All posts filed under: Astrology


Curious about astrology and what is written in the stars? How they influence your daily life? What it all means? Get an astrology report or a read your Horoscope!

The cosmos holds the answers you need! Chat with one of our stellar astrologists on and find out what the stars have in store for you. Our astrologers are skilled in providing general chart readings, love horoscopes, weekly horoscopes, and sign compatibility readings. Don’t take our word for it, try a psychic reading and experience total clarity today!

If you need of information about what is going to happen to you, check your zodiac sign now!

Sagittarius profile

The Sagittarius Profile: Is a Sagittarian right for me?

Those fierce individuals born between November 22 and December 21 belong to the zodiac category of Sagittarius! Sagittarians at their core tend to be eternal optimists, intellectual and often quite spontaneous. Right next to Geminis, the Sagittarius Profile is regarded as one of the best conversationalists of the zodiac. While they will never force a talkative exchange, they have no problem speaking up and providing witty commentary when asked to participate. Their intellectual nature makes them experts on a variety of topics and their generally positive demeanor allows them to put a nice spin on even the most depressing of topics.   Astrology experts on Oranum provide you the guidance you need! While it is fun to focus on only the positive aspects of the Sagittarius profile, and a Sagittarius would certainly prefer that we do, they also have some less-favorable traits. At their worst, they get bored easily and tend to have a streak as commitment phobes. They can also be unreliable at times. Since personal freedom ranks highly among their needs, if a family gathering coincides with their holiday, they may …

astrology houses

Astrology basics – The Houses Explained

Have you ever seen an astrology chart before? Or have you heard about astrology houses? Take it from us, it can be quite overwhelming to digest at first. That’s why we’ve taken it upon ourselves to explain it step-by-step, so you can fully understand your next birth chart reading. Just like a clock, your birth chart is divided into 12 sections. These sections are called houses and each of them is ruled by a certain zodiac sign. In traditional western astrology, your chart begins with your first house and then goes counterclockwise from there. Each house represents a facet of your life, so let’s dig in! Online astrology experts may answer your questions right now! Astrology houses – 1st House: Its name does it justice! The first house is all about firsts: first encounters, impressions, initiatives, and fresh starts! Think of it as the way people first see you, because that’s exactly what it is. 1st Houses are always ruled by your ascendant sign. Check out this blog post if you are unsure about your …

using astrology

Using Astrology to Understand Yourself Better

Astrology is super popular right now and there are so many reasons why! Millions of people have found incredible insights into their lives, using the stars as their guides. Learning about your zodiac profile can help you not only find out more about your wants, needs, and personality but also about the relationships in your life. Now, you may find yourself a little lost in all this talk about signs, months, planets, houses, etc… but what does it all really mean, and how can using astrology help you? For starters, let’s tackle the difference between your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs: While we all probably know our Sun Sign (determined by your birthday), few know about their Moon and Rising Signs. These signs are based on where the moon, planets, and stars were positioned at your time of birth. Let’s begin shall we… Your Moon Sign: Think of this sign as your innermost emotional self. It helps you process your deepest feelings and is based on where the Moon was situated when you were born. …

birthchart reading

What to expect for a birthchart reading?

Have you always wanted to get a full birthchart reading, but were unsure where to go or who to consult? See what kind of questions and answers you can expect from one of our top specialists! Larisa is particularly unique as she does not use conventional Western Astrology. Rather she uses an ancient Indian form of star predicting called Jyotish or Vedic Astrology. Find out why you can benefit from such a reading today! Connect now for a birthchart reading! The cosmos holds the answers you need! Chat with one of our stellar astrologists on and find out what the stars have in store for you. Our astrologers are skilled in providing general chart readings, love horoscopes, daily horoscopes, and sign compatibility readings. For a quick bite of what our psychics can offer, check out our weekly horoscopes and see what your sign can expect this week.

Trine conjunctions

Trine conjunctions – Venus trines Neptune, Mercury trines Jupiter

Here is all you will need to know about the trine conjunctions in the coming days. The Venus–Neptune trine perfects on the 27th of August at 19°57 Cancer – Pisces. This is a pleasant transit, although not optimal for productivity. However, there is no need of rush. After the built up tension from the last few days, you can relax a bit. Looking ahead, the Mercury – Jupiter trine will perfect two days later (Virgo – Capricorn 17°44). This will sharpen your mind and allow you to see the potential in any situation. Use this time to turn any situation to your advantage. However, the Venus–Neptune energy may tempt you to waste your time in fantasy and daydreams. This distraction will try to make you ignore everyday challenges. Moreover, with the Mercury–Jupiter trine, there is a tendency to avoid difficult mental or intellectual problems. You will prefer to take the easy way during this challenging time. This can be bypassed if you do your best to avoid these dead ends. If you succeed, you will …

Mid - August astrology

Mid – August astrology: impetus vs brakes

Mid – August astrology shows a combination of impetus, momentum and inhibitory factors. As fire energy prevails and fire element can not endure a static situation, people are prone to force events before they ripe. The result can play out in both ways: things may became fouled up due to the premature action or successful breakthroughs may occur while others wait for better opportunities. Mid – August astrology – Sun and Mars The trine between Sun and Mars (24°08 Leo – Aries) perfects on the 16th of August. This energy combination will make you feel vigorous, self-confident and active. You will find easy to be yourself and to take action, so you will be able to accomplish a lot. Since this trine is one of the dominant aspects of the new moon chart of the 18th of August, it is a great opportunity to launch new projects. You can also firm up the activities you are already involved in. Experts of astrology are online on Talk to them now! However due to the predominance …

New Galactic Year

The New Galactic Year, Lionsgate, and Setting Intentions

July 26th marked the beginning of the New Galactic Year. If you don’t know what a Galactic Year is there is no need to fret! This occurrence aligns with the Mayan calendar and is based on 13 Moons, each of 28 days, which create a full year cycle of 364 days. This means that July 25 was the 365th day or as some call it “the day out of time.” There is some confusion with the term “Galactic Year” as astronomers also use it to describe a cosmic year, or the time it takes for the Sun to orbit around Milky Way. This event happens only every 225-250 million years and it quite hard to pinpoint as the last time this occurred, dinosaurs were just beginning to roam the planet. While both events are immensely interesting, today we will just be focusing on the Mayan Galactic Year. Turn to renowned online astrologers for immediate and genuine answers! This first month in the new Galactic Year on the Mayan calendar should be dedicated to renewal, metamorphosis, …

Jupiter sextile Neptune

Jupiter sextile Neptune – the 27 of July 2020

The conjunction of Jupiter sextile Neptune perfects for the second time on the 27th of July, 2020, at Capricorn – Pisces 20°30. This is a beneficial influence, giving some groundedness and balance amidst the roller-coasters of this year. I covered this aspect in a previous article, where you can read about the nature of the two planets. Both of them are big visionaries, sources of faith and inspiration, which are great assets as far as you remain in touch with reality. Thankfully this year it is easier to stay grounded, as Jupiter is in the practical – minded Capricorn. Thus if you are willing to make conscious efforts, you’ll be able to make your visions come true. Talk to an online astrologer for detailed guidance today! However the current sextile is a part of a complex combination of planetary influences, which can play out in both ways. We have simultaneously a cardinal T-square between Mars in Aries, Mercury in Cancer, Jupiter in Capricorn, creating a tempestuous atmosphere. Both circumstances and people around you can be …

Mercury goes direct

Mercury goes direct, Sun trines Neptune

Mercury goes direct stationary on the 12th of July at the 5 ° 29 of Cancer. This is really good news, as the retrogrades of the planet of communication and travels are characterized by delays, confusion, lack of details, etc. A nice trine between Sun and Neptune perfects on the same day, arousing your idealism, stimulating your imagination. This transit also increases your sensitivity to the subtler aspects of the world around you. Mercury goes direct – stationary Mercury entered retrograde on the 18th of June at 14°45′ of Cancer. Mercury turning retrograde in a Water sign is an excellent opportunity to rethink old habit patterns and emotional responses to life challenges, to analyse patterns based on inherited psychological traits. When the planet of communication and thinking processes finally turns direct things will go back slowly to normal. However the slowdowns, chaotic situations will continue until it leaves the retrograde shadow (on the 29th of July). Are you ready to leave your problems behind? Talk to a Psychic now! Mercury will start moving forward on …

Mercury retrograde

Working With The Planets – Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde – common occurrence A retrograde is a common occurrence in astrology and it simply means that the planet appears to be moving backwards (retrograde) from our viewpoint on earth. While at some time or another almost all of Earth’s sister planets in the solar system go retrograde, it is Mercury’s retrograde of which most of us are familiar. Mercury retrograde happens three or four times a year. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a Psychic now! The smallest of the inner planets, Mercury rules communication and intellect. Ruling practical thoughts and rational thinking, this planet comes in to play with the way you connect with both your inner and outer world. Strongly aligned with the subconscious, where much of the communication and input we receive goes, Mercury relates to how we interact with our own physical body. Knowing when Mercury is retrograde can help you make best use of the different energy a retrograde brings. Mercury retrograde – difficult times? Since communication is under Mercury’s control, you will want to …