All posts tagged: Tarot


Are you attractive for real? – Reasons Why Mental Attractiveness Matter More Than Physical Attractiveness

It is not necessary that mentally attractive people always have smart goals in life. Instead, intellectually attractive people have qualities like compassion, self-awareness, and inquisitiveness. Check out some of the reasons why mental attractiveness is more important as compared to physical attractiveness. Check out Oranum Psychics for genuine love and relationship advices! Mentally attractive people are more confident Being confident means, you are sexy as it is a highly contagious trait. If someone is confident that he/she should be an integral part of your life, your bedroom, or in your arms, not because of your appearances, even you start feeling a spiritual bonding with them and realize that you too deserve their love and affection. While mental attraction keeps growing, physical attraction fades with time When your interest in a person is only because of who he/she is there is an automatic growth in your love for them. Also, physical attraction can diminish with time as bodies start aging, skin sags, and there are hormonal changes. Physical attraction is derived from mental attraction When you …

Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita – 3 Lessons Which Will Change Your Life Forever

The Bhagavad Gita is one of the greatest gifts given to mankind from Hindu scripture. Despite being written several thousands of years ago, there is a lot to learn from this holy text. The teachings in the Bhagavad Gita cover topics about Yogic philosophy and knowledge. They will transform you into a confident individual. Here are three lessons from the holy scripture which will change your life forever: Avoid working only for the fruits of work Work has reached a point where people are only ready to do things to achieve their goals. For instance, individuals work long-hour shifts every day so that they can earn money to buy a car, a house, and to secure their future. Due to this type of goal-driven behavior, people only tend to focus on the outcome. However, from the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, you should avoid working only for the sake of your expectations. If you are unable to meet them, it will cause a lot of pain and suffering. Instead, you should work hard every day …

Essence of love

The Spiritual Levels of Love

You will agree that though you would like to be in love, you can never force it to happen as it happens on its own accord. However, the least you can do is to know its many layers so that connecting to its source becomes much more straightforward. What is the essence of love? Essence of love – Love has multiple levels A majority of people are confused about the true meaning of love all through their lives. Many of us start the search from our inner lives either conscious or subconscious for the origin of love, which cannot be taken away. It is also likely that you could have grown up feeling neglected or unloved while under the impression that performing heroic feats is essential to winning that much-coveted love. Also, the films we watch, our religious and cultural beliefs, and our parents offer us ideas about the essence of love, which influence us even after we do not remember their source any longer. Plus, whenever we are in contact with our teachers and …

Handle failures

How Can One Handle Failures In Life?

When we take ownership or acknowledge our mistakes and failures, it can result in real progress. We live only once so failures can help to make ourselves perfect and control our reactions and actions. After all, no one wants to repeat their mistakes that took away their peace in the first place, therefore it is needed to learn how to handle failures well. Irrespective of failing to be eligible for a marathon or deprived of a promotion at the workplace, failure leaves a bitter taste in one’s mouth. Several persons go to great extents, so that do not fail and do not have to go through painful emotions. When there is no way to cope you may need to ask for help! Contact our Psychic advisors today! It helps when you know how to handle failures so that the fear of failing is diminished. So, check out these healthy ways for handling failure: Handle failures – Acknowledge and admit your emotions When one faces failure in life, there is a multitude of accompanying emotions such …

Psychic Morrdor’s video – Briefly about Love readings

Do you have questions about a lover in the past or about your current relationship? Will it last? Have you truly found that special one? Psychic Morrdor shares all the necessary information you need to know in order to take the best possible steps. Check the video and visit her for love readings!  Love readings – Psychic Morrdor explains it all Instant answers, fresh perspectives, different approaches to your problems and issues! offers weekly horoscope to kick off your days, regular horoscope to gain a full insight of your personality based on your sun sign and descendant, dream interpretation to obtain a dream meaning with a dream dictionary, psychic reading and tarot card reading or a love horoscope if matters of the heart are bugging you! Did you know how picking a tarot card and getting a tarot card reading can change your views on everything you were adamantly convinced about before? Or just get in touch with a psychic for a psychic reading on Oranum!

Chamalongos readings

SpiritualSantos’ video on Chamalongos readings

Experience another unique and special divination technique, Chamalongos readings presented by Psychic SpiritualSantos on Let’s give it a try today! Psychic readings – video on Chamalongos readings Instant answers, fresh perspectives, different approaches to your problems and issues! offers weekly horoscope to kick off your days, regular horoscope to gain a full insight of your personality based on your sun sign and descendant, dream interpretation to obtain a dream meaning with a dream dictionary, psychic reading and tarot card reading or a love horoscope if matters of the heart are bugging you! Did you know how picking a tarot card and getting a tarot card reading can change your views on everything you were adamantly convinced about before? Or just get in touch with a psychic for a psychic reading on Oranum!

spiritual love at first sight

Spiritual Love at First Sight

Has it ever happened that you met a person and felt as if you had known him or her always? Alternatively, have you got acquainted with an individual and felt as if both of you belong to each other as close friends and even romantically at first sight? In case, you have felt so, then you have developed a strong spiritual connection with that other person. Spiritual love at first sight… is that real? Loves me, loves me not? Ask an astrologer or Clairvoyant today. Spiritual love at first sight – Importance of physical connection It is something most of you have experienced in a relationship at some point in your life irrespective of whether you had developed a spiritual connection or not. After all, a person’s spiritual energy is aware of what is apt for him/her. It also pertains to how the person feels from a day to some other day. According to studies, your spiritual health is directly connected to your physical well-being and health. A pertinent question in this respect can be …


Crystals for Happiness and Protection

Crystals resonate with their individual energies that can help us. Here are some crystals to use when trying to improve happiness or provide for personal protection. Hematite This reflective shiny crystal is black in appearance and is associated with the Root Chakra. Hematite brings focus and coherence to scattered thoughts and fragmented emotions. The ancient Babylonians believed that Hematite was able to impart justice and bring good results in lawsuits. Using Hematite as a seal of protection was thought to have brought destruction to one’s enemies. Ancient warriors carried the stone into battle because by tradition it granted strength and readiness. Considered one of the most powerful stones for grounding, Hematite can repel negative energy. Wearing hematite is believed to help repel negative energies. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! Clear Quartz From “crystal clear” to a milky white, Clear Quartz is one of the most prolific crystals. As anyone who works with high tech electronics will tell you, quartz is an excellent amplifier of energy. Considered good for healing and …

Mercury in Aries

Mercury in Aries 2019

Mercury enters in Aries on the 17th of April 2019, and simultaneously it leaves the retrograde shadow. This is a long expected shift: things related to communication, travels, financial transactions will return to their normal pace. Let’s see what Mercury in Aries brings you exactly: Due to its retrograde cycle, Mercury, the planet of communication, mental processes, travels spent a long time in Pisces this year. The planet of logic didn’t enjoy the extensive journey in its detrimental sign: the period between the 10th of February  – 17 th of April was full of confusions, delusions, evasions, delays and misunderstandings. Contact an astrologer for a detailed astrology reading now. Mercury in Aries – the fog is clearing up The transition from the dreamy realm of Neptune to the territory ruled by the agressive and assertive Mars is a significant shift. Aries is direct, brave, right to the point, spontaneous, innovative – and sometimes pushy, restless and impatient. So it becomes our communication during the weeks between the 17th of April – 6th of May. Situations …


How to Clean Your Aura?

Your aura is the energy field around your physical body. It picks up on vibrations and energy from other places and beings. When this energy is negative, your aura gets drained of its light and you begin to feel the physical and mental effects of this. Luckily, there are ways you can rid your aura of negative energy. Learn about a few of these techniques below – Take a bath – Set the intention that you are cleansing out emotional impurities alongside the physical impurities that you have accumulated along the day. The negative ions that get washed away in your bath remove unwanted energy from your aura, refreshing and reviving it. If you can take a salt water swim, there’s nothing better. Salt is famous for its healing properties and will leave you feeling ready to take on the world again. Water, in general, contains tremendous potential for energy healing. Take a walk in the rain or stand under a waterfall – you will be able to tell the difference in your mood. Meditation …