All posts tagged: Flowers


Flowers and Their Messages of Love

Flowers – Communication In the world of modern communications, it is easy to forget that for much of man’s history flowers have been used as a way for lovers to communicate.  From the flowers representing the courtship to the flowers chosen to be in a bridal bouquet, very specific messages and meanings are sent. The language of flowers is believed to have its roots in the harems of the ancient Middle East.  In the restrictive world of the harem, love to anyone other than your husband was not only frowned upon, but could get you dead.  Abundant and easily available, flowers were used to communicate tender feelings between lovers. Get a free trial for a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! The Victorians took the language of flowers to a high art.  In the era of Queen Victoria florigraphy (the language of flowers) reached its highest use.  There were floral dictionaries covering the meanings of the blossoms. Brides would angst over having just the right flowers in their bouquets.  Yet, having blossoms in …

The Magickal Language of Flowers

Written By: Psychic AlyciaRose “There is a language, little known, Lovers claim it as their own. Its symbols smile upon the land, Wrought by nature’s wondrous hand; And in their silent beauty speak, Of life and joy, to those who seek For Love Divine and sunny hours In the language of the flowers.” –The Language of Flowers, London, 1875 Flowers are so much a part of our everyday life that they are often featured at events or holidays. Flowers are given to those we love.  They are used in everything connected with love, including bouquets on Valentine’s Day, wedding ceremonies, bridal bouquets,  and flowers in the bride’s hair. Did you know that these flowers also hold meaning? This is how the tradition of delivering bouquets began. Although it was very popular to use flower meanings as messages in the Victorian era, this old tradition of flowers having attributes is ancient – stretching back thousands of years. This old custom is now coming back, with new books being written on the subject. Although flowers have always …