All posts tagged: Tarot Cards

Meet your personal guides and angels

Guardian Angels? First of all I would like to clarify something: although many people, especially with a Christian background, call guides guardian angels, they are neither guardians not angels. A psychic can give you the AUTHENTIC READING you’ve always longed for. Look one up at Oranum today! The word guardian gives you a false hope that whatever you do, you are always protected from harm. Have you ever wondered what happens to those going through a lot of hardship even leaving Earth before time? Have you, yourself, ever gone through a painful experience or lost someone? What happened then? Was your guardian angel on holiday? Or did you do something to offend the angels and as a response he stopped looking after you? What does it say about angels, who are supposed to be nice and impartial, if they get offended and decide to punish you? Angels are entities who convey messages between dimensions and different grounds of existence. It is the reason why they are pictured with wings. Like the Winged Sun in Egypt, the …

Nature Offers Nurture

Grounding In today’s modern world, many of us do not find the time to interact with the grounding and stabilizing energy of nature. From the belief that Earthing (or grounding) can help improve your health by reconnecting with the earth’s energy, up to and including Nature worship, our connection with Nature is undeniable.With our technology laden lives we forget that we *still* have more in common with nature than we do the metal and plastic devices we allow such control over our us. “It’s the beauty that thrills me with wonder, It’s the stillness that fills me with peace.”                                                             -Spell of the Yukon, Robert W. Service If you are in need of an honest reading with a psychic, visit Start chatting now for FREE! Effects of urbanization The world’s population has been becoming increasingly urban. The United Nations reports that since 2009 there are more of us living in urban centers than in rural areas for the first time in human history. An amazing 54% of the world’s population now lives in the city, essentially …

The Ancient Ogham Alphabet

Strong relationship with nature The ancient Celtic people had a strong affinity to nature in all its forms, and the Ogham alphabet is a good example of this, as each letter/symbol is connected with plants and trees. The letters themselves are called Feda, meaning ‘trees’ or ‘forked branches’ due to their shapes, and the letters are linked together by a solid line. A psychic can give you the AUTHENTIC READING you’ve always longed for. Look one up at Oranum today! These are to be read from bottom to top in an inscription. In Ogham’s simplest form there are twenty alphabetical symbols, each of these symbols represents a sacred tree, and each tree represents a different quality. According to an Irish Legend, Ogham was said to have been named after the Irish god of eloquence, Ogma, who created them. “That sacred tree whose bark I touched, whose leaves did tell to me, the ancient tales that made me sure my friend would come to me…” ~From the song, ‘Greatest Friend,’ by the Incredible String Band, Wee Tam …

Stressed or angry? – 4 easy calming techniques

Our lifestyle has changed so much in the past 100 years With the constant improvement of technology, nowadays we have the chance to live a much easier life than our parents did. However, our life is only “easier” in the sense that we don’t have to do as much physical work as the earlier generations did and we enjoy far greater comfort. On the other hand, we cannot hide the fact that our society is more stressed, faces negativities such as depression, anxiety and anger. The root of these uncomfortable feelings lies within nowadays’ modern lifestyle as well. If you believe the truth can come closer and faster to you than you’d ever thought, contact a psychic for FREE! While our grandparents possesed an inherent wisdom how to handle these unpleasant feelings we must learn calming techniques to be able to overcome bad periods or to control them. Naturally we also have to mention that the amount of stress we need to deal with in general has been increasing too but you can always enter …

The Difference between a Ghost and a Spirit

When Someone Dies   Among the psychic community in general and on, it is believed that our spirits returns back to source energy (where our spirits come from) and when we die, our identity is shed like skin. However, if there is enough focused energy given to our earth/human identity from our spirits or from other people, it can stay behind and not fully dissolve. This skin is what people call a ghost. Get a free trial for a PSYCHIC READING to get closer to the truth! Energy and Consciousness   When our spirits inhabit our human shells, we are essentially made up of energy that is able to create our thoughts. All thoughts are eternal and exist through energy. If energy is left behind in our human self-concept (earth identity), a ghost is created and an imprint of that lifespan is left behind. And if your perception or energy vibration allows it, you can see and/or feel different energy fields and their vibrations. Everything is made up of energy! “Concerning matter, we have been all …

Meditation – a practical guide for Everyone

A practical guide for Everyone Meditation should indeed be a practice for everyone. It is an exercise that essentially balances the mental and emotional state of mind. This can lead to physical and psychological well-being, or both when the two are intrinsically linked. Obtain hidden information from your psyche with the help of a psychic! Medication vs. Meditation   A neuroscientist, Willoughby Britton, gave a TED Talk on a recent development called contemplative science (ex: the scientific and empirical studies on meditation) which combines the evidence in science, medicine, and meditation together to prove the link between attention, mental habit, and happiness. She basically says that meditation is better than medication because meditation actually changes and reprograms your brain when medication cannot. Medication, such as antipsychotic drugs, have been shown to not treat psychological conditions at all, but only hinder the condition. So, if someone is bipolar and they take medication for it, they won’t stop being bi-polar. They have to remain on medication for the rest of their lives. Well, this is what the doctors …

5 tips to find the Perfect Psychic

When you choose the appropriate psychics for you, you significantly increase your chances in having a reading experience that provides you with clarity regarding your question. An important question indeed. Each Expert is different, psychics have different skills and abilities and interacts with people in different ways. To gain the clarity you are looking for, it is important to choose the right reader. But how exactly do you go about finding the best reader for you? Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic for FREE! When you have decided that you want to talk with a reader, it’s worth investing time to find the right reader for you.  For some, this is the most important choice that is made when getting a reading.  But how do you choose the right Psychics?  How do you decide which psychic will give you an accurate, honest and supportive reading. You will find some tips below that are helpful to consider when deciding who is the best psychic for you. Know what you want …

Shocking Secrets of Atlantis! Read careful!

Last great civilization? Many believe that the Ancient Egyptians were the last Great High civilization on the planet, but upon studying the Atlantis theory, I became aware of hints of another even greater power, that came before the Ancient Egyptians. A Psychic can give you the exact insight you need. Chat with an Oranum Psychic today for FREE! Plato Many have looked at the planet, to discover where Atlantis would have been situated. Even in Plato’s time, fragments of this lost land were being hunted and collected. Had Plato unwittingly turned a collection of facts into a tale that would capture millions of people’s attention for hundreds of years to come? Plato, who was a great storyteller, took information from his mother’s cousin, Critias and turned it into a tale, which portended to Atlantis, a great civilization from the past. Plato had gained this knowledge by word of mouth from his cousin and retold it to many, so he was not directly responsible for its source. A beautiful tale It was a tale of a …

It is now easy to be te most successful in your career – 9 tips to reach your goals

Be more successful in your career – 9 tips to succeed  Everyone knows the scene of a small angel over someone’s shoulder and a small devil above the other. They both suggest two completely opposite actions at the exact same situation. You have definetly experienced something similar before. It’s not hard to figure out that if we are ambitious and would like to be successful in life, we have to follow the instructions of our little angel. Very often that means choosing the harder way, which requires more work, effort and commintment from us. Luckily, with the right kind of training, every individual can be more successful. Achievements and advancing in your career is the culmination of gaining willpower, setting firm resolutions and making a commitment to conquer your weaknesses and bad habits. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic for FREE now! All along the way, it is very important to learn how to focus on what you want to achieve. If you need professional help, you can always contact our Psychics instantly, …

Boost your Energy Level with Chakra Colors

Colors of your chakras in focus In this article we would like to closely focus on the chakra colors, as that will provide you with a useful guide and valuable knowledge on how to harmonize the areas that need to be balanced. The seven major chakras are each linked to a particular color. The chakra colors are significant to the way each chakra is understood. They are akin to the colors of the rainbow; starting from red and ending with violet. Each of the chakra colors reveal the positive characteristics of the particular chakra when it is balanced, and the negative effects and characteristics when it is not balanced. This article will reveal the different chakra colors that are associated with each energy centers and the effects of each as they affect us physically, emotionally and spiritually. A psychic can give you the authentic reading you’ve always longed for. Look one up at Oranum today! Chakra colors – Base (Root): Root Chakra This chakra is represented by the color red. It is located at the …