I have been cautioning many people that Transits are shifts of energy, electromagnetic interaction, and frequency that influence the whole solar system and every part thereof. At the same time however, to believe that cycles compel anyone to be a certain way is a grave mistake. Now, let’s see why 2020 a life changing year.
Consult your clairvoyant psychic to find out more about new, unexpected turns or outcomes in your life. You just need to be forewarned about how to deal with situations, and then act accordingly.
Transits and cycles are like weather forecasts. If you know a storm is coming and the temperature is supposed to drop 20 degrees, and you’re smart, you’re not going to leave the house in shorts and go to the beach. However, this also does not means that life ends there.

You can re-organize your activities by either working from home, postponing those programs that were scheduled for the stormy day, or dress up better and get in an Uber, or take the car.
2020 a life changing year – set your mind right
With that in mind, I suggest that the best way to start 2020 is by adopting a mind frame in which events you think could NEVER happen may actually occur or will probably occur.
The most unlikely business, political, financial, economic, or social changes could happen this year. This will work at global level as well as on a personal level. The most unlikely alliances, business or otherwise, will form between people – in instances where this would’ve been hard to even fathom, let alone accept as possible.
Therefore, we are in a situation where we have no comparison to the past. We have either one or the other of those cycles, which we can relate to on its own, but not all together.
Cycles related to transits occur as often as every month, every year, every 12 years, or some are even as long as 240 years or more!
First one was from 1047-1087, then 1234, 1842 and 1936…
These big five are coming together this year, and they will affect the whole globe as they involve the outer, slow-moving planets like Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus, but also Saturn and Jupiter aside from a bunch of planets in retrograde for much of 2020.
We are in a rare and incomparable situation where this many cycles coincide at one time and all in 2020.
2020 a life changing year – major transformations
This means that major transformations can, and will, happen and they will be related to who you describe yourself to be, your economic and financial situation, your relationships, your freedom and your sovereignty.
This is a cycle related economic and social revolution, which will continue for the next 21 years. There will be a fresh batch of renewed energy at the end of this year and all thanks to Saturn and Jupiter.
We are now in a similar cycle until 2024. Let’s keep in mind that when the US had the Declaration of Independence, it was near the end of a similar cycle – in 1776 and the cycle ended in 1778. This was because it required ample time to build up enough tension to make this possible.
Therefore, this cycle shows us that things that are not supposed to happen do happen and against all odds. At that time, there was no country in the world with a government of the people, by the people, and for the people – in other words answerable to the people. Think of what that meant as a change and the effect it had on the world.
One of the cycles active this year is that one.

2020 a life changing year – Love life
Even more important is a cycle that involves LOVE & Relationship specifically, but also all activities leading to power over deceit. Saturn is in conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn. This leads to a STRUCTURAL transformation of relationships, money, jobs, love, organizations, processes, people, and homes. In other words; any structures from personal to universal. The structural transformation’s purpose is to eliminate anything that is not sustainable.
This is a cycle that demands highly strategic, effective and organized actions. Of course, this could also work in the opposite direction.
However, the potential for good transformation is there. We always create something new and beneficial if we believe it is possible, and this is why it’s beneficial to consult with a good clairvoyant to find out more about what your possible outcomes may be.
Pay attention in your personal lives, because you may be required to leave behind familiar structures (physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually) of your life, which will transform no matter how much you may want to hold onto the past.
Despite your beliefs, those things hold you back, and the process is about freeing yourself from feeling held back. You may not even be aware of what you will be forced to give up and change. Only after will you be able to appreciate its true meaning. Incredible things can happen, therefore get your psychic reading now before it’s too late!
At the end of 2020, we will enter a period of the “air” economy. Air as in the element, which means this has to do with thinking, awareness, and the like.
This shift has already been happening for a while; Jupiter and Saturn come together every 20 years, but now they’re going to come together under an air sign and they’ll be there until October, 2219, which is close to 200 years. This means a very big shift, as we’ve been in an “earth” economy since 1842.
2020 a life changing year – Are you ready for surprises?
Earthen economy is based on the growth of things like agriculture, manufacturing, exploitation of natural resources, physical products, and the like. As the “air-based economy” kicks in, we’ll have to deal with data and information more. Different transportation systems, relationships, alliances, different but strong legal systems, inventions, new technologies, higher consciousness, space exploration and exploitation, and so on are already in progress.
There will be many big shifts. However, what’s important is that we have no data points to compare how an “air economy” operates. All our data is based on an “earth economy”. Therefore, we don’t know how this will unfold – this is a never-before situation. We had one 800 years ago, but no data remains to draw an accurate comparison.
Nevertheless, it is a major shift and anything could happen. Things that will surprise you and turn your life upside down, and things that change you as a person could happen. Things that absolutely “should” not happen, will happen despite all odds.
How this will play out in the greater scheme is up to each and every one of us. The consciousness of individual people, as well as the population as a whole, will determine how the cycle plays out.

Lastly – there is a lunar eclipse on Jan 10. This may be traumatic for some people because it could create major disruptions and sudden endings in old relationships, endings whose sole purpose is to facilitate major transformation. This eclipse is in range until somewhere in Feb. Many people are going to be impacted but people with planets 20 degrees in Cancer or Capricorn are more likely to be impacted.
Contact the author, PsychicJohn for a reading on Oranum.com today !
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