All posts tagged: Sun Venus Jupiter trine

Sun Venus Jupiter trine

Sun and Venus trine Jupiter

The days between the 5th – 14th of August are between the luckiest ones of 2019. They are hallmarked by Sun Venus Jupiter trine. The Great Benefic will turn stationary direct on the 11th of August, so you can move forward with your plans of growth and expansion very soon. However, you need to be grounded and willing to work and take action to make the best of these lucky alignments. Leo is about creativity, passion, confidence, playfulness, risk-taking, individuality, showing off our talents. So when there are more planets in this sign it is the best time for stepping into spotlight, starting new projects, following your bliss. During this summer we not only have a stellium in Leo (Mars, Sun, Venus and from the 11th of August Mercury) but these planets make some harmonious aspects, trines with Jupiter, the Greater Benefic. We already experienced the blessings of the Mars – Jupiter trine (perfected on the 26th of July), but the lucky series is not over yet. When there is no way to cope, go …