All posts tagged: psychic

birthchart reading

What to expect for a birthchart reading?

Have you always wanted to get a full birthchart reading, but were unsure where to go or who to consult? See what kind of questions and answers you can expect from one of our top specialists! Larisa is particularly unique as she does not use conventional Western Astrology. Rather she uses an ancient Indian form of star predicting called Jyotish or Vedic Astrology. Find out why you can benefit from such a reading today! Connect now for a birthchart reading! The cosmos holds the answers you need! Chat with one of our stellar astrologists on and find out what the stars have in store for you. Our astrologers are skilled in providing general chart readings, love horoscopes, daily horoscopes, and sign compatibility readings. For a quick bite of what our psychics can offer, check out our weekly horoscopes and see what your sign can expect this week.

Palm reading

Palmistry 101

Palmistry (also referred to as chiromancy) is a form of fortunetelling that is completed through reading and interpreting the lines, folds, and wrinkles of the palm. Today, you can find a skilled palm reader in almost every city, but this wasn’t always the case. The exact birthplace of palmistry is unknown but the earliest accounts of reading one’s palms to give predictions are found in India and then later spreading to Persia, Tibet, Egypt, China, and Greece. During the medieval period, palm reading was almost eradicated as it was associated with devil worship by the Catholic church. During this time, its use was strictly prohibited, and practitioners were classified as sorcerers. Those who were caught using palmistry methods were severely punished and often killed. However, the tradition still carries strongly into the present day despite such suppression. Want to change your lifestyle? Talk to a Spiritual Advisor now! Palm reading prevailed and even ended up thriving during the Renaissance. In the 20th century, it even saw renewed attention through interpretations by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. Today, modern medicine (while not officially recognizing chiromancy) also …

Essential Oil Magic

Essential Oil Magic with Psychic Leelahel

Oranum Psychic Leelahel here! I’m so excited to teach you a trick or two in essential oil magic! If you want to: Warm up an estranged lover? Solidify the connection between you and your crush? Or if you just want to seem more attractive to people you meet? Then this blog post is for you… With our heart set to connect to the highest frequency of love, we gather and then enchant our ingredients by the appropriate moon phase. To bring something new in, use the new moon. This is when the moon is not at all present in the sky. The days that the moon is growing is the time to make adjustments to your intentions. You may also use this period to add supporting materials to the craft if they are acquired later. For an effective romantic essential oil magic, the ingredients are easy to find for the most part. Steam distillation works great for me! You will need to boil the herbs and plants until the essential oils separate from the plant and float on the water.  You …

Psychic reading

Everything you need to know about getting an online Psychic reading

Does the thought of visiting a stranger and telling them your deepest desires seem too frightening to get an in-person psychic reading? The good news is that you are not the only one who feels this way. The even better news is that there is a wonderful alternative for you to try! In this day and age, hundreds of psychics are now online to provide readings. This means that you can just type your questions in a chat box from the comfort of your home. The psychic does not even need to see your face and you don’t need to use your voice. Our psychics at provide accurate answers in a compassionate manner. We also have an incredible video feature, where you can see your psychic, but they don’t have to see you. Curious to learn how it works? The first thing you need to do is to register (full video below). We even give you 9.99 in free credits upon your registration – the option to purchase more is always up to you. …

Clarity in decision making

Clarity of Mind When Making Career and Business Decisions

We are constantly faced with making decisions in our career or business. Regardless of who you are, at some point, you will make a mistake. Whether or not the gravity of these decisions bear consequences is irrelevant. Regret always comes in the end. The fact remains that we need to have clarity in decision making in order to make the right decisions.  Oftentimes, we make mistakes when we stumble into the decision making process without even thinking. On the other hand, if we’re under pressure or stress, we do the exact opposite and succumb to overthinking. The first thing you need to do is relax before committing to a decision.  A great way to accomplish a calm state of mind is to practice meditation. Meditation increases mental stamina. It also has the added benefits of inducing calmness through clearing your mind of unnecessary thoughts. Through meditation, you can achieve greater focus. Get the advice you need from renowned online Psychic advisors now! Clarity in decision making – regret? We mentioned regret earlier in relation to making mistakes. A good thing to remember is that we …

Gratitude Towards Your Career

Gratitude Towards Your Career

Can you show gratitude towards your career? How many people can say that they are truly happy in their current job? Apparently, not very many. According to a survey conducted every four years by Gallup (an American analytics firm) only 13 percent of people love their jobs. The rest either expressed dislike of their jobs or admitted that they are only slightly engaged in their current workplace.  There are several reasons for this phenomenon. Some of the most glaringly obvious ones are financial security, a lack of appreciation for the work they produce, a less-than-ideal working environment, and the absence of potential growth and development. Sadly, most of these factors are beyond one’s control. Short of changing jobs or switching careers completely; there’s not much to be done about them these concerns.  Visit genuine online advisors and get the clarity you need! So, then what if we turn our attention to the 13 percent of people who do love their careers to see what they are doing right? Well, the same survey shows that these people have pretty much the same jobs …

Oranum Psychic Leelahel

Oranum Psychic Highlight with Leelahel

This week we are featuring Oranum Psychic Leelahel, who you may remember from our Tarot Spread of the Week last Wednesday. She has been practicing divination for 20 years now and experiences total comfort with most spiritual practices. Tarot holds a special place in heart as it weaves her love for design and the arts with fortune-telling. Originally from Puerto Rico, Leelahel is now based in Los Angeles and loves the magical spirit of her newfound city. “My life’s work includes helping others chart out a plan to overcome their own obstacles. I have dedicated the last nine years of my life to helping others, and I do so with gusto! It is rewarding to witness first hand how people process and identify their inner strength, and then seeing where they choose to take it from there. Results are often inspiring. I have been weaving peoples’ stories together. Are you curious to find out for yourself what fortune brews for you on my table?” Interview with Oranum Psychic Leelahel Meet Psychic Leelahel and see her …

Healing from Heartbreak

Signs of Healing from Heartbreak

Moving on from heartbreak can feel intolerable as it is happening. When you begin to sense that you are getting better, however, it is reassuring to put everything in perspective. When this happens, you will sigh in deep relief about the progress that you’ve made. Figuring out where you are on your journey in healing from heartbreak may seem challenging as it is hard to measure. Unfortunately, it is impossible to just flip a switch and feel better, but with time, good friends, a healthy lifestyle, and connecting back with yourself you can work towards a mended heart. If you’re curious about certain signs of healing, we have compiled a short list that might help you gauge where you are at in your process. It’s easier to talk about – When you talked about this person in the past, did you feel an immense ache in your heart? While that may still happen, perhaps the ache is lighter and you are able to continue your day. This is an important step in moving on. You …

ease anxiety

Combatting “Sunday Scaries:” How to Ease Work-Week Anxiety?

Do you experience a gut-wrenching feeling at the tail end of your weekends? You may know the sensation – Once the magic of a Friday after-work happy hour has come and gone, you tend to become overwhelmed by a constant state of dread? The thought of returning to a stressful workplace is a paralyzing prospect for millions of people. This phenomenon is most commonly referred to as the “Sunday Scaries” and it is characterized as a crippling anxiety that prohibits you from fully enjoying your days off in anticipation of the week ahead. Not everyone struggles with this affliction but for those who do, you know all too well the despair it places on your life. When you are confronted with pre-work week jitters, there are many things that can help to ease anxiety. How to ease anxiety and fend off Pre-Work Week stress? Ask our Psychics and/or: Try Natural Remedies – Take a bath. One groundbreaking study found that soaking in a hot bath for an hour or more had similar benefits of going …

open your heart

Focus on opening your heart, not your soulmate

Perhaps you’ve already heard the phrases: “open your heart”, “loving and working on yourself” and that in order to “attract better, you must become better”, right? Even though you feel that you are one of the beautiful human beings who deserves the highest form of love and protection, it just seems impossible to attain. But it’s not your fault that you feel this way. You’ve been sold a concept which isn’t within reach. Love is not necessarily something outside of you, or something that you feel for another soul. Love is more like a state of being, where you’re flowy, one with everyone and the universe and things tend to work out magically and effortlessly. This isn’t something that happens because of someone however. It happens as you open your heart.  Boost your love life with the help of a Psychic today! As we meet that someone special, we start building a connection, a “relationship” and that someone special awakens a part within us which we call “love.”And then we say “I am in love …