All posts filed under: Love


You have to know that the chance is there for everyone to find their soulmate but you have to be ready and blessed enough to be able to recognize and grab it when the time is right to do it. With help of these articles and posts you will be able to increase your chances and more probably find the True Love of your Life!

Did you know that a dream dictionary can actually give you a dream meaning you’ve always been interested in?

Or the fact that a tarot card can provide a tarot card reading to gain insight into your obstacles and make them go away? Find an experienced psychic for a love reading or rely on your sun sign and birth date for a horoscope!

Check your weekly or yearly horoscope as well, you can find the most recent reports in the ‘Horoscope’ menu.

fading spiritual love

Does spiritual love fade over time?

Disney movies, as well as other fairy tales, portray marriage as something that results in a happily ever after. However, science paints a different picture. Science says that wedding bliss has an expiry date. Can we talk about fading spiritual love in reality? In 2003, a study was conducted by American and European researchers which tracked 1,761 people who got married and remained married over 15 years. The researchers found out that on average, newlyweds experience a happiness boost which lasts for two years on average. After that two year period is up, the special joy wears off and they return to where they started from in terms of happiness. What are the issues bothering you the most right now? Ask a Psychic advisor today! That’s fading spiritual love but all hope isn’t lost. The researchers did have some good news too. In addition to their gloomy findings, they found that if couples got past their two-year slump and stuck around for a few decades, they might experience the excitement of their honeymoon period. Typically, …

Enhancing your love life with your Guardian Angel

Greetings my friend, We are in part angels, angels with just one wing and in order to fly and reach a happy love life we need to embrace each other. However, for any internal or external reason, there are occurrences when we are right up there on cloud nine with our beloved one, that the wing of our significant other or our wing (it is a matter of perception), is not vibrating anymore at the same rhythm. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! When this occurs, it is very common that the couple starts to lose confidence, trust, and you think it’s time to flee, you start descending, and even if all the lights of the universe send you the message „DON’T PANIC”, the relationship may still explode like a bubble of soap. This initial iceberg, as in the case of Titanic, is the one on which many relationships stumble and sink. Indeed, instead of finding a common ground and take care of your own wing …

Toxic relationship habits

Habits You Should Avoid in a Relationship

Every relationship has room for improvement. You may be in a loving relationship right now, but there are ways that you can still add to the longevity of your relationship. Also, there may be issues that haven’t quite surfaced to the forefront yet which need taking care of. Are there toxic relationship habits? Some habits and behavioral tendencies that we may have as individuals could threaten our relationships, if we don’t manage them appropriately. It is wise to identify these and learn how to counter them in time before they can pose any serious damage to our relationships. Want to know what consists of toxic habits you should avoid in a relationship? Read on below. Toxic relationship habits: Not setting boundaries – Your romantic partner should know that your family is off the table for serious discussion. He/she may have inputs and comments, but it is on you completely whether you’d like to entertain them. Likewise, your parents may not like who you are dating, but they don’t get to break up the both of …


Are soulmates a thing?

The subject of soulmates is a tricky thing to bring up in casual conversations. There are many different views on the matter with some people believing they exist while others call the whole thing nonsense. Many people will give you a few eye rolls if you mention the word soulmate. In their opinion, the idea of there being one person who you’ll fall in love with instantly and never disagree with is not realistic and is an idea sold by Hollywood. The main takeaway from this article is that it doesn’t matter whether soulmates are real or not. What matters is what you believe in. If you believe in the idea of soulmates, have a look at these signs to tell you that you’ve found the one. 1.    Both of you communicate with each other without speaking – Soulmates have a way with each other. They can’t hide anything from each other. Their connection transcends normal levels of communication and enters spiritual realms. Soulmates regularly finish each other’s sentences, pick up the phone to call …

Love Tarot Reading

Tarot Card Love Compatibility

So you’re on the brink of a relationship and want to know whether you should go ahead with this person you are interested in? Summon the wisdom of the Tarot and find out whether the relationship you are about to begin with is worth your time and effort. A love Tarot Reading can help… Getting yourself a love Tarot reading will provide you with the insights needed to avert a crushing heartbreak. Why leave this to chance anyway? Tarot cards are more than mere symbols. Get to know your future today on! How can Tarot help you predict if you and your partner are compatible? Tarot Cards, unlike other prophecy mediums, put stock by the situation that life is governed by. While zodiac signs and numerology can tell you whether a person born under a certain sign or number is fit for partnership or not, Tarot takes into account the present mindset and circumstances of an individual. It does not make any sweeping predictions. In order to find out whether you and your partner …

Dating advice

Can you rely on a psychic for dating advice?

You’ve had a bad run as far as dating is considered and don’t want to take further risks. While you’d usually turn to your friends or family to screen whether your potential love interest is right for you or not, sometimes it pays to enlist professional help. You may or may not believe what the psychic’s predictions turn out to be. Even if for entertainment or trustworthy guidance, you could try seeking out a psych to help with your dating endeavors. Go for dating advice today! When there is no way to cope you need to ask a trustworthy Psychic for accurate love advice! However, the question often tends to be – just how reliable is a psychic really when it comes to guidance in life regarding relationships or otherwise? Should you rely on a psychic for dating advice? Let’s find out the answer to these intriguing questions. Regarding dating advice, a love psychic could do the following things for you: They could tell you if the person you’re about to date is right for …

Twin flame relationship

Twin Flame Relationship – How to Make it Work?

One of the best feelings in the world is to experience a twin flame relationship. In this type of special connection, you feel at home, even before you know your partner completely. You believe that there was a special reason in the universe which brought both of you together to experience the joys of life. However, due to the intensity of this relationship during the early stages, it tends to be confusing and chaotic. Sometimes, you don’t know what to do with your partner, even though you feel strongly for your significant other. Here are three keys, which will help make the twin flame relationship work: Balance out the relationship To ensure your relationship is successful, you need to balance everything out. In other words, you need to make it healthy, which will allow you and your partner to thrive. As you take love, affection, and positive energies from your significant other, you must return the same. Remember to have deep conversations, so that you can get a better understanding of this relationship and your …

spiritual love

Are You Experiencing Spiritual Love?

You will agree that a person in love can do crazy things. While some elope from their homes, there are others who do not come out of their abusive relationship only because they think they are still in love. Some people even quit their jobs for the sake of what they consider as true love. While a majority of people claim of being in love, very few of them, in reality, have a real understanding of the true meaning of spiritual love. Loves me? Loves me not? Don’t hesitate to get a love reading on! Spiritual love is about equality Many people are unaware of the importance of equality in any relationship. When two persons connect and make up their minds to say together, their roles are automatically defined. Each partner can acknowledge the talent of the other and have regards from one another so that there is absolute magic in their relationship. When there is spiritual love between couples, they are both aware of who can handle a specific aspect of their lives …

Love at first sight

Is there such a thing as love at first sight?

Popular culture is abundant with examples of love at first sight. But does such a thing really exist in reality? Can you actually fall in love with a person on your first meeting? If yes, then what do you think makes this possible? These are all legitimate questions that have divided our society. Half of all people believe that Cupid’s arrow does indeed strike an innocent passersby, while others are certain that love at first sight is nothing but a function of our hormones. Here, we discuss this topic in more detail below. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! So the answer lies in how you define love. It’s safe to say that the love you experience at first sight is probably more attraction and lust than love. Also, men are more prone to falling in love at first sight as they tend to be more visually-inclined than women. Love at first sight – be open to the possibility Say you met someone at a party and developed a strong connection …


Are you attractive for real? – Reasons Why Mental Attractiveness Matter More Than Physical Attractiveness

It is not necessary that mentally attractive people always have smart goals in life. Instead, intellectually attractive people have qualities like compassion, self-awareness, and inquisitiveness. Check out some of the reasons why mental attractiveness is more important as compared to physical attractiveness. Check out Oranum Psychics for genuine love and relationship advices! Mentally attractive people are more confident Being confident means, you are sexy as it is a highly contagious trait. If someone is confident that he/she should be an integral part of your life, your bedroom, or in your arms, not because of your appearances, even you start feeling a spiritual bonding with them and realize that you too deserve their love and affection. While mental attraction keeps growing, physical attraction fades with time When your interest in a person is only because of who he/she is there is an automatic growth in your love for them. Also, physical attraction can diminish with time as bodies start aging, skin sags, and there are hormonal changes. Physical attraction is derived from mental attraction When you …