Disney movies, as well as other fairy tales, portray marriage as something that results in a happily ever after. However, science paints a different picture. Science says that wedding bliss has an expiry date. Can we talk about fading spiritual love in reality?
In 2003, a study was conducted by American and European researchers which tracked 1,761 people who got married and remained married over 15 years. The researchers found out that on average, newlyweds experience a happiness boost which lasts for two years on average. After that two year period is up, the special joy wears off and they return to where they started from in terms of happiness.
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That’s fading spiritual love but all hope isn’t lost. The researchers did have some good news too. In addition to their gloomy findings, they found that if couples got past their two-year slump and stuck around for a few decades, they might experience the excitement of their honeymoon period. Typically, this happens 18 to 20 years later or when their children have left home. The freedom of an empty nest lets partners discover one another and experience their early excitement all over again.

Fading spiritual love – Love changes over time
New love gives people the opportunity to experience great happiness in even the most mundane of situations such as traffic jams or getting their teeth cleaned. Researchers call new love passionate love which they describe as a state of longing, desire, and attraction. Over time, this state of love usually changes into companionate love. Companionate love is a type of love which is an impassioned mix of connection as well as deep affection. Why does this happen?
The answer is that human beings are prone to something called hedonic adaptation which is an innate capacity to adjust to a lot of changes in life which can either be positive or negative. This capacity to adjust can even be measured. However, where the science ends is when spiritual love joins the fray. Spiritual love is something that goes beyond conventional love. It’s when you understand that love is everywhere. Your partner isn’t the source of your love because love is everywhere. As a result of this understanding between both partners, there won’t be such thing as fading spiritual love. Spiritual love never fades and in fact, becomes stronger over time.
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