
Partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn

Partial lunar eclipse

The Full Moon of the 16th of July occurs at 24°04′ of Capricorn. It is also a potent partial lunar eclipse. Eclipses are wild cards, bringing profound changes and transformations.

We are in the eclipse season, started on the 2nd of July with a new moon and a total solar eclipse in Cancer. The current full moon is the corresponding partial lunar eclipse. Actually the eclipses highlighting the signs of Cancer and Capricorn begun in July 2018 and they will last until the summer of 2020.

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Partial lunar eclipse – endings and beginnings

The sign of Cancer is associated with our roots, families, homes, family dynamics, security needs, mother – child relationships, memories. The sign of Capricorn is about vocation, status, social roles, control, reputation, worldly achievements, orientation. Certainly these are only a few of the general themes of the signs. Apart of  them, the eclipses will bring changes, endings and beginnings on the areas of life (houses) where they fall on your chart.

As a new moon, a solar eclipse is associated with beginnings, while a lunar eclipse, a full moon is a culmination point associated with endings. Certainly these closures will open new doors for growth in the future, so they are necessary, even if sometimes uncomfortable.

Partial lunar eclipse

Partial lunar eclipse – karmic nature

As eclipses occur close to the lunar nodes, they have a karmic nature. In case of the current lunar eclipse this quality is even more emphasized, as the ruler of the Capricorn Moon is Saturn, also known as the Lord of Karma. Additionally Saturn conjuncts the South Node, related to the past – including outworn habits, attitudes and patterns. Lunar eclipses tend to purge and release things from our lives that no longer serve our higher selves. The presence of Saturn indicates that during the 5 months indicated by the eclipse (it lasts 5 hours which means that its effects will be felt for 5 months) there excellent opportunities will emerge to burn old karma and liberate ourselves from certain karmic bonds.

However the luminaries make tight aspects with Pluto (there is a Moon – Pluto conjunction and a Sun Pluto opposition). The Lord of the Underworld also has a karmic nature. The changes and transformations associated with Pluto can be dramatic; growth is catalysed by crisis and endings. Certainly, the less we cling on those things, relationships and situations which must be purged from our lives the smoother the transition will be.

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Capricorn, the sign where the eclipse occurs indicates that we will have to release some outgrown social roles, structures, working patterns, unsustainable directions. Certainly, depending on the house where the eclipse falls, there can be other themes involved. People having personal planets, angles and points at approximately 19 to 29 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) will be influenced most significantly.

The changes generated by the eclipses may be inconvenient, confusing, sometimes too sudden and too dramatic. However they always sync us to a life path that is more aligned with our true selves. Later we realize that they were disguised blessings. The recommended attitude is in line with the old Zen saying “Whatever comes, accept it, whatever goes, let it go! That is all.”

Partial lunar eclipse

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