All posts tagged: psychic

Three of Wands

Three of Wands – Tarot Message of the Day

Today, we are taking a deep dive into the Three of Wands! This card illustrates a man dressed in a robe standing at the end of cliff, with three of his sticks (wands) planted securely around him. This card follows the Two of Wands and tells a story that the man has left the security and luxury of his castle that he had in the previous card. He has now moved onto something new. The vast expanse laid out before him, while scary, also indicates the need for moving toward and mapping out a new future for himself.   The Three of Wands Upright Meaning:  This card, when placed upright, indicates that plans you have had in the works are now fully underway. While there is a still big part of your journey ahead of you before it is complete, you have taken the hardest step. In this moment, you have probably started to realize what amazing things are in store for you on the other side. Perhaps, this may just even be something as simple …

The Death Card

The Death Card and Scorpios

Did you know that each of the twelve zodiac signs are associated with a specific Tarot card? Once you start to dig a little deeper, the parallels between the assigned Tarot cards and their corresponding astrological link becomes crystal clear! So, in honor of Scorpio season, we present you its Major Arcana match – the DEATH card. The Death Tarot Card gets a terrible rap, and we can only imagine why… Nobody wants to see something as jarring as Death in their spread, but it’s not all bad. Here’s why: While we instantly think of despair and darkness when we see the Death card, there is so much more behind the surface. Just like the Phoenix, with death comes rebirth. And Scorpios are all about transformations, especially dramatic ones like a total reincarnation. Some things must die for better things to take their place. Let’s take a deeper look at this misunderstood card to unlock the secrets that it holds. Upright When you pull the Death Tarot Card upright, you can probably expect something big …

astrology houses

Astrology basics – The Houses Explained

Have you ever seen an astrology chart before? Or have you heard about astrology houses? Take it from us, it can be quite overwhelming to digest at first. That’s why we’ve taken it upon ourselves to explain it step-by-step, so you can fully understand your next birth chart reading. Just like a clock, your birth chart is divided into 12 sections. These sections are called houses and each of them is ruled by a certain zodiac sign. In traditional western astrology, your chart begins with your first house and then goes counterclockwise from there. Each house represents a facet of your life, so let’s dig in! Online astrology experts may answer your questions right now! Astrology houses – 1st House: Its name does it justice! The first house is all about firsts: first encounters, impressions, initiatives, and fresh starts! Think of it as the way people first see you, because that’s exactly what it is. 1st Houses are always ruled by your ascendant sign. Check out this blog post if you are unsure about your …

Manifest abundance

How to Manifest Your Dream Life Through an Abundance Mentality

What if we told you that everything you want to achieve is within reach? Well, it is! This is what the Law of Attraction is all about. If you are looking to attract abundance in your life, whether it be through your relationships, work, and/or financial status, it is all possible. The truth is, when you believe that you are worthy and accepting of the things you want most, the universe will work with you to achieve everything. So, how do you get to this point? To manifest abundance will take a lot of changes to your mindset, but it is all possible! Follow these steps to begin achieving your dream life: Manifest abundance – Practice Gratitude The first step to making your wildest ambitions a reality is to be thankful for the wonderful blessings already in your life. It is likely that universe already conspired to give these things. It is important to be grateful for them and thank the cosmos for their divine interventions. The easiest way to accomplish this is to reflect …

Showing Gratitude

Showing Gratitude Raises Vibrations in All Aspects Life

You have probably heard the word “vibrations” being thrown around in the spiritual community. However, do you know what people are referring to? Well, they are describing a combination of thoughts, emotions, energy, and mindset. We often hear the term “having low vibrations,” and “having high vibrations”, or even just “having good vibrations” to describe a certain something being emanated by other people. These terms could also be used to describe ourselves as a person. How does showing gratitude belong here? Having a positive outlook in life is a sign that a person has high vibrations. These people are the ones that tend to attract positive outcomes in their life, simply because their attitudes are geared towards being able to do so. Rather than focusing on negative things, or having low vibrations, their mental energy builds up to become self-sustaining instead of being a source of brain drain. People who operate with a high vibration in life are better able to pursue whatever their higher purpose may be. Higher vibrations also increase our chances of succeeding, …

Tarot Card of the Day

Tarot Card of the Day – The Star

This card depicts a nude woman kneeling near a water source, while holding two containers. Half of her body is on the land and other half in the water, pouring her containers in each realm that she occupies. Above her are a series of stars, each representing the chakras. Tarot card of the day, the Star, holds many meanings, which we will explore together. If you pull the Star Upright, you can expect… With this Major Arcana card in your spread, it indicates optimism and hope for your future endeavors. It is generally seen as a positive card. Following the Tower card, the Star is welcomed as a reprieve after a period of tension and demolition. It is likely that you have been faced with a series of defeats and you are now transformed into a stronger version of yourself. You are now accompanied by an unshakable understanding that you are always connected.  The Star ushers in a period of newfound faith and courage. With this card, the magic of the world is clear to …

chakra alignment

Chakra Alignment with Angellove11

If you haven’t had the magical experience of connecting with Angellove11 yet, we can’t recommend it enough! A natural-born healer and intuitive, she looks to get to the core of your problems. She provides many specialties and for the low cost of 9.99 credit, she is offering a group chakra alignment this Friday. What’s a chakra and chakra alignment, you may ask? Well, each one of us has different chakras, which are more or less balanced. You can pinpoint the ones which you need to connect with more, based on potential physical pain in your body or from your own intuition. A quick guide to your Chakras can be seen below: 💜 Crown → Thought → Connection💙 Third eye → Light → Intuition💎 Throat → Sound → Truth💚 Heart → Air → Love💛 Solar plexus → Fire → Energy🧡 Sacral → Water → Emotions❤️ Root → Earth → Instinct Once identified, she will place your attention in the corresponding chakra and open her healing energy to your center. Check out the video below to find out …

Spiritual holiday gift guide

Spiritual Holiday Gift Guide with Psychic Leelahel

Now that the season has changed, new ideas are forming. Among them what you’ll be gifting that very special witch in your life. The intention is to amaze, impress, and get you kissed. The most memorable gifts are often the ones imbued with the personal objective to delight and meet a need – and that is what we will set out to do with this spiritual holiday gift guide! As you wrap all the items together, envision your witchy friend using them to seek personal power, happiness, and to protect from any unwanted low energy. Here are a few ideas to get you through the holiday season: Crystals: Angel Aura Quartz: Uplifting, joy. Inner peace.Clear quartz: Amplify intentionObsidian: Truth-enhancing protective stone. Shields against negativity.Selenite stick: Protects from outside influences. For good luck and clear sight. Boost your Love life with the help of genuine Psychic advice! Boost your Love life with the help of genuine Psychic advice! Herbs: Cinnamon: For money and passion Lavender: To soothe. Eases nervous tension and stress. Rose: Nourishes skin. Rosemary: Banishing, cleansing, honesty, protection. Vervain: Dreams, healing, peace Many herb purposes can fuel others, take a close look at what works well together and …

Life goals

Aligning Your Soul’s Purpose in Accordance to Your Life Goals

How many people here on Earth can truly say that they are aware of their soul’s true purpose? For certain, many of us have goals that we want to achieve in this lifetime. These life goals generally concern your personal and professional accomplishments. However, it is important to take the time to ask yourself, which of these goals are truly your own?  We are able to present ourselves to the world through our words and actions. Yet, can they represent us for who we truly are? Inside our minds we are made up of an infinite number of thoughts and emotions. It’s most definitely no one’s fault, but the fact remains that we cannot expect the world around us to realize our soul’s true purpose. There are certain expectations that are placed in each of us, fair or not. These expectations come from the environment we grow up in. They are mostly imbued to us by our family and friends. Truth be told, it goes all the way down to society. However, the “knowing” comes …

using astrology

Using Astrology to Understand Yourself Better

Astrology is super popular right now and there are so many reasons why! Millions of people have found incredible insights into their lives, using the stars as their guides. Learning about your zodiac profile can help you not only find out more about your wants, needs, and personality but also about the relationships in your life. Now, you may find yourself a little lost in all this talk about signs, months, planets, houses, etc… but what does it all really mean, and how can using astrology help you? For starters, let’s tackle the difference between your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs: While we all probably know our Sun Sign (determined by your birthday), few know about their Moon and Rising Signs. These signs are based on where the moon, planets, and stars were positioned at your time of birth. Let’s begin shall we… Your Moon Sign: Think of this sign as your innermost emotional self. It helps you process your deepest feelings and is based on where the Moon was situated when you were born. …