
What is Synastry? Using Astrology to Improve Your Relationship


If you are here on the site, you probably know your zodiac sign. You may even know the difference between your moon, rising, and sun signs, but how familiar are you with using astrology to improve your relationship? If not, allow us to introduce you to the incredible art of synastry. To boil it down simply, Synastry is relationship astrology. The practice looks at the compatibility of two people based on their natal charts.  

You may have heard about Scorpios not getting along well with Leos or Cancers having a hard time working with an Aries. While these pairings do have some truths to them, they are vague and generalized at best. Astrology is very complex and really digging into each person’s chart will give light to the nuances of their cosmic influences. So, if you are a Scorpio and worried that your Leo love may not be right for you, a synastry reading can clear that up. Such an exploration can look at how your unique chart energies interact with those of your love interest. 

Synastry Astrolgy reading

Synastry reading

So, what are the bare basics about using astrology to improve your relationship? When you get a synastry reading, an astrologer will take your chart and overlap it with your partners. Once this is complete, they will look helpful aspects. Such aspects provide pockets of shared interests and harmonized values between the pair. It is also important to note that this is not a composite chart reading, which looks at examining the relationship itself rather the two individual natal charts overlapped.   

Want to try it out for yourself, use this incredible synastry tool from astro-charts to look at yours and your love interest’s charts. The best part is that you don’t even need a romantic partner to investigate a synastry reading. Many people use them to explore work connections, friendships, and even sibling bonds! Using astrology to improve your relationship can go beyond the romantic spectrum!

Are you curious to learn more about the esoteric arts? Then you need to look no further at From dream interpretation and tarot cards to palm readings and weekly horoscopes, we provide only the best.

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