All posts tagged: relationship issues

Was breaking up a good idea

Was breaking up a good idea indeed?

You have made the decision, a major one. You broke up with your love after being in the relationship you trusted. Well, you are not alone and there are many out there going through a similar phase. It is well and good if you are confident about your decision however if you are unsure about it, this writeup helps you get through and jump back to normal, enabling you to start living your life again. So, was breaking up a good idea? How could you change your situation for good? Ask a Psychic advisor! Parting after caring and being cared for is painful. You may feel guilty for what you did and it might even become difficult for you to focus on your job. It is also possible that you end up with a blank mind, totally confused. Yes, it is hard to digest the fact that the person you loved will no more be there for you but please understand that such things are common in a relationship and it is not the end …

Is it time to break up

How To Know When It’s Time To Break Up?

If your relationship no longer brings you any joy, it’s probably time for you to break it up. As with any relationship, you must try to put in some work into trying to resolve any existing issues that are creating problems. However, if you’ve tried your best and these problems still don’t seem like they’re anywhere near disappearing, maybe you should consider calling the relationship off. How do you know when breaking up is the right thing to do? Allow us to help you out. You no longer trust your partner – Do you catch yourself doubting him/her often? Maybe your intuition has been in overdrive telling you there’s something afoot that you don’t know about. The worst thing you could do in this situation is not listen to your gut. You’ve been thinking a lot about breaking up – If you’ve been entertaining the question: “Is it time to break up?” for a while now and still haven’t found the will or courage to do it, maybe you should. If you aren’t satisfied with …

Dos And Don’ts in a relationship

Dos and Don’ts of being in a relationship

While relationships are dynamic and there are no standard rules that will guide an individual through them, there are certain habits that one can follow and leave out in order to have a healthy and positive relationship. here are the main dos And don’ts in a relationship: Do practice honesty – Communicate openly and honestly with your partner about anything that you may have in your mind. Don’t go to bed angry – If you and your partner have been having an argument, try to resolve it before going to bed. Don’t let it drag on. Do be sensitive – In an emotionally-intimate relationship, the stakeholders share private and sensitive information with each other. If your partner is sharing something from their past that was traumatic to them, listen and be kind. Boost your Love life with the help of genuine Psychic advice! Don’t use secrets as leverage – As a partner, you will be privy to sensitive information about your significant other. If this is information that they’ve trusted you enough to share, respect this trust and don’t use this as leverage in your …

help with your relationship

Questions to ask your psychic if you are having relationship issues

Like all things in life, relationships need work too. They provide us with the much-needed love and support. However, we always have to expend time and effort into maintaining them. Read this article further if you need help with your relationship! No relationship is a cakewalk. You may have found your “soulmate” and yet might still find that you need to communicate and meet this soulmate halfway for the health and well-being of your relationship. Are you ready for a harmonious relationship indeed? Ask our Psychics! Most people tend to seek out friends and family when they face problems in their relationships. And there are others who turn to their therapists. More and more people are recognizing the importance of consulting a psychic to help them with their relationship troubles. A psychic can access the wisdom of spirit guides and inform you on how to tread forward with your relationship without disturbing the dynamics. Want help with your relationship issues? Ask your psychic the following questions. Maybe you’ll get some perspective. Is your partner cheating …