All posts tagged: Signs

Valentine’s Day

Legend of St. Valentine

Valentine’s Day occurs every February 14th and it is all about love. Across the World, candy, flowers and gifts are exchanged between people in love. St. Valentine’s story was a secret itself. Here is a little about the tragic tale of Valentine’s Day. Let’s have the secret revealed. When you feel you can’t handle your issues anymore, it is time for a Psychic reading! We still remember, moreover celebrate the legend of St. Valentine while the truth behind the tale is still hidden. And the truth is quite sad this time as so many young lives were lost in that particular period of time from where this legend originates. Valentine was a Roman priest, who served during the third century in Rome. It was a harrowing time of tears as love was literally outlawed by the crushing Roman empire. Emperor Claudius II had a strict and calculating mind, some even say he was brutal and savage. Claudius decided that single men made better soldiers, than those with wives. Love, as it seemed was too much …

Valentine's Day promotion

Oranum Valentine’s Day promotion details

On 14 February, certain Experts will be offering Valentine’s Day promotion demo readings all day long. Every hour, one of our genuine Love Psychic experts will perform a 30 minute demo reading in their Free Chat. All you need to do is log in to your Oranum member account and search for the Experts with a Valentine’s Day logo on their profile picture. After entering their room, you are free to ask them your important questions. Click to get to where you may reach our Psychics! Please see the list of the Psychics who will participate in our Valentine’s day promotion and the related time frames (given in EST) below: 0:00-0:30 am HarryPsychic 01:00-01:30 am Morrdor 02:00-02:30 am Gisela27 03:00-03:30 am Sensei 04:00-04:30 am HealingLady 05:00-05:30 am AlexMc 06:00-06:30 am Eventrue 07:00-07:30 am theGuardian 08:00-08:30 am Essi 09:00-09:30 am Travelinlight 10:00-10:30 am AlyciaRose 11:00-11:30 am LoveDrNikki 12:00-12:30 pm MysticMilena 13:00-13:30 Heera123 14:00-14:30 leelahel 15:00-15:30 FLOWERPOWERTAROT 16:00-16:30 LoveDove477 17:00-17:30 CRYSTALFAIRY 18:00-18:30 TOZORORION99 19:00-19:30 LadyMaria 20:00-20:30 VisionaryGu 21:00-21:30 AstralPrediction 22:00-22-30 Janinewolf 23:00-23:30 PsychicJohn May the spirit …


Understanding and opening up to synchronicity in your life

Synchronicity is talked about a lot these days, and is accompanied by varying theories as to its meaning and significance. One thing we all agree on however, is that it has a magical way of occurring at important and portentous times. As it is a phenomena I have looked into for a couple of decades, I have learned how to use it to enhance our lives and create more magic day to day. Where does the word synchronicity come from? The word ‘sychronicity’ was first used by eminent psychologist Carl Gustav Jung in a paper he wrote in 1952. He used it to describe,“temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events” and for the first time attributed a meaning to such linked experiences. He did in fact continue to research this phenomena and went on to publish 3 books on the subject in the 1970s & 80s.  For direct Psychic guidance and clear answers click this link Although the definition is benign, the word is now taken to represent a deeper connection between all elements of life and illustrate that …

Jupiter Neptune sextile

Jupiter Neptune sextile

Jupiter and Neptune have a lot in common. According to Stephen Arroyo, they both represent functions of personal growth and transformation toward a higher level of consciousness. They inspire a religious, metaphysical or philosophical approach to life, both are known for their generosity and represent a quest for a higher meaning. However, Neptune tends to be more mystical and introverted, while Jupiter seems to be more orthodoxly religious and extroverted. All about the Jupiter Neptune sextile: Trouble finding out what your next step should be? Astrologers will guide you the right way on Both in natal charts and in transits the aspects between the two planets are associated with creativity, spiritual yearnings, religious activity, a desire to understand the higher truths governing the Universe, vivid imagination, inspirations, meaningful dreams. This is all great, but these planetary combinations have a couple of downsides, too. Daydreaming, lack of practical approach, unwillingness to face the real problems of life, inflated expectations, a desire for gambling, tempting fate with ill-considered actions are some of them. The hard aspects …

meet your soulmate

What happens when you meet your soulmate?

Meeting one’s soulmate is a fortunate happenstance. A soulmate need not be a romantic partner And could just as well be a close friend or mentor. The relationship you share with your soulmate is one based on compatibility, love, trust, and spirituality. When you finally meet your soulmate, your life changes in ways you couldn’t have imagined. Let’s look at some of these changes – It changes your perspective – Your view of the world undergoes a drastic makeover. You no longer look at life the same. You are now more optimistic and easygoing. You are willing to take more chances. Overall, you become happier than you were before. You smile to yourself – You often feel yourself experiencing the heady rush that comes with falling in love. Whenever you think of them, read their text, or talk over the phone with them, you can’t help but smile. You try out new things – Most of us are very attuned to the lives we are living. We are loathe to step out of our comfort …

Zodiac herbs and spices

Zodiac and their herbs & spices series – Capricorn

We may say that the use of medicinal herbs is as old as astrology. Since the beginning of civilization, mankind has tried to make sense of its surroundings. All herbs and plants we know have the power to heal. Each plant, spice, herb or flower contain their own unique properties and frequencies and it’s very beneficial to learn more about which ones resonate with your vibration. Zodiac herbs and spices series on Oranum Blog will help you. A detailed astrology reading can help you overcome your obstacles! Zodiac herbs and spices – Capricorn Slow-growing, woody herbs are very beneficial for Capricorn and especially those that are high in calcium to strengthen the bones. The Capricorn prefers herbs that can be used dry. On this list, there are oregano, rosemary, marjoram, bay leaf, thyme, sage and savoury. Some Capricorns also like salty foods, sometimes exaggerating with salt. Capricorns are known from their active mind therefore we offer rosemary to you. Rosemary supports brain stimulation very well! If your birthday falls between December 22 and January 20, this is …

2020 a life changing year

Why 2020 is your most important and life changing year, and how to prepare for it?

I have been cautioning many people that Transits are shifts of energy, electromagnetic interaction, and frequency that influence the whole solar system and every part thereof. At the same time however, to believe that cycles compel anyone to be a certain way is a grave mistake. Now, let’s see why 2020 a life changing year. Consult your clairvoyant psychic to find out more about new, unexpected turns or outcomes in your life.  You just need to be forewarned about how to deal with situations, and then act accordingly.  Transits and cycles are like weather forecasts. If you know a storm is coming and the temperature is supposed to drop 20 degrees, and you’re smart, you’re not going to leave the house in shorts and go to the beach. However, this also does not means that life ends there.  You can re-organize your activities by either working from home, postponing those programs that were scheduled for the stormy day, or dress up better and get in an Uber, or take the car.  2020 a life changing year …

Zodiac herbs and spices series

Zodiac and their herbs & spices series – Sagittarius

We may say that the use of medicinal herbs is as old as astrology. Since the beginning of civilization, mankind has tried to make sense of its surroundings. All herbs and plants we know have the power to heal. Each plant, spice, herb or flower contain their own unique properties and frequencies and it’s very beneficial to learn more about which ones resonate with your vibration. Zodiac herbs and spices series on Oranum Blog will help you. A detailed astrology reading can help you overcome your obstacles! Zodiac herbs and spices – Sagittarius If you were born between November 23rd and December 21st, this is your sign. Your ruling planet is Jupiter and Sagittarius is a Fire sign. Sagittarius is a Fire sign that is ruled by Jupiter, a huge and optimistic planet. Plants with the most benefits for Sagittarius will support the liver on the physical level and help them keeping up a positive mindset. When it comes to spices we may say that you Sagittarius is the absolute opposite of Crab, because you will …

Zodiac marriage compatibility

Zodiac marriage compatibility

Marriage is a lifelong commitment. At least, it was intended to be. So whether you are a firm believer of astrology or just someone who finds reading the horoscope occasionally interesting, this zodiac marriage compatibility list have much to offer. If you are ready to settle down with your partner and want to marry him/her, it’s best to find out all you can about them before exchanging your vows. The zodiac can tell you whether or not you and your partner are compatible based on your birth signs. You don’t have to abide by the zodiac, but there is no harm in verifying loose ends, is there? Here’s a list of the zodiac signs and their corresponding signs that they’re most compatible with: Aquarius – Aquarius matches well with Aquarius, Gemini and Sagittarius. Pisces – Pisces should settle down with either Cancer or Scorpio for a happy and healthy marriage. Aries – Those born with the star sign of Aries pair best with the fire signs in astrology, such as Leo. Taurus – Taurus pairs …

Commit To Your Relationship

Signs That You Are Ready To Commit To Your Relationship

Knowing if you are ready for a serious romantic relationship can be difficult. Especially so if you’re just coming off a heartbreak or haven’t been dating for a while. So how do you know if you’re finally in a place where you are ready to commit to your relationship and you can begin to invest what it takes? Let’s find out! You have stability and security in your life – You have ambitions and you are working towards them gradually. Many people jump into relationships to distract themselves from all the other things that are going wrong in their lives. You will only be ready to commit to a relationship when you don’t have other demands of your life bogging you down. Do you have a future together? Ask a genuine Love advisor today! You are not looking for another individual to complete you – That’s not how healthy relationships work. You can’t expect your partner to fulfill you. Yes, your partner will be there to complement your weaknesses and strengths but this doesn’t mean …