All posts tagged: Jupiter sextile Neptune

Jupiter sextile Neptune

Jupiter sextile Neptune – the 27 of July 2020

The conjunction of Jupiter sextile Neptune perfects for the second time on the 27th of July, 2020, at Capricorn – Pisces 20°30. This is a beneficial influence, giving some groundedness and balance amidst the roller-coasters of this year. I covered this aspect in a previous article, where you can read about the nature of the two planets. Both of them are big visionaries, sources of faith and inspiration, which are great assets as far as you remain in touch with reality. Thankfully this year it is easier to stay grounded, as Jupiter is in the practical – minded Capricorn. Thus if you are willing to make conscious efforts, you’ll be able to make your visions come true. Talk to an online astrologer for detailed guidance today! However the current sextile is a part of a complex combination of planetary influences, which can play out in both ways. We have simultaneously a cardinal T-square between Mars in Aries, Mercury in Cancer, Jupiter in Capricorn, creating a tempestuous atmosphere. Both circumstances and people around you can be …