
Sun and Venus trine Jupiter

Sun Venus Jupiter trine

The days between the 5th – 14th of August are between the luckiest ones of 2019. They are hallmarked by Sun Venus Jupiter trine. The Great Benefic will turn stationary direct on the 11th of August, so you can move forward with your plans of growth and expansion very soon. However, you need to be grounded and willing to work and take action to make the best of these lucky alignments.

Leo is about creativity, passion, confidence, playfulness, risk-taking, individuality, showing off our talents. So when there are more planets in this sign it is the best time for stepping into spotlight, starting new projects, following your bliss. During this summer we not only have a stellium in Leo (Mars, Sun, Venus and from the 11th of August Mercury) but these planets make some harmonious aspects, trines with Jupiter, the Greater Benefic. We already experienced the blessings of the Mars – Jupiter trine (perfected on the 26th of July), but the lucky series is not over yet.

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Sun Venus Jupiter trine

Sun Venus Jupiter trine – opportunities & enjoyment

The Sun – Jupiter trine perfects on the 7th of August on the 14°31 of Leo – Sagittarius. As both planets are in their own signs, their effect is stronger. You can take advantage of this beneficial influence 6 – 7 days before and after the date of perfection. The harmonious Sun-Jupiter transits boosts your confidence and self esteem. They are called lucky transits as they enable you to see opportunities and possibilities more clearly. By understanding the bigger picture it is easier to find new meanings in the events that unfold around you. They also create good opportunities for broadening your horizons and general knowledge through study and travels. As it is holiday time, trips will provide enjoyment.

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However it is essential to bear in mind that trines can make you too passive (not to say lazy). With Jupiter involved, you can take the good things for granted and you will not feel motivated to make efforts and take action. Thus you can miss the opportunity.

As Venus is considered the Lesser Benefic while Jupiter the Greater Benefic in Astrology, their flowing (certain types of conjunction, sextiles and trines) aspects are among the best influences. The Venus  – Jupiter trine will perfect on the 8th of August on the 14°30 of Leo, and you can enjoy the beneficial influence for 4 – 5 days before and after the perfection.

This is a generous transit, favorable for social life, heart matters, financial gains. It makes easier to get support – so if you need sponsorship for your projects, just look around! Lucrative job offers, business partnerships may also emerge during these days.

Sun Venus Jupiter trine

Sun Venus Jupiter trine – Go for it!

Harmonious Venus – Jupiter transits are considered ideal opportunities for weddings, engagements, celebrations. If other factors of your chart indicate so, you may get involved in a happy, long- lasting relationship. The existing one also benefits from this transit, as it settles discords and re-creates the romantic atmosphere. While these days are more favorable for resting and enjoying the blessings of the summer than overachieving, there can be too much of a good thing.

This trine can prompt you to overindulge and spend much more than you can afford. Passivity, or more precisely laziness may prevent you to use the full potential of these lucky transits. Avoid this at all costs: gather strength, plan strategies and take action!

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