All posts tagged: Tarot

Daily Psychic readings

Psychic Morrdor’s video on Daily readings

Daily Psychic readings – restore your emotional balance Oranum Psychic Morrdor explains why it is extremely beneficial to get genuine Psychic readings on a daily basis! Enjoy! Daily psychic readings can help you to regain your emotional balance, inner peace as well as show you the right direction and the next steps to take in your life! Daily Psychic readings – video: Instant answers, fresh perspectives, different approaches to your problems and issues! offers weekly horoscope to kick off your days, regular horoscope to gain a full insight of your personality based on your sun sign and descendant, dream interpretation to obtain a dream meaning with a dream dictionary, psychic reading and tarot card reading or a love horoscope if matters of the heart are bugging you! Did you know how picking a tarot card and getting a tarot card reading can change your views on everything you were adamantly convinced about before? Or just get in touch with a psychic for a psychic reading on Oranum!


Post Breakup – How to Heal Yourself Spiritually?

Learning how to deal with a breakup by spiritually healing yourself is one of the best ways to handle the situation. It is a great teacher, which teaches you about life and how ‘expected’ can turn into the ‘unexpected’ at any moment. While there are several solutions which show you what to do after a breakup, all of them talk about dealing with the external environment. By acknowledging and learning how to manage what is going on inside you, the road to recovery and positive change will help turn your life around. Here are three ways you can spiritually heal yourself after a breakup: Get a free trial for a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! Give yourself self-love Once the relationship comes to an end, it is common to start blaming your ex-partner before pointing fingers at yourself. Being harsh makes it difficult to get past the turmoil in your life. Instead, you should give yourself self-love, as you need it. It is essential you treat your words, actions, and thoughts with …

Virgo Full Moon

Full Moon in Virgo – 19th of February 2019

Virgo Full Moon – associations… The full Moon of the 19th of February occurs at  00°42′ Virgo. In Astrology full moons signify the end of a 28 days’ cycle started at the previous new moon, respectively that of the 4th of February. Let’s see what the Virgo full Moon is about. The earthly sign of Virgo is associated with practical matters, daily routines, work, resources, health and generally our relationship with our bodies, pets, etc. The Virgo full Moon conjuncts Regulus, a potent fixed star the Leo Constellation. Regulus gives courage, independence, ambition, success, power and fame. However the bold nature, daredevil-spirit, competitiveness, the inclination towards pushing the limits – resulting from this influence can attract dangerous situations and strong enemies from the outer world. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! The trine between the Virgo full Moon and the Mars – Uranus conjunction can add more fuel on the fire. This conjunction has perfected on the 13th of February, but it is still strong in the …

Clearing past karma

Clearing Past Karma – Tips for you

Clearing past karma – the idea of karma The idea of “karma” is often misrepresented. Many people interpret it as “do good and good will happen” or “do bad and bad will happen.” However, this is an erroneous and simplistic interpretation of the karmic concept. And clearing past karma is an even more compound topic. Karma is an Indian concept that simply discusses the idea of cause and effect. It is the belief that all actions have consequences and reactions. So, in a way, the interpretation above is true. However, things aren’t all that easy. Even if you did do good, people can still do bad things to you. In fact, bad things can happen for no logical reason. Karma isn’t just limited to actions. It also applies to thoughts and words. So, the big question now is – how can we keep our karma good? Also, how do we get rid of past negative karma? Well, here are a few tips to help you out. These tips will help you clear out all your …


Yoga Mudras for Relaxing your Wrists and Hands

Mudras – cure imbalance We live in a culture where we type and text a lot, thanks to smart devices. But, there’s a small problem. The proliferation of technology has forced us to use certain parts of our body more than others. This causes an imbalance of sorts and harms those very organs we depend on. There is such a thing as excessive use, and our bodies cannot handle pressure beyond a point. Mudras can help. Obtain hidden information from your psyche with the help of a psychic! In this blog, we’re here to talk about the fingers and wrists specifically. In this day and age, we are dependent on our fingers and wrists to get a lot of the work done. Whether it’s typing out a report or simply texting someone, our fingers/wrists probably get used more than any other limb/organ in the body. So, is there a way to avoid the stress and prevent any damage? Well, yes. There are certain yoga mudras you can practice to make sure your fingers and wrists …

Spiritual relationship

Are you in a spiritual relationship with your partner?

We all want to find our soulmate or spiritual partner. After all, the success of our romantic relationship and our happiness depends on it. But, how do you even know if you’ve found the soulmate you’re looking for? Are there signs that indicate you are in a spiritual relationship? Well, of course, there are. In fact, we’ve listed out some of the most common signs that show you have a very spiritual relationship with your partner. Your Perspective Has Changed After the relationship, you’ve noticed some major changes that have taken place within you. More importantly, you’ve noticed that the expansion in your emotional and mental capacity has a lot to do with the way your partner has helped you feel and think. In other words, they’ve changed you for the better. You are Comfortable and Excited You find that you are extremely comfortable around your partner. However, it’s not the kind of comfort that can be described as boring or “settled down.” The spark is still alive and the romanticism shared between the two …

Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year – Moving into the Year of the Earth Pig

Lunar New Year – a year of completion By moving into the Lunar New Year, the year of the Earth Pig on 5th February, we are not just moving into another lunar year, but one of the most important in a 12 year lunar cycle for all of us. For the Year of the Pig is the final year of the natural 12 year lunar cycle, so it is a year of completion, endings and for summing things up. It is also a year when the Pig encourages us to rest on our laurels a little. After all, the Pig doesn’t believe in breaking into a sweat if you don’t have to! Each 12 year lunar cycle begins on the Year of the Rat and ends on the Year of the Pig and it is five of these 12 year cycles that make up a complete 60 year lunar cycle, or the sexagenary cycle, with all 12 years completing in the five elements – Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Within a 60 year cycle, all …

Aquarius New Moon

New Moon in Aquarius, 4th of February 2019

Aquarius New Moon The new moon of the 4th of February falls on the 15°45 of Aquarius. As the first new moon after the total lunar eclipse of the 21st of January it is particularly important. New moons mark the start of a new 28 day cycles and are generally favorable for new beginnings, While the previous new moon of the 6th of January was a solar eclipse and as such not very helpful for new ventures, the current one is a great occasion for launching new projects. February is one of the rare occasions when all planets will remain in direct motion during the whole month, thus you can move forward with your plans smoothly. (Remembering the snail – pace of the second half of 2018 dictated by the multiple retrogrades, this can be a real blessing) It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! Furthermore, Aquarius is a future-orientated sign, associated with the collective, the ideals, projects, friends, supporters, social concerns, group activities, broader perspective. The new moon …


How Spirituality Heals Depression

How Spirituality Heals Depression It doesn’t feel great when you’re sad. Now, imagine being diagnosed with depression. Depression is a sad day multiplied by a million with no certain end to it. This is exactly why many who are diagnosed with the psychological condition strive to and hopefully do everything indeed in order to find cure for their state of being. Of course, we have modern medicine to help us out. But how effective is modern medicine? Not very many confirms it is very effective in this case. The “cure” is often temporary and limited to the physical self. Depression is more than just a physical condition. There is a spiritual component that modern science might tend to ignore unfortunately. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true psychic reading!  Studies have shown that depression, along with other psychological conditions, increase when there is a decline in religious or spiritual observance. On the other hand, people who are spiritual tend to be healthier on a physical, emotional, and psychological level. Depression is reportedly …

Neptune Saturn Sextile

Neptune Saturn Sextile: Spirituality and Practice

Neptune Saturn sextile perfects for the first time on the 31th of January on the 14°54′ of Capricorn and Pisces. This is a beneficial aspect, combining the spiritual world, dreams, fantasies with common sense and substantial efforts to achieve tangible results. Since many things look too good to be true in 2019, this grounding transit is a real blessing. Saturn rules the physical world of manifestation. It’s concrete and defined. It is associated with healthy boundaries, tangible results, discipline, limits and ending. This earthy planet is at home in Capricorn, which is the natural ruler of the 10th house, associated with career, vocation, priorities, business and banking. Lost, confused, entangled in your issues? Astrologers can tell you what to do! Neptune rules the collective unconscious. It is associated with the unknown, the dreams, spirituality, higher states of consciousness but also illusion, addictions, self-destructive habits. It’s ethereal, sensitive, nebulous. Neptune is a watery planet, and it rules Pisces, and the 12th house of spirituality, dreams, fantasies, sacrifice, reclusion, self-undoing. The two planets don’t get along very well with …