All posts tagged: stars


Halloween and the Stars – October 31, 2019

The History of Halloween Halloween, our modern holiday of fun, treats, decorations and parties has its roots in ancient Celtic culture. During the Celtic Festival of Samhain (31 October-November 1) celebrants would mark the beginning of the winter season with gifts of food placed outside of their homes to appease the souls of the departed or beings of Spirit, to prevent the Spirits playing tricks on the people within. Samhain was a time of celebration and connection. The harvests were in, and it was time to celebrate before the cold of winter set on. The costumes that have become such an integral part of the modern Halloween party are rooted in this celebration from the distant past. The Celts celebrated the day by lighting bonfires, feasting, and celebrating. To hide from the ghosts and spirits at large, celebrants wore disguises and costumes to confuse them. Connect with one of our experienced and talented psychics now! The name of the holiday distinctly reflects the later Christian influence.  For Christians, the First of November is the holy day, …