All posts tagged: intentions

New Moon in Aries

How to Prepare for The New Moon in Aries?

We can expect a lot of intense energy and passion as we welcome the New Moon in Aries on April 11th. As the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries are real trailblazers who like to call the shots when it comes to their destiny. All the signs will be able to harness this fire-fuelled power and we want to show you how to prepare for the New Moon in Aries flawlessly! With every lunar cycle, there are certain things you should and shouldn’t do and adding erratic and fiery Aries to the equation certainly spices things up! Here are a few of our best tips and tricks on how to prepare for the New Moon in Aries: Setting Intentions New Moons are all about starting fresh and shedding our old skin. This is the time to hone your greatest ambitions and turn them into actionable steps forward. This month, you even have a little boost provided by driven and ambitious Aries. Think big and chase after monumental goals! Start Something New Whether your new thing …

New Galactic Year

The New Galactic Year, Lionsgate, and Setting Intentions

July 26th marked the beginning of the New Galactic Year. If you don’t know what a Galactic Year is there is no need to fret! This occurrence aligns with the Mayan calendar and is based on 13 Moons, each of 28 days, which create a full year cycle of 364 days. This means that July 25 was the 365th day or as some call it “the day out of time.” There is some confusion with the term “Galactic Year” as astronomers also use it to describe a cosmic year, or the time it takes for the Sun to orbit around Milky Way. This event happens only every 225-250 million years and it quite hard to pinpoint as the last time this occurred, dinosaurs were just beginning to roam the planet. While both events are immensely interesting, today we will just be focusing on the Mayan Galactic Year. Turn to renowned online astrologers for immediate and genuine answers! This first month in the new Galactic Year on the Mayan calendar should be dedicated to renewal, metamorphosis, …