All posts tagged: Tarot Cards

Secrets of 2017 – How will the new year effect your Love Life?

Do you have a feeling that someone you love isn’t being honest with you? Have you been struggling to make a decision? Whatever you’ve been wrestling with, your instincts should be taken seriously in the new year! WHY SHOULD I TALK TO A PSYCHIC TODAY? To make sure you are prepared for the new year’s challenges and recognize its benefits! You can chat with any of the psychics for FREE before you decide to have a private reading. Reveal the unknown details affecting your situation. Gain unparalleled clarity to empower your next steps. Confirm your concerns and banish doubt. Take your life back! Stop wondering and Get a Love Reading by Trusted and Tested Psychics!

Different candle colors? Candle Ritual Series,III

The candle palette – Colors for Candle Ritual. Before we can begin any sort of Candle Ritual – although you are already familiar with the different possible shapes of candles – first there must be a basic understanding of colors represent. Listed below you will find the most common candle colors used for a candle ritual. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true reading from a psychic! GOLD – This color stands for masculine energy. Quite obviously it represents great fortune and abundance! Gold is a color that I burn most often to help my multiple works of divinations to give me a deeper and quicker understanding of messages coming to me. It brings fast luck and helps negate or turn negative vibes around. During the Candle Ritual, you can use this candle to honor the solar deities or bring financial benefits to yourself. WHITE – The white candle is a symbol of the Goddess. This candle is quite universal, it can be used as a substitute for any other …

The Real Power of the Tarot Cards

How does a Tarot reading work? The first thing you would like to know about when you meet an Expert of Tarot Cards is what the method is and how readings work in general. “How does a Tarot Reading work?” is one of the most frequently asked question in my free chat room. A tarot reading can be comprised of several things, but there is always; The Querent, The Reader, The Question, The Tarot Cards, and The Spread. If you believe the truth can come to closer and faster to you than you’d ever thought, contact a psychic for FREE! These elements may appear in different forms, but they are always there in your reading. Elements of a reading with Tarot cards Now, let’s look at these elements in depth and see how they interrelate to bring clarity and understanding in a reading. The Querent: This is where the reading starts. The Querent is the person who wants to have a reading – for whatever reason. What the Querent brings to the reading is their …

Art of Scrying – an enthralling experience

What is Scrying? Scrying is documented as far back as 3000 BC. It is heavily referenced in mythology & folklore and is said to be the art of gazing into a shiny object, usually a crystal ball or mirror to psychically perceive messages, pictures & symbols that can be translated as guidance either for the reader or for someone else. Other methods of scrying include looking into the flames of a fire or candle, using the reflection of water, pouring coloured substances into water or even staring at the steam coming from a pot or a kettle. If you are in need of an honest reading with a Gifted and Talented online Psychic, visit Start chatting now for FREE! How does it work? The psychic or seer stares at their object of choice with their physical eyes & they will have visions that trigger clairvoyance, either physically within the object or more commonly within their third eye. Are you looking for some tips on how to open your 3rd eye? I am here to …

Find your Partner! Candle Ritual Series,II

So Many Choices – Candle Ritual! We have already provided a brief introduction about candle magic in one our previous blog posts in this topic. Nevertheless as the topic itself is amazingly abundant we wished to grab the opportunity and create a series devoted to the undiscovered world of candles. First of all it is necessary to get familiar with the variations of candle shapes so later on you will know exactly which one supports certain goals the best. If you are in need of an honest reading with a Gifted and Talented online Psychic, visit Start chatting now for FREE! Different types of candles The very first thing we should understand about candles when beginning to work with them, is the different kinds there are! There are many to choose from, but here you will learn the ones most commonly used with Candle Magic. From as simple as my own creation of a button candle to as complex as a specificalyy shaped candle. But there are so many more than what I have …

Meet TOP Psychic Zellie

Hello my dear Friend, My name is Zellie. I am a born psychic, highly sensitive, TV psychic. I am also Reiki-master and practitioner.  My guidance and advice is based on realistic life experience and knowledge. That combined with my psychic ability gives you a solid foundation to go on, or to make life changing decisions more easy and made me top psychic of Oranum. A clairvoyant is not ‘all-voyant’, there is a distinguish difference. If you provide me some basic information, I can the ability to give you that extra insight on your situation and alter the outcome. Join me in my chatroom for an online video chat to learn more about this. I can give you support and have your back while you stay the master designer of your own life, and coach you through your personal life situation. As a top psychic, I can give you that little bit more understanding of your loved ones, your business relations, etc. so your communication gets better, and you will have a smoother and easier way …

How to recognize a Cheater and get over it?

Dark feelings? Feelings of jealousy come when we sense our partner’s attention divert towards another person. These dark feelings can strike us almost instantly and be accompanied with anger. Naturally this does not necessarily mean that our partner is a cheater. However indeed for some people, it is a slippery slope to doom and destruction, which they cannot get off of, until they hit rock bottom. The feeling of a happy relationship disappears and is replaced with a lower negative earthy quality, which is more resembling to business partners than lovers. This can drive a sensitive person to depression and even outbursts of sadness, as they battle with the negative vibrations, which they are suddenly struck by. Not feeling gorgeous enough to hold your partner’s attention is more common than you think. Or sensing that your partners are weak in their faithfulness and imagining they are prone to being unfaithful, can be another awkward position to find yourself in. Cheater? Or tricks of the mind The mind can play all sorts of tricks but oranum …

Attract more Love and Success with a REAL Candle Ritual

Altering your mood Many like to buy candles for scenting a room, creating a relaxing atmosphere, or to “set the mood”. But did you know that when you do this you are indeed working Candle Magic doing a Candle Ritual?! When you light a candle to scent a room, you are inadvertently using aroma therapy. You are altering your mood and the mood of those around you, or even your own physical well-being. The many fragrances of candles can alter different aspects of your spiritual being. For example; if you lit a lavender scented candle to relax while you are taking a bubble bath, you are actually performing a ritual, giving yourself a spiritual healing. You are purifying your aura, easing tension, and connecting to your higher consciousness! The scent of candles will help release any energy blocks. Even better, if you used lavender candles while taking a salt bath, you are purifying your whole being, mentally, physically, emotionally AND spiritually. Of course if you want to make sure your blockages are gone, you can always …


Disclose Your wishes for 2017 to your Guardian Angel

What is your intuition trying to tell you? Your “inner voice” has been attempting to warn you about something and it should not be ignored! There is something that you can do anytime to disclose your wishes and desires for 2017 to your Guardian Angel so they can manifest and help you grow. Take advantage of this Week’s Psychic Advise of Psychic Sensei, one of Oranum’s most experienced Clairvoyant&Love Advisor. If you are in need of an honest reading with a Gifted and Talented online Psychic, visit Start chatting now for FREE! Greetings my Friend, Guidance is all about learning to communicate with your soul, discovering and manifesting your real purpose. Take a minute to cherish the blessings of 2016 and to disclose your wishes and desires for 2017 to your Guardian Angel so they can manifest. Take a short 5-minute walk, not necessarily bur preferably in a forest or around a lake. Try to leave any concerning thoughts behind and focus strictly on the beauty of the nature. Relax your mind.  Activate all your …

Why women make the same mistakes over and over? Acceptance and Love is the key.

Love yourself without condition. People often say: „I cannot love my self until I find the perfect relationship.” Well, let me tell you that there is nothing in life called perfect. All relationships will go through trials and tribulations. We are all human beings therefore, we all experience struggles, ups and downs in our lives. Naturally, we will make mistakes in life but that does not mean we are dumb. No, we may just lack character at that present moment. When did you last look deep into your own soul and see how much love you have for yourself? Nothing else will ever compare. The love you have for yourself should be out of this world. People ask me; do you love yourself, Celebertylov? I answer with honesty; yes, I do! I love all of me, even my flaws because, guys and girls, we all have flaws and we are all sinners. No one on this earth is born perfect, except God. I am not here to preach to you about God however, this is about finding the missing link in your own …