
How to Prepare for The New Moon in Aries?

New Moon in Aries

We can expect a lot of intense energy and passion as we welcome the New Moon in Aries on April 11th. As the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries are real trailblazers who like to call the shots when it comes to their destiny. All the signs will be able to harness this fire-fuelled power and we want to show you how to prepare for the New Moon in Aries flawlessly! With every lunar cycle, there are certain things you should and shouldn’t do and adding erratic and fiery Aries to the equation certainly spices things up!

Here are a few of our best tips and tricks on how to prepare for the New Moon in Aries:

Setting Intentions

New Moons are all about starting fresh and shedding our old skin. This is the time to hone your greatest ambitions and turn them into actionable steps forward. This month, you even have a little boost provided by driven and ambitious Aries. Think big and chase after monumental goals!

Start Something New

Whether your new thing consists of cooking a new dish, trying a new sport, or meeting new people, a New Moon is the prime time for starting something from scratch! A fresh start is an exciting way to give you a little extra motivation for completing your goals. Don’t be afraid to dip your toes into the unknown right now.

New Moon in Aries - Psychic reading

Write it Down

The first step to making your dreams and desires come true is writing it down! This might be more challenging under the influence of Aries as they like to take more unconventional approaches to planning. However, we still recommend doing this as it is one of the best things New Moon prepping.

Don’t Quit

Motivation is one thing you should not be lacking this New Moon. With a fire sign under your wings, you will feel on top of your intentions. Stay true to the tasks you have at hand and focus on the reward you will receive at the end!

Overall, it should be a favorable lunation that will help us chip away at our long-term goals. Stay focused and reap the rewards!

Still need some more inspiration for this lunar cycle? Chat with our experts to find out more ways on ow to prepare for the New Moon in Aries!

Chat with a clairvoyant psychic and find the predictions you need to hear in whichever method you prefer. Whether it be through a tarot card reading, a dream dictionary, your weekly horoscope, or a palm reading, we have it all at

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