All posts tagged: partial lunar eclipse

Partial lunar eclipse

Partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn

The Full Moon of the 16th of July occurs at 24°04′ of Capricorn. It is also a potent partial lunar eclipse. Eclipses are wild cards, bringing profound changes and transformations. We are in the eclipse season, started on the 2nd of July with a new moon and a total solar eclipse in Cancer. The current full moon is the corresponding partial lunar eclipse. Actually the eclipses highlighting the signs of Cancer and Capricorn begun in July 2018 and they will last until the summer of 2020. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! Partial lunar eclipse – endings and beginnings The sign of Cancer is associated with our roots, families, homes, family dynamics, security needs, mother – child relationships, memories. The sign of Capricorn is about vocation, status, social roles, control, reputation, worldly achievements, orientation. Certainly these are only a few of the general themes of the signs. Apart of  them, the eclipses will bring changes, endings and beginnings on the areas of life (houses) where they …