetary impacts ruling the skies since mid – March you guys had some heated up disputes, this can be an ideal day for reconciliation. Due to the jovial energy of Jupiter …

Easter 2018

Happy Easter! :)

Easter 2018 – Be prepared This is a very spiritually day and a very spiritual period indeed. This means you need to prepare yourselves to be ready for the blessing from high above coming to us during Easter 2018. Open your mind in order to be able to receive and give love. Unconditional love also means a state of mind. Jesus is love. Love for all people. He doesn’t want nothing to return. He will be happy to see you in good mood, feeling happy with love in your heart. Expand your heart and share love with all that exists. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a psychic reading! Easter is love, light, peace and harmony. Jesus lives with us. In Easter we celebrate him and his admirable sacrifice made for mankind. We remember how we love him and appreciate what he did for us. So open your hearts dear angels. Jesus love you. Easter 2018 – Forgive Clean yourself for this magical day spiritually so you will shine with love. Cleaning also …

Twin Soul

Have you met your Twin Soul?

Twin Soul – your soul knows So you think you may have met your Twin Flame, also called Twin Soul? If you have, then buckle up and get ready for a roller-coaster ride. Your first encounter with them may be amazing, a bit bumpy, and/or confusing, as each one is as individual as you are. Why do you feel like this? It is because your soul knows your Twin Flame/Twin Soul is here and is coming to you. All of it can be a bit confusing depending on your upbringing and beliefs. While some people believe in God, some do not. By working with many backgrounds, I have found that most people believe in some sort of a higher energy that is out there and guiding us. Most people agree with there is a difference between Religion and Spirituality. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! When we start to learn and talk about Twin Flames/Twin Souls, and the journey, it’s no different. People have different thoughts, beliefs and opinions. So what does all …

Tarot structure

Tarot – prediction and destiny

TAROT STRUCTURE, PREDICTION AND DESTINY The tarot  has very long history and originates from the Torah. The magic of the tarot has captivated devotees and their clients from the times of the Pharaos so it is as old as the Holy Christian Bible. Tarot structure has stood the test of time and maintained its appeal to a wide range of people because it can be read in so many different ways. It has such depth, wisdom, experience and common sense, that it can relate and apply to every single one of us. This is because it is based on or is the basis of all of philosophy, religious doctrines, psychology, numerology, the entire wealth of human experience and the laws of God. We can study it throughout our entire life. Equally we can pick it up and click instantly. TAROT STRUCTURE ITSELF The MAJOR Arcana consists of all of our life role models. MINOR arcana consists of hearts, wands, swords and pentacles. HEARTS = issues of love, WANDS = ideas, SWORDS = challenges, PENTACLES = finance …

March equinox

March equinox

March equinox – new season Many of our readers probably have wondered if there is a link between March equinox and an equinox in general and Astrology. There is an important significance behind the fact that an equinox or solstice can tells us the influence of the Sun to the Earth. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true reading from a psychic! First of all an equinox (the word equinox comes from Latin and mean “equal night” because during an equinox the day and night will be at equal length) marks the beginning of a new season and you know how seasons interact with our feelings and state of minds. As many of you already know there are two equinox points each year (spring and autumn) and two solstice points (summer and winter). They each correspond to one of the four Cardinal signs of the zodiac, also known as the Cardinal axis. These axis are very important in Astrology because they mark the powerful angles (energy manifestation) in a birth …

Star chart

Question the Stars

Birthday Star chart – the answer Why are you attracted to a certain type of person? Your birthday star chart can show the answer. I have often heard clients say, “I always fall for Leo guys.” This might be easier to find the answer than you think. You might be born in Scorpio, but you could have a Leo Moon and this will give you an unusual attraction to Leos. It is a good idea, to not just find out your Moon, but what house your Sun is in too. Very often a client will come to me with their Birthday Chart in hand and ask me to look at it. This is because most of the time, it is all they are given. These charts are great, if you are a budding Astrologer yourself, but they are no good for the average Joe, unless you are ready to read a few books on how to analyse Birthday Star Chart. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! For …

Karmic relationships

How to handle your karmic relationships?

Karmic relationships – All is just karma?! If we accept the spiritual doctrine that the string of rebirths an individual experiences is the result of its past deeds, every single experience of our lifetime has a karmic nature. Everything, starting from the way we perceive colors, from our likes and dislikes to our family and cultural background, or karmic relationships themselves are related to karma. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true psychic reading!  However, karma is not a static something: different spiritual paths, awareness, and free will make a huge difference and give everyone the possibility to change things for better. This applies to our relationships too. As a matter of fact, all of our relationships are karmic, but not all of them are equally tight. Also, not all of the karmic relationships are meant to last. Sometimes even the short lived ones may have a strong impact on our destiny (for instance an unknown person coming to our rescue) and sometimes even the long term relationships can be neutral …

Women's Day

International Women’s Day

Women’s Day – appreciation International women’s day is upon us once again. Time to appreciate the women in our lives. To be aware of all they do to give us life. Spiritually speaking, International women’s day reminds us to respect. When we take a moment  to go within and reflect on the value of women it gives us an opportunity for a moment of meditation, to feel and remember to open up to the love, the tenderness and the passion that is femininity. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! When we respect and honor women and The Feminine we respect the softness within ourselves  the ability to receive and the ability to be vulnerable. These are great aspects of our Human Experience. The feminine is often misunderstood and feared. It is most powerful in a very subtle way. The feminine sometimes means to be patient. To keep a clear idea in mind and patiently wait for it to materialize. It can also mean to create more by …

Powerful colors

Using Color Power

Powerful colors – associations There are color associations with astrology that you can use to your advantage.  The signs, planets, the seasons, and the days of the week all have their own color associations.  You can put this knowledge to work for yourself easily. By combining the color associations, you can come up with the perfect and powerful colors to wear for that all important interview, a new date, or even just lift your mood. Color is powerful.  It is used by designers to “set the mood” in a room or living space. The effect of color on the human psyche is powerful and can be used to your advantage.  It can change a person’s mood, attitude, make them more inclined to be generous, and more. Obtain hidden information from your psyche with the help of a psychic! Use the following color associations to help put the power of color to work for you.  Choose your wardrobe and accessories by consulting the lists below.  If you are a Taurus, for example, and you have a …