All posts filed under: Astrology


Curious about astrology and what is written in the stars? How they influence your daily life? What it all means? Get an astrology report or a read your Horoscope!

The cosmos holds the answers you need! Chat with one of our stellar astrologists on and find out what the stars have in store for you. Our astrologers are skilled in providing general chart readings, love horoscopes, weekly horoscopes, and sign compatibility readings. Don’t take our word for it, try a psychic reading and experience total clarity today!

If you need of information about what is going to happen to you, check your zodiac sign now!

Gemini new Moon

New Moon in Gemini – 2020

The new moon of the 22nd of May occurs at the 02°04′ of Gemini. New moons mark the beginnings of a 28 day cycle and they are also favorable for fresh starts, especially on the areas of life where they fall on your chart. Full moons are culmination points, where the results of the processes started during the previous lunar cycle are emerging. The next full moon occurs on the 5th of June and it is also a lunar eclipse, thus the current lunation is particularly important. Let’s see more about the Gemini new Moon: The sign of Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of mental activity, communication, travel, commerce. It is a transmitter and a receiver of information and knowledge. Social contacts and intellectual pursuits, looking for people open to our ideas or whose skills can complement our own will be important during the current Gemini new Moon. Go and get a personal astrology reading during this Gemini new Moon! Gemini new Moon 2020 – a period of duality However, more planets in …

Mercury Pluto Jupiter trine

Take the opportunity for positive changes!

The planetary influences, namely the Mercury Pluto Jupiter trine of the 9th and 10th of May give a significant amount of stability and groundedness amidst the ups and downs of this spring. Good things won’t come to you automatically, but you can do a lot to make positive changes in your life. Do not miss the opportunity ! Mercury will trine Pluto on the 9th of May (Taurus – Capricorn 24°56′) and Jupiter (Taurus – Capricorn 27°17) on the 10th of May. The combination of the two beneficial influence are excellent for all sorts of intellectual and mental efforts. The Jupiterian influence in itself would prompt you to avoid really difficult intellectual challenges and take the easy way out instead. However, Jupiter is in dutiful and thorough Capricorn, and Mercury in Taurus is not likely to cut the corners. A favorable Mercury – Pluto alignment prefers deeper insight to superficial approach. It is not afraid af less pleasant truths either. The proximity of Jupiter gives optimism and a willingness to make a lemonade even from …

New Moon in Taurus

New Moon in Taurus 2020

The new moon in Taurus on the 22nd of April occurs at the 3° of Taurus. New moons mark the beginnings of a 28 day cycle and they are also favorable for fresh starts, especially on the areas of life where they fall on your chart. Finances, values, security, food, possessions, comfort, sensual pleasures are ruled by Taurus, so the current lunation brings in focus these themes. Taurus is associated with all those things (our properties, finances, food) which provide the background for our physical existence. In a larger context it rules the physical world, our senses and sensual pleasures, the things which give us security, stability, our value system, etc. Taurus new moons are generally about launching new projects related to these topics. Under the current lunation the theme of creating stability, securing ourselves, making rewarding investments is more important than usually. Go for a detailed astrology reading and get answers to your questions! New Moon in Taurus – conjunctions The luminaries conjunct Uranus and square Saturn, setting off the Saturn – Uranus square, …

Mars in Zodiacs

Transcending the ego ~ Mars through the signs ~

Considering Mars rules heat and fire in the organic world it’s had a very clear effect on the seasons both weather wise and with an increase in fires across the land also. Let’s see all about Mars in Zodiacs. I wanted to write about Mars and how it affects you based on its place in your chart, but rather than addressing this generally I wanted to look at it from the perspective of the ego/ID. Whilst this can be attributed to a combination of planets and placements in the chart; not least the position of your Sun, I think it’s fair to say that the over-riding expression of our ego is governed by the position and condition of Mars in the chart. Of course, in order to write an informative essay, I do need to address these points from a general perspective but it is important to note that if you have Mars in a particularly prominent position in your natal chart, it will be stand out. Mars by its very nature can create dominant …

Full Moon in Libra

Full Moon in Libra, 2020

The Full Moon of the 8th of April occurs at 18°43 of Libra. Full moons represent culmination points in Astrology. The results of the processes started on the previous new moon (respectively that of the 24th of March) are emerging, so that we can make the necessary conclusions, adjustments, fine tunings. This will be a Full Moon in Libra. Libra or Aries full moons typically are associated with conflicts between individual needs and goals and the urge to belong to a partner, to a group, to an association, etc. The easiness or difficulty to create a balance between following your individual path, focusing on your own needs and compromising with the priorities’ of your partners depend on the other planetary influences. Talk to an online astrologer for detailed guidance today! Full Moon in Libra – T square with Pluto and Jupiter The luminaries make a T square with Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn. A T square is a quite a stressful formation, connecting three planets. Typically they represent conflicting needs, drives and orientations, tending to …

Spring Equinox 2020

Spring Equinox – 2020

The astronomical spring starts on the 20th of March, when the Sun enters Aries. This is also the beginning of the new year in Western Astrology. The tendencies indicated by the spring equinox 2020 chart will prevail until the Sun’s ingress in Libra. Aries is an outgoing, adventurous sign, full of spirit of initiative. Under this influence we are also motivated to start something new, to move ahead. However, for well-known reasons, during this spring inner growth is much more encouraged than outer expansion. The equinox chart is dominated by Capricorn energy: we have  four planets; Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in this earthy sign. This slows down the pace, but it also tempers being hot-headed of the Ram. Patience, persistence, responsibility are further benefits. When there is no way to cope, an astrologer can show you the solution! Spring equinox 2020 – learn The limitations and restrictions imposed due to the pandemic may seem frustrating, but there are many ways to spend your time creatively. The conjunction between Mars, the ruler of Aries and …

Venus in Taurus

Venus in Taurus, 2020

Venus transits Taurus, its home sign this year between the 5th of March – 3rd of April. As Taurus is grounded, practical, warmhearted, able to attract the good things of life, Venus in Taurus is considered to be the best for the planet of love, values and relating. During the coming few weeks you will enjoy the beauties of the spring, financial opportunities may emerge and it can be favorable for heart matters, too. However this doesn’t mean that you should expect nice things roll in your way without contributing any effort. Venus is a passive planet, ruling the spontaneous power of attraction, and during its favorable transits it can bring material possessions, pleasant people in your life. From the other hand it prompts to laziness, self – indulgence, overspending, careless attitude. Hopefully it doesn’t need any further explanation why such fallibilities can ruin even the best prospects. Trouble finding out what your next step should be? Astrologers will guide you the right way on Venus in Taurus – maintain a mature attitude Most …

Mercury retrograde

Mercury Retrograde: 16th February – 9th March 2020

For the first time this year, Mercury goes retrograde on February 16th at 12°53′ of Pisces. It will turn direct stationary on March 9th, at 28°of Aquarius. Obviously, no celestial body can really change its direction– the phenomena known as retrogradation is only an apparent backward movement. However, it has a definite astrological significance. Astrology can show you the best next step. Get your guidance today! With the exception of the two luminaries (Sun and Moon), all planets have their retrograde phases. Mercury for instance stations and turns retrograde every four months and it remains so for approximately 22 days. Mercury is the planet governing our intellect, minds, and communication. Its retrogrades have quite a bad reputation, since they are associated with delays, miscommunications, technical glitches, and moments when the karma of relationships play out. According to traditional Astrology, the retrograde phase of this planet is not favorable for signing contracts, carrying out financial transactions, buying high ticket items, going through negotiations, and starting long journeys. However, Mercury retrograde periods are not all bad news! …

Jupiter Neptune sextile

Jupiter Neptune sextile

Jupiter and Neptune have a lot in common. According to Stephen Arroyo, they both represent functions of personal growth and transformation toward a higher level of consciousness. They inspire a religious, metaphysical or philosophical approach to life, both are known for their generosity and represent a quest for a higher meaning. However, Neptune tends to be more mystical and introverted, while Jupiter seems to be more orthodoxly religious and extroverted. All about the Jupiter Neptune sextile: Trouble finding out what your next step should be? Astrologers will guide you the right way on Both in natal charts and in transits the aspects between the two planets are associated with creativity, spiritual yearnings, religious activity, a desire to understand the higher truths governing the Universe, vivid imagination, inspirations, meaningful dreams. This is all great, but these planetary combinations have a couple of downsides, too. Daydreaming, lack of practical approach, unwillingness to face the real problems of life, inflated expectations, a desire for gambling, tempting fate with ill-considered actions are some of them. The hard aspects …

2020 a life changing year

Why 2020 is your most important and life changing year, and how to prepare for it?

I have been cautioning many people that Transits are shifts of energy, electromagnetic interaction, and frequency that influence the whole solar system and every part thereof. At the same time however, to believe that cycles compel anyone to be a certain way is a grave mistake. Now, let’s see why 2020 a life changing year. Consult your clairvoyant psychic to find out more about new, unexpected turns or outcomes in your life.  You just need to be forewarned about how to deal with situations, and then act accordingly.  Transits and cycles are like weather forecasts. If you know a storm is coming and the temperature is supposed to drop 20 degrees, and you’re smart, you’re not going to leave the house in shorts and go to the beach. However, this also does not means that life ends there.  You can re-organize your activities by either working from home, postponing those programs that were scheduled for the stormy day, or dress up better and get in an Uber, or take the car.  2020 a life changing year …