All posts tagged: spiritual love

Spiritual Love connection

What Is the Significance of Spiritual Love Connection?

You’d be hard pressed to find someone who does not wish to have a deeper connection with the person they love. It is precisely for this reason that many couples try their best to ensure that their relationship is based on spiritual love. Spiritual love connection is much more stable than romantic love. Spiritual love is not a new concept and has been prevalent for ages. You might have heard about this from people who are close to you. The question here is how real is the concept of spiritual love? When will you find the one? Ask a Love Psychic today! Defining spiritual love connection When a relationship has a deep spiritual connection, it puts consciousness and awareness above everything else. If a person is experiencing spiritual love, the relationship will be centered around conscious awareness. Both partners will also enhance their awareness of their individual needs and duties. In other words, both of you will try to cast away your selfishness and become more sensitive to the needs of your partner. If you …

spiritual love

Are You Experiencing Spiritual Love?

You will agree that a person in love can do crazy things. While some elope from their homes, there are others who do not come out of their abusive relationship only because they think they are still in love. Some people even quit their jobs for the sake of what they consider as true love. While a majority of people claim of being in love, very few of them, in reality, have a real understanding of the true meaning of spiritual love. Loves me? Loves me not? Don’t hesitate to get a love reading on! Spiritual love is about equality Many people are unaware of the importance of equality in any relationship. When two persons connect and make up their minds to say together, their roles are automatically defined. Each partner can acknowledge the talent of the other and have regards from one another so that there is absolute magic in their relationship. When there is spiritual love between couples, they are both aware of who can handle a specific aspect of their lives …

Spiritual love

Are love and spirituality indivisible?

Many people, as well as sources of literature like the Bible, say that true love and spirituality are indivisible. The above statement is further elaborated by saying that love cannot be without the selflessness of an evolved spirit. Let’s see how you get from love to spiritual love. People who are on the path to finding love will face many different things such as sexual obsession as well as love which is needs-based. Needs-based love is love that gives far less than it takes. Free love is another type of love that people encounter in which no commitment is made. Do you two belong together? A love horoscope can tell you the answer! Spiritual love – the message that resonates with you Hollywood has made people believe that if their love is pure and true, they will definitely know that their partner is the one in a higher spiritual way. However, the reality is quite different. All spiritual matters require guidance to ensure that a person isn’t on a path to self-destruction or deception. Guidance can …