All posts tagged: Tarot

Zodiac herbs and spices

Zodiac and their herbs & spices series – Virgo

We may say that the use of medicinal herbs is as old as astrology. Since the beginning of civilization, mankind has tried to make sense of its surroundings. All herbs and plants we know have the power to heal. Each plant, spice, herb or flower contain their own unique properties and frequencies and it’s very beneficial to learn more about which ones resonate with your vibration. Zodiac herbs and spices series on Oranum Blog will help you. Zodiac herbs and spices – Virgo If your birthday falls between August 24 and September 23, then this is your Zodiac sign. Virgo is an Earth sign ruled by the planet Mercury. Plants most commonly associated to this zodiac sign usually have small, brightly-colored flowers and well-divided leaves. The most beneficial plants for Virgos are high in potassium and can help to calm the nerves. A Virgo is a type of person who takes responsibility for his own health indeed, so everything that is natural and healthy is very welcomed on their table. Usually there is a lot of …

Is it time to have your own family

Is it time to have my own family?

Having your own family is a mix of rewarding and challenging experiences. One of the things many people don’t realize about families is that you aren’t born into one, you create your own family. If you’re looking for what you should do beforehand and wondering like “is it time to have your own family?” then have a look at these points below. However let us add that there is no such thing as “perfect time” to start yours. You will always be able to find another thing why having a baby can or should be postponed; so don’t let this type of attitude become a trap for you. With that being said here are those points to check and consider: Genuine online Psychic advisors are ready to help you in you. Is it time to have your own family? Work on your savings – When you’re single, your salary is just for you. This is the best part of your life to build savings. It’s important that you keep a portion of your money for …

Jupiter in Capricorn

Jupiter in Capricorn

Jupiter enters Capricorn on the 2nd of December and it will leave the sign on the 18th of December 2020. This is a significant energy shift, as the planet of luck, expansion, growth, visions, inspirations, beliefs leaves his home, the realm of the optimistic and generous Sagittarius. Grounded, hard -working Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the Cosmic Taskmaster, aka. the Lord of Karma. Quite understandable, that according to traditional Astrology, Jupiter is not particularly happy in this sign, it is in its fall. However, it will still shower you with its gifts, as far as you are willing to complete the hard work required by Saturn. If your efforts are genuine, by the end of this Jupiter in Capricorn period you will build lasting foundations for stable growth. Trouble finding out what your next step should be? Astrologers will guide you the right way on Jupiter in Capricorn impacts your areas of life (houses) falling in this sign. They are the places where you need to focus and to work hard so that you …

Zodiac herbs and spices

Zodiac and their herbs & spices series – Leo

We may say that the use of medicinal herbs is as old as astrology. Since the beginning of civilization, mankind has tried to make sense of its surroundings. All herbs and plants we know have the power to heal. Each plant, spice, herb or flower contain their own unique properties and frequencies and it’s very beneficial to learn more about which ones resonate with your vibration. Zodiac herbs and spices series on Oranum Blog will help you. Zodiac herbs and spices – Leo If your birthday falls between July 24 and August 23rd, then Leo is your Zodiac sign. Leo is a fire sign ruled by the Sun. Those plants are the most beneficial for Leos that are able to uplift their souls. Herbs for Leos are the ones with bright colors and large or heart shaped flowers and leaves. Leos may use Rosemary very well as it attracts wealth and love in a magical form. You may apply it as an oil or any other form. Rosemary will take Leos to the top of …

Moving together

How Do You Know If You’re Ready To Move In Together?

Contemporary couples believe in cohabiting before getting into a more binding commitment like marriage. Moving together usually signifies that the couple is exploring in depth how compatible they are with each other and whether they may, at some point, make their relationship legal and official. A good thumb rule is to wait out a year before moving in with the person you’re in a relationship with. Similarly, there are other indicators which you can look at to find out whether you and your partner are ready to move in with each other. These are: Are you ready to take the next step? Ask a Love Psychic today! Moving together? Are you both serious about a commitment – Partners sometimes shack up together citing convenience. They’ll say things like – they were spending so much time with each other anyway or it will save them rent. Deceiving yourself is never a good idea. When you agree to move in with another person, it is because consciously or subconsciously, you see a future together. You need to …

Venus Jupiter conjunction

Venus Conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius

The Venus Jupiter conjunction occurs on the 24th of November, at 28° of Sagittarius. The harmonious aspects of the Lesser and Greater Benefic are considered very fortunate. This is especially so now, as Jupiter is at home in Sagittarius and it is also the ruler of Venus. Astrological „cookbooks” associate financial gains with this aspect, and sometimes this can be true. (Whether it applies or not in your particular case it depends on the position of Venus and Jupiter in your natal chart as well as the areas of life influenced by this transit). However, even if you don’t experience sudden windfalls, this combination makes you more open -minded, optimistic, sociable, creative – and thus you can attract luck. You are a pleasant companionship during these days, doing your best to avoid arguments and hostility. Your good mood is infectious, so your friends and acquaintances enjoy your companionship. On the social events you are invited by them you can meet supportive people, so you can reach easier your goals. This transit is also favorable for …

Moon sign

Moon sign Compatibility

When you’re about to get married or make a similar commitment to your romantic partner, it isn’t enough to just check if you both are compatible by Sun sign. You should verify Moon sign compatibility too. So which Moon signs make for the most compatible partnerships? Let’s take a look – Aries – If your Moon sign is Aries, you will be most compatible with individuals with a Moon sign of Leo, Aries or Sagittarius. Gemini, Aquarius and Libra will make for decent partners too but not as great as the Moon signs listed formerly. Taurus – If your Moon sign makes you a Taurean, you can expect to get along well with Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. You will make the best teams with Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn. Gemini – Individuals with their Moon in Gemini will work well with people whose Moon signs are in Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. They will make the best partners for Librans, Aquarians and Geminis. Cancer – Cancer Moon signs go well with Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces. Virgo, Capricorn …

Zodiac herbs and spices

Zodiac and their herbs & spices series – Cancer

We may say that the use of medicinal herbs is as old as astrology. Since the beginning of civilization, mankind has tried to make sense of its surroundings. All herbs and plants we know have the power to heal. Each plant, spice, herb or flower contain their own unique properties and frequencies and it’s very beneficial to learn more about which ones resonate with your vibration. Zodiac herbs and spices series on Oranum Blog will help you. Zodiac herbs and spices – Cancer If your birthday is between June 22 and July 23, then your sign is Cancer. Cancers’ number one preference is homemade food and the taste related to it. Using spices of their native country is always a good choice if you would like to entertain a Cancer. As anxiety and emotional unbalance is familiar for Cancers white sage is the best herb to support them. Using some protection is advised for you Cancers in order to keep your emotions in harmony and for that Jasmine is suggested. Jasmine also increases the power …

Dos And Don’ts in a relationship

Dos and Don’ts of being in a relationship

While relationships are dynamic and there are no standard rules that will guide an individual through them, there are certain habits that one can follow and leave out in order to have a healthy and positive relationship. here are the main dos And don’ts in a relationship: Do practice honesty – Communicate openly and honestly with your partner about anything that you may have in your mind. Don’t go to bed angry – If you and your partner have been having an argument, try to resolve it before going to bed. Don’t let it drag on. Do be sensitive – In an emotionally-intimate relationship, the stakeholders share private and sensitive information with each other. If your partner is sharing something from their past that was traumatic to them, listen and be kind. Boost your Love life with the help of genuine Psychic advice! Don’t use secrets as leverage – As a partner, you will be privy to sensitive information about your significant other. If this is information that they’ve trusted you enough to share, respect this trust and don’t use this as leverage in your …

Zodiac herbs and spices

Zodiac and their herbs & spices series – Gemini

We may say that the use of medicinal herbs is as old as astrology. Since the beginning of civilization, mankind has tried to make sense of its surroundings. All herbs and plants we know have the power to heal. Each plant, spice, herb or flower contain their own unique properties and frequencies and it’s very beneficial to learn more about which ones resonate with your vibration. Zodiac herbs and spices series on Oranum Blog will help you. Zodiac herbs and spices – Gemini If your birthday is between May 22 and June 21, then you were born under the sign of Gemini. Gemini is an air sign ruled by Mercury. Plants associated with the Zodiac sign of Gemini help to strengthen the lungs and respiratory system as well as some that will relax the nervous system. Gemini goes for the pleasure of taste and quality is what matters the most. People born in Gemini prefer complex spices, like curry. Lavender resonates with this sign very well in terms of relaxing their soul. If you are …