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Summer Solstice – June 20th

Summer solstice

This June 20th represents the Summer Solstice. Believed to be one of the oldest of celebrated days of the year, there is archeological evidence that this day was celebrated as long ago as the Neolithic – which was 7000-1700 BCE! Yes, a long time ago. Summer Solstice a special day when the Northern Hemisphere has its longest day.

Conversely, the Southern Hemisphere has their shortest day of the year.From ancient man to the current year, mankind has a long history with celebrating the Summer Solstice.For the Wiccan it is Lithia, a time of plenty and celebration. For the Pagan, Asatru, Neo-Pagan and more,observance helps them feel that direct connect to the ancestors. Other religions that mark the Equinox as a holy day are Buddhist, Hindu, and many First Nations peoples.

The marking of the Solstice was an important time for our ancestors. So much so that great constructions were made to ensure that the solstices and equinoxes were remembered precisely. Tracking these dates allowed for better luck growing crops and was essential to mark the seasons and the agricultural cycle. When to move stock animals to higher pasture, when to plant, when to harvest; these were all measured by the solstices and equinoxes.

There are gatherings at ancient sites around the world to celebrate the arrival of the Sun’s longest day -Stone Henge (Great Britian), Machu Picchu (Peru), Newgrange (Ireland), Chaco Canyon (USA – New Mexico), The Sphinx and Khafre’s Pyramid (Egypt), Chichen Itza (Mexico), not to mention Ankor Wat and other temples in the orient are all honored for marking the Solstice. All these sites have been used to mark the seasons of the year by ancient man.

Solstice was celebrated by the Celtic as well as Slavic and Germanic peoples by creating bonfires to help strengthen the sun to bring forth a rich harvest from the earth. The bonfires have returned for many of the Neo-Pagan belief systems celebrate the beginning of Summer. From revelry and feasting to prayer ceremonies conducted at Stonehenge itself, many modern belief systems still honor the longest day of the year. Peoples of the north, the Eskimo and Inuit communities, still celebrate with traditional activities.

From a spiritual perspective, Summer Solstice is a time of change and new beginnings. It is a time of meditation especially on self-reflection. Solstice is believed to help us see that which we normally keep hidden from ourselves, making it the perfect time to soul searching. Do you still have that fire in your belly for life? Is it time to make changes in your social circles to increase you spiritual harvest of friends?What do you want to manifest throughout the upcoming summer months?

There is much to say about sharing the day in the company of friends. All across the northern climes there will be celebrations big and small. Check and see if there is a sunrise service on Solstice. Followers of a variety of belief systems will conduct a sunrise service. A bonfire may be a bit much, but you can honor the Sun’s longest day simply by burning a candle.

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