All posts tagged: Tarot

help with your relationship

Questions to ask your psychic if you are having relationship issues

Like all things in life, relationships need work too. They provide us with the much-needed love and support. However, we always have to expend time and effort into maintaining them. Read this article further if you need help with your relationship! No relationship is a cakewalk. You may have found your “soulmate” and yet might still find that you need to communicate and meet this soulmate halfway for the health and well-being of your relationship. Are you ready for a harmonious relationship indeed? Ask our Psychics! Most people tend to seek out friends and family when they face problems in their relationships. And there are others who turn to their therapists. More and more people are recognizing the importance of consulting a psychic to help them with their relationship troubles. A psychic can access the wisdom of spirit guides and inform you on how to tread forward with your relationship without disturbing the dynamics. Want help with your relationship issues? Ask your psychic the following questions. Maybe you’ll get some perspective. Is your partner cheating …


Halloween and the Stars – October 31, 2019

The History of Halloween Halloween, our modern holiday of fun, treats, decorations and parties has its roots in ancient Celtic culture. During the Celtic Festival of Samhain (31 October-November 1) celebrants would mark the beginning of the winter season with gifts of food placed outside of their homes to appease the souls of the departed or beings of Spirit, to prevent the Spirits playing tricks on the people within. Samhain was a time of celebration and connection. The harvests were in, and it was time to celebrate before the cold of winter set on. The costumes that have become such an integral part of the modern Halloween party are rooted in this celebration from the distant past. The Celts celebrated the day by lighting bonfires, feasting, and celebrating. To hide from the ghosts and spirits at large, celebrants wore disguises and costumes to confuse them. Connect with one of our experienced and talented psychics now! The name of the holiday distinctly reflects the later Christian influence.  For Christians, the First of November is the holy day, …

Zodiac herbs and spices

Zodiac and their herbs & spices series – Taurus

We may say that the use of medicinal herbs is as old as astrology. Since the beginning of civilization, mankind has tried to make sense of its surroundings. All herbs and plants we know have the power to heal. Each plant, spice, herb or flower contain their own unique properties and frequencies and it’s very beneficial to learn more about which ones resonate with your vibration. Zodiac herbs and spices series on Oranum Blog will help you. Zodiac herbs and spices – Taurus Zodiac sign of Taurus is ruled by Venus and it is an earth sign. Plants and herbs that are associated with Taurus are usually sweet. Those herbs are great for Taurus that are softening and possess anti-inflammatory characteristics. People born under this sign are usually being seen as gourmands. Orange colored foods such pumpkins, sweet potatoes, navel oranges and carrots are very beneficial for you as well. If your birthday falls between April 21 and May 21, then Taurus is your sign. Some of the herbs & spices that harmonize to the …


Your Heartline and What it Says about you

The line on your palm that lies on the middle of your hand, beginning from your pinky finger and extending all the way to your index finger, is the heartline, according to Palmistry. The position of your heartline can reveal a lot about the kind of person you are. Here, let’s take a look: Below middle finger – If your heartline starts from below your middle finger, you are a born leader. You are a good decision maker, independent, and ambitious. However, you may also tend to be a little self-centered and cold towards others if they do not give in to your dominance. Between middle and index finger – An individual with their heartline beginning from between the middle and index finger is kind and caring. They are submissive personalities but can be quite critical of others. They take their time in judging someone before opening themselves up to them. Below index finger – If your heartline begins below your index finger, you are probably a lot like those with their heartlines below their …

Zodiac herbs and spices

Zodiac and their herbs & spices series – Aries

We may say that the use of medicinal herbs is as old as astrology. Since the beginning of civilization, mankind has tried to make sense of its surroundings. All herbs and plants we know have the power to heal. Each plant, spice, herb or flower contain their own unique properties and frequencies and it’s very beneficial to learn more about which ones resonate with your vibration. Zodiac herbs and spices series on Oranum Blog will help you. Zodiac herbs and spices – Aries Aries is a Fire sign ruled by the aggressive Mars. Plants associated with this element are plants that usually have thorns or prickles. The fire sign of Aries prefers the fiery taste of chilli or pepper. Eating hot and spicy food is also beneficial for your health. Aries, or the Ram, is the first astrological sign of the Zodiac. If your birthday falls between March 21 and April 20, then this is your sign. Some of the herbs & spices that harmonize to the sign of Aries are: Basil Nettle Onion Wormwood Cayenne Marjoram …

Parents ruin your relationship

Ways in which your partner’s parents might ruin your relationship

Your parents ruin your relationship? Why is that? Well, your parents have raised you and as such they are always going to be protective no matter which stage of your life you’re in. That said, there is a fine line between being protective and intrusive. It’s okay for your or your partner’s parents to keep a look out for you and your interests. However, they shouldn’t have the power to influence your decisions. This will only spell doom for you and your partner. When in a relationship, look out for these red flags and try to navigate them in a way that doesn’t harm your relationship, with either your parents or your significant others’: Your parents ruin your relationship if they intrude into your personal space without asking for consent – If your parents are the type that don’t know how to leave you alone, you have a problem. Maybe you’ve had an argument with your boyfriend/husband and would just like to take some time to yourself. But your parents are “worried” and fail to …

Aries Full Moon

Full Moon in Aries 2019

The Full Moon of the 13th of October occurs at the 20°13′ of Aries. Full moons are culmination points of the processes started at the new moons – respectively that of the 30th of September. The effect of this Aries Full Moon lasts for two weeks, until the next New Moon (28th of October). In one way or another an Aries full moon emphasises the need to create balance between following our individual path, focusing on our own needs and trying to compromise with the priorities’ of our partners. (These can be relationships and associations of different nature.) The conflict between the principle of Aries and Libra may be about dilemmas related to independence vs belonging to a person, to a group, etc, following our own bliss or remaining a people pleaser, being a team player or a lonley achiever, facing the challenges, taking risks or preferring security, etc. The Full Moon chart is dominated by a T-square between the luminaries and Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Simultaneously Moon in Aries makes a trine with …

Happy relationship

How To Have A Happy Relationship In These Current Times?

Communication has become even more flawed and complicated in modern times despite all the advancements in communication technology. People lead lonely and alienated lives and relationships barely last over months. So how does one build a happy and lasting relationship in our times? Given below are some tips and suggestions to that effect: Focus on growth – Don’t do this just for the sake of your romantic relationship, but also yours, as an individual. Relationship growth must be preceded by personal growth. If there are problems in your personality that are affecting your relationship, you must address and eliminate these first. Only then can you progress to working on issues that plague you in your romantic relationship. Loves me? Loves me not? Don’t hesitate to get a love horoscope on! Recognize the need for space – Co-dependency is extremely unhealthy. Your partner will love and support you but you must also be able to do the same for yourself. Both individuals in a happy relationship need to have rich and fulfilling lives individually so …

spiritual health

The Relationship between Spiritualism and Health

If you wish to find the true meaning of inner peace, comfort, and hope, you should follow the path of spiritualism and maintain your spiritual health. While some people try to seek spirituality through their practicing religions, others try to do so by establishing a bond with nature or following their passion for art or music. Some people attain spirituality through their principles and values. What are the lessons you need to learn in life? Ask a Psychic advisor! No one is aware of how health is related to spiritualism and vice-versa. However, it appears that there is a deep connection between the spirit, mind, and body. So, when any one of these suffers from bad health, others also suffer from bad health. Studies point out factors such as strength derived from religion, comfort, positive e beliefs, prayers, and meditation can help to inculcate a sense of healing and overall well-being. Your illness may be cured entirely when your spiritual health improves but it can come useful to prevent some diseases, cope with death or …

Ask your Psychic

Questions to Ask Your Psychic Before Getting Back with Your Ex

The thing about breakups is that they’re often not permanent. It can be a good idea to ask your Psychic about it. You may have gotten into a fight with your significant other who might’ve called your relationship off in the heat of the moment only to regret the ordeal in the aftermath. Chances are, if you are the one to have decided to severe ties, your ego will be a deterrent in trying to mend things. Perhaps you’d like a way to verify whether it is in fact worthwhile to repair the broken relationship and there’s nothing wrong with that. Are you dealing with relationship issues? Hesitant with the next steps you should take? Ask a professional Love advisor today! So how do you do this? Well, you can ask your Psychic who’d be able to glance into the future and foretell where your relationship is headed or ascertain whether you are better off on your own. It can be difficult to get over an ex. There are so many unresolved feelings involved and …