All posts tagged: Love horoscopes

Best Love Matches for Aries

Dating an Aries – The Best Love Matches for Aries

If you are seeking the love of an Aries or already in a partnership with one, you know how intense things can get! This fire sign loves to dazzle, shine, and stand out from the rest of the crowd. Their sharp wit and brazen confidence can sometimes be a bit too much for some to handle, but for those willing to take a walk on the wild side, they are in for an adventure! Keep reading to see our top picks for the best love matches for an Aries.   Aries   For a passionate and competitive match, we like to pair two Aries together! This power couple will work hard and fiercely to achieve the life of their dreams.  However, it will be important to make sure that you both take the time to listen to each other’s needs as dominance runs in your blood. No matter what, we can guarantee that these two will always be down for an adventure!    Leo   For a pair that will thrive off physical and intellectual interactions, a Leo makes one of the best love matches for an …

Best Love Matches for Pisces

Best Love Matches for Pisces: How to Find Your Way Into a Pisces’ Heart!

Ruled by the dreamy-blue planet of Neptune, the mutable water sign Pisces is a real catch. Represented by two swimming fish in a circular motion, Pisceans are in tune with their emotions, spirituality, and imagination. If you are looking for a dreamer with great listening skills and an unmatched ability to empathize, then a Pisces may be the one for you. Whether this is just a crush or lifelong partnership, we want to show you how to find you way into a Pisces’ heart. While synastry (also known as relationship astrology) is a complex art, we are offering up some of best love matches for Pisces based on sun signs alone. Let’s take a peek at some fantastic romantic partnerships!  Best Love Matches for Pisces:  Cancer & Pisces  Up first we have the Cancer-Pisces dynamic, which is an intense ride of emotions. That said, these two can understand each other like no one else. There are few signs of the zodiac who recognize how deep feelings can go and these two make a remarkable pair for that reason. These two value quality time, romance, and intimacy, making them quite the steamy couple! That said, there …

Am I Dating A Narcissist

Am I Dating A Narcissist? The Empath Narcissist Dynamic

A romantic dynamic that is not often thought of but is very likely to form is the Empath and Narcissist relationship. Now, it may seem that these two are an impossible match – how could an Empath ever possibly engage with the ultimate energy vampire? There are a few reasons that the two can attract each other, so if you find yourself asking “am I dating a Narcissist?” we can help you assess.   Before we talk about the Empath and Narcissist as a couple, let’s look at the characteristics of them as individuals first. Starting off with Empaths, you will find that these highly sensitive beings are very in tune with their feelings and can sense the emotions and energies of those around them. They have a lot of love to give and make excellent listeners, friends, and caregivers. On the other end, a Narcissist has an overwhelming sense of self-importance and an intense need to be admired and adored. Most importantly, they also have an extreme lack of empathy and frequently gaslight loved ones into believing that problems they create are the other person’s fault.    So, how do these two polar …

Compatibility with a Capricorn

Compatibility with a Capricorn – Best Love Matches for Capricorns

Capricorns never take the easy road. They know that their path to success is riddled with challenges and they relish in the pursuit of what they want. While they are often seen as cold for this reason, this earth sign makes for a loving and life-long partner. Find out our pick for the best compatibility with a Capricorn. Above all, Caps value a few traits that must be present in any relationship or romantic commitment that they choose.  It is important for them to have another person in their life who values a strong work ethic. Anyone who knows a Cap understands how much they always give 100 percent when it comes to their work. Having someone who supports them in this area of their life is essential. There is no greater dream for them than to be a power couple. So, be sure to support them in their career dreams and endeavors and they will do the same for you.  Loyalty is another vital trait that a Cap’s partner must possess. While, like Scorpios, …