Lavender: It’s History, Use, Lore and Magick
Written By: Psychic AlyciaRose “And lavender, whose spikes of azure bloom shall be, ere-while, in arid bundles bound to lurk admist the labours of her loom, and crown her kerchiefs witl mickle rare perfume.” ~William Shenstone, The School Mistress 1742 Lavender is one of the most ancient aromatic herbs, used and cultivated since the beginning of recorded time. Even to modern times, lavender has been valued mostly for the virtue of its fragrance. It is a woody evergreen member of the vast mint family, originating as a native plant of the mountains of the Mediterranean region. Its cultivation and use has spread, but the most common are the English Lavenders. These hardy varieties were brought to England during the Medieval period and are mentioned in the writings of William Shakespeare. There are over 15 different species of lavender and many varieties, each with their own fragrance and color, which can vary from deep purple, pink, to white. The name lavender has its roots from the latin “lavare’ meaning to wash. It as used in ancient …