
Jupiter sextile Neptune – the 27 of July 2020

Jupiter sextile Neptune

The conjunction of Jupiter sextile Neptune perfects for the second time on the 27th of July, 2020, at Capricorn – Pisces 20°30. This is a beneficial influence, giving some groundedness and balance amidst the roller-coasters of this year.

I covered this aspect in a previous article, where you can read about the nature of the two planets. Both of them are big visionaries, sources of faith and inspiration, which are great assets as far as you remain in touch with reality. Thankfully this year it is easier to stay grounded, as Jupiter is in the practical – minded Capricorn. Thus if you are willing to make conscious efforts, you’ll be able to make your visions come true.

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However the current sextile is a part of a complex combination of planetary influences, which can play out in both ways. We have simultaneously a cardinal T-square between Mars in Aries, Mercury in Cancer, Jupiter in Capricorn, creating a tempestuous atmosphere. Both circumstances and people around you can be very irritating, but there is also a general tendency to blow things out of proportion.

The Venus – Neptune square perfects for the third and the last time (we had to deal with it throughout May) – an influence which was the source of many delusions and confusions during the Venus retrograde. As Venus leaves the retrograde shadow on the 29th of July, the picture will clear up gradually. However if you were carried away by your wishful thinking during the previous months, you may face some sobering experiences regarding your relationships and financial matters.

Jupiter sextile Neptune

If wisely used, the gentle energy of the Jupiter – Neptune sextile will mitigate the roller coaster generated by the challenging influences mentioned above. It will enable you to focus on bigger issues instead of being carried away by petty arguments, swings of mood, or passing flirtations. You will be able to distinguish the dreams with a realistic potential from the energy – draining fantasies. Even if not all of your expectations are coming true, you will be able to turn even disappointing situations to your advantage.

Nevertheless you have to be aware that this energy combination may prompt you to adopt a „Pollyanna” attitude towards the real problems of your life. Although the beneficial Jupiterian influence can help you a lot in handling the challenges of the harder aspects, it would be foolish to tempt fate with wild and ill-considered actions.

This is definitely not the right time to make decisions or getting involved in quarrels. Meditation, creative activity will help you to maintain your balance and focus on the positive growth of your life.

Whatever answer you are looking for, we are here to help. If you feel unlucky in love, get a love horoscope from a psychic who will detect all your insecurities through a free psychic reading on! If you had a stranger dream you don’t understand, get a dream interpretation through a different psychic reading and get your dream meaning with the help of a dream dictionary.

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